Beyond Mountains, There are Mountains
Beyond Mountains, There are Mountains
Is bodybuilding a lifestyle, a sport, or two mutually exclusive things? Learn how the greats used hypertrophy along their journey.
I Am Dani LaMartina
I Am Dani LaMartina
Who’s Dani? Where is she from? What are her passions? What is she accomplishing in her practice and lifting career? She tells you here.
The Gravitas of Dave Draper
The Gravitas of Dave Draper
The iconic golden-era bodybuilder, Dave Draper, passed away on November 30th. Read more about his life, legacy, and impact on bodybuilding.
5 Things Bodybuilders Should NOT Do After 50
5 Things Bodybuilders Should NOT Do After 50
You don’t have much time to waste or lose when chasing physique ideals at this age. Remember, you’re no longer in your 20s or 30s. Step up!
Have Enough Competitors Died Yet?
Have Enough Competitors Died Yet?
You might not be there yet, but as more people die you will feel the impact. Hopefully, you’ll question what you are doing.
Becoming of a Female Powerlifter
Becoming of a Female Powerlifter
I’ve recovered from the trauma of competitive bodybuilding, the trauma of being a young girl, a teenage girl, a 20-something girl, I think, as well as I ever will. And now, I eat the extra hotdog and I haven’t run a mile in years. I am a powerlifter.
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — Huge Pecs
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — Huge Pecs
As the bodybuilder or raw powerlifter, you have to lift heavy-ass weights and build a big-ass chest. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done! So here are some ideas (cues and a sample chest workout) to help you get started.
I'm a Bodybuilder and I Don't Drink
I'm a Bodybuilder and I Don't Drink
I am that guy who takes his food to get-togethers like this one. I figure it is a casual get-together and everyone will be eating and drinking so bringing my own small cooler of food should be no big deal. Slowly, it turned into a big deal — everything turned into a big deal.
5 Gym Rat Gifts for Less Than $20
5 Gym Rat Gifts for Less Than $20
You could always go one step further and get all five of my recommendations for less than $65!
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — The Triceps
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — The Triceps
Just as powerlifters can benefit from bodybuilding movements, so can bodybuilders benefit from powerlifting movements. Today we’re looking at the triceps – a muscle group that I really struggle with and, as a result, have spent a lot of time studying and training.
WATCH: The First Time I Trained with Ronnie Coleman
WATCH: The First Time I Trained with Ronnie Coleman
The plan for the training session was to squat but the bodybuilding group had a lot more in mind.
A Contrarian’s Approach to Building Muscle
A Contrarian’s Approach to Building Muscle
As improvement season heats up, I’ve been doing the exact opposite of the traditional bodybuilder’s approach, and the results have been incredible.
The Five Factors of Being Stage Ready
The Five Factors of Being Stage Ready
After back-to-back-to-back wins, Mark Dugdale is sharing his methods for making sure he is stage ready on show day.
Understanding Self-Sabotage — Too Legit To Not Quit?
Understanding Self-Sabotage — Too Legit To Not Quit?
There are legitimate reasons that sidetrack us, and there are situations where we want to find an obstacle so we don’t have to work. Do you know the difference?
The JL Letters — Passages 3 and 4
The JL Letters — Passages 3 and 4
Every relationship has its highs and lows. You can’t stay on the honeymoon forever.
The JL Letters — Passages 1 and 2
The JL Letters — Passages 1 and 2
Things are getting hot between Dave and JL. What’s behind this growing bond?
WATCH: Unilateral Specialized Power Training
WATCH: Unilateral Specialized Power Training
To improve athletic power, functional core strength, and body composition, check out these video exercise executions and training strategies that you can use right away.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Isometric Method
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Isometric Method
How to use this method depends on the goal of your training. I’ve used it differently for powerlifting, bodybuilding, and rehabilitation.
Observations From My White Trash Vacation
Observations From My White Trash Vacation
Every year my wife and I take our kids on a vacation, and that usually means a cruise. If you’ve been on a cruise, you know what I mean when I say “white trash.”
Popular Diet Pitfalls
Popular Diet Pitfalls
Whether you’re following a more flexible diet approach, carb backloading, or even taking a short run at low carb, keep in mind that these programs are valuable if not abused.
Food Prep Hacks for the Busy Bodybuilder
Food Prep Hacks for the Busy Bodybuilder
A little creativity can go a long way when time and sanity are on the brink.
Happy Holidays and Mind Your Own Business
Happy Holidays and Mind Your Own Business
Something else to steal: my views on how to maintain “bodybuilder status” this holiday season. Yeah, I’ve dramatically changed my opinions on the topic in these past couple of years. Take notes.
Music As A Performance Enhancer
Music As A Performance Enhancer
Could your favorite (or least favorite) songs work as psychophysiological performance enhancers? Let’s turn to research for the answer.
Everybody Knows Somebody
Everybody Knows Somebody
Your appearance can be the gateway to meet new people and share a conversation. It’s up to you whether you see it as a pain in the ass or as an perfect opportunity to help someone.
To Reach Your Goals, Be An Observer
To Reach Your Goals, Be An Observer
Don’t become so caught up in your own head that you lose objective grounding in your assessment of the world. Here’s how to properly use detachment to reach your goals.
So Many Stupid Reps — Just for Bodybuilders?
So Many Stupid Reps — Just for Bodybuilders?
Julia, in conjunction with Alexander Cortes and Scott Paltos, discusses how training like a bodybuilder and adding in higher reps might help powerlifters with the big three lifts.
Health and Longevity: The Reality of Steroid Use and Abuse
Health and Longevity: The Reality of Steroid Use and Abuse
Then along comes the Internet. Access to bodybuilding drugs goes sky high. Click of a button and people are ordering up.
WATCH: Mark Dugdale Reposts Teaser Trailer from 2006 Documentary DRIVEN
WATCH: Mark Dugdale Reposts Teaser Trailer from 2006 Documentary DRIVEN
Before joining team elitefts, Mark Dugdale had already premiered more than one full-length documentary about life as a bodybuilder.
Matt McGorry: A Man of Many Roles
Matt McGorry: A Man of Many Roles
The Unlikely Powerlifter grew from strength sports to high-budget production without losing sight of where he started.
6 Ways To Increase Strength
6 Ways To Increase Strength
Six REAL factors to getting strong, not the same crap we’ve read over and over… and over again. Seriously, how many times do we have to be told to train hard, be consistent, follow a program and eat right? Those may not even matter anyhow but these do.
Marriage and Muscle
Marriage and Muscle
How I balance love and life to stay engaged in the things that matter.
Deadlift Battle
Deadlift Battle
How many times can you pull 400 pounds in 10 minutes?
Deadlift Battle
Deadlift Battle
How many times can you pull 400 pounds in 10 minutes?
The Intricacies of Peri-workout Nutrition
The Intricacies of Peri-workout Nutrition
Skip this interview if you want to stay ignorant about nutrition.
A Letter to the Haters: What You Can Learn from Bodybuilders
A Letter to the Haters: What You Can Learn from Bodybuilders
Those of us who toil in the weight room day after day attempting to better ourselves receive a lot of flak for being vain, self-obsessed, and egotistical.
Bodybuilders at Iron Sport
Bodybuilders at Iron Sport
All I could do is shake my head and, for insurance reasons, leave the room.
Training Legs: Bodybuilder Style
Training Legs: Bodybuilder Style
Here’s the leg session I did on Monday.

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