Don’t Forget Who You're Dealing With
Don’t Forget Who You're Dealing With
It’s easy to assume a young athlete is slacking off due to laziness. However, it’s always important to remember that there may be more than meets the eye.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Gives Advice to College Students
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Gives Advice to College Students
“It’s going to feel heavy as fuck, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do it.”
The Education Disconnect
The Education Disconnect
A third-year sports coaching strength and conditioning major told me he had learned more about exercise technique in two 10-minute sessions under my instruction than he had over the entirety of his degree to that point. How can we ensure these students are getting the best education?
How Athletes Come to College
How Athletes Come to College
I never cease to be amazed at how messed up new collegiate athletes are when they start lifting in the weight room. Year in and year out, this keeps happening without any sign of improvement. Why does this keep happening?
Competing in the College Classroom
Competing in the College Classroom
I wrote an article about planning to achieve athletic success, and the classroom path is no difference. By following the same (or similar) principles, students can achieve academic success as well. If you want to avoid a terrible GPA, please read onward.
Conjugate in College: My First Experience with the Conjugate System in Division I Women’s Soccer
Conjugate in College: My First Experience with the Conjugate System in D...
For the first time in our head coach’s time at Indiana State, the entire roster passed their fitness test before the start of the spring season — and did zero conditioning outside of morning practice sessions. Thank you, conjugate method!
Here's How You Can Land a Collegiate Scholarship for Powerlifting
Here's How You Can Land a Collegiate Scholarship for Powerlifting
Move over college football, college powerlifting is coming for you! OK, fine, powerlifting might not be as popular as college football, but it does provide prospective students with another way to knock down the full price of college tuition: scholarships.
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Our Relationship with Administrators
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Our Relationship with Administrators
In Part 1, I covered problems strength and conditioning coaches deal with when it comes to sports coaches, whom we work with on a regular basis. Now, I’ll go over a group we don’t deal with every day but impact everything we do: the administrators.
Getting A Bigger and Better Weight Room on A Small-School Budget
Getting A Bigger and Better Weight Room on A Small-School Budget
AJ Mott has 21 years of wrestling under his belt. Luckily, when it came to working on a small school budget, the Farleigh Dickinson strength and conditioning coach didn’t have to wrestle with elitefts for the best deals.
Our Children, Athletics, College, and Memories
Our Children, Athletics, College, and Memories
I will refrain from boring you with a litany of reasons for children to participate in athletics, outside of the apparent physical conditioning benefits, but I will mention that sports are a great way to acquaint them with adversity and the dedication and commitment necessary to overcome.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Is An Exercise Science Degree Worth It?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Is An Exercise Science Degree Worth It?
Dave Tate advises potential college students to bust their asses, get the best grades they can in high school, try to get scholarships and grants to knock the price tag down; Jim Wendler suggests going to a junior college to get basic requirements out of the way; and both of them stress the importance of internships.
Colleges and Universities on the Prowl for Knowledge
Colleges and Universities on the Prowl for Knowledge
True to elitefts’ mission to live, learn, and pass on, the knowledge and education we provide don’t stop in our London, Ohio, office. Here's how Bowling Green State University, Ohio State University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Miami in Florida are taking their training to the next level by pushing the Prowler.
Brian Mann: High Academic Stress Linked to Increased Illness, Injuries among College Football Players
Brian Mann: High Academic Stress Linked to Increased Illness, Injuries a...
Now, University of Missouri researchers have found college football players are more likely to experience injuries during test weeks than during training camp.
4 Tips for the New Professional Athlete
4 Tips for the New Professional Athlete
“I’m tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok.” - Shaquille O’Neal
The Long Road To Victory: My Journey to a PhD
The Long Road To Victory: My Journey to a PhD
The process of completing undergraduate, masters, and doctorate programs will challenge you in ways that test your dedication and desire for your craft.
RIP Lauren Hill
RIP Lauren Hill
One of the most inspiring athletes in sports passes away at age 19
Back from the Dead: Starting Over with Jim Wendler
Back from the Dead: Starting Over with Jim Wendler
My journey from hospital bed to Jim Wendler’s power rack started with one decision: to do what the doctors said I couldn’t.
Why You are Not a D1 Athlete
Why You are Not a D1 Athlete
Every year, high school athletes get a reality check when it comes to their DI Scholarship. The NCSA has a few tips to give perspective.
The Hidden Value of the Unpaid Internship
The Hidden Value of the Unpaid Internship
In the strength and conditioning industry, the unpaid internship is a necessary evil.
A Day in the Life of a Strength Coach
A Day in the Life of a Strength Coach
A top-tier coach shares a normal day at the DI level.
The College Student's Guide to Powerlifting
The College Student's Guide to Powerlifting
Welcome to Blast and Dust 101. I’m your professor Joe Schillero.
Extra Workouts for College Athletes
Extra Workouts for College Athletes
Use extra workouts to aid with recovery, build work capacity, and to address weak points.
How to Walk-On Your College Football Team
How to Walk-On Your College Football Team
Mark Watts tells how to make your move from the stands to the field on game day.
Tough Questions for Aspiring S&C Coaches
Tough Questions for Aspiring S&C Coaches
I have had the privilege of mentoring numerous interns trying to become a strength & conditioning coach
How to Avoid the Freshman Fifteen
How to Avoid the Freshman Fifteen
The key to maintaining a healthy body and living a healthy lifestyle lies in the choices we make.
The 10 Commandments of Conditioning
The 10 Commandments of Conditioning
No matter what sport you compete in, you’ll probably agree that conditioning plays a huge factor in how an athlete performs. If athletes aren’t conditioned properly, they’ll never achieve peak performance in their sport.
College Recruiting for the Non-Blue Chip Player
College Recruiting for the Non-Blue Chip Player
The number one reason you aren’t getting recruited is because coaches don’t know that you exist.
 Making the Most of College Lifting
Making the Most of College Lifting
College is a wonderful place. It’s the transitional phase between being nestled securely at home close to your mother’s teat and being thrust out into the real world, which I can assure you, is an awful place once you truly appreciate your time in college.
 Don’t Forget the Basics
Don’t Forget the Basics
As a college strength and conditioning coach for nine years, I’ve come across many different types of training programs, and I’ve used many different types of training when working with my athletes. The one thing I’ve learned is that most programs and coaches usually try and put the cart before the horse, doing too much too early and forgetting the
Training Economy
Training Economy
When it comes to strength and sports—and how to increase strength for those sports—most of the information out there is about sports such as football, powerlifting, basketball, and hockey. But what about the lesser known sports such as cheerleading, figure skating, and dance?
Functional Power Training for Wrestlers
Functional Power Training for Wrestlers
Over the past eight years, I’ve had the opportunity to train with many different athletes from all over the country. The most common mistake? Everyone wants to train like a bodybuilder.
How to Increase Pitching Speed
How to Increase Pitching Speed
Many high school and college pitchers have come to me with the same question—“How can I add speed to my fastball?” First: spend less time shoulder exercises and more time on core training.
Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp (Part 1)
Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp (Part 1)
Football season has just ended and you’ve quickly realized that you’re only half the man you were in August. Losing 10–20 lbs during the football season is typical for most high school and small college athletes. But you’re not typical.
Weight Room Efficiency
Weight Room Efficiency
We all know that you can spend all day lifting, conditioning, and running agility drills. There just isn’t enough time in the day whether we’re talking about a student athlete who has NCAA regulations on time spent strength training and conditioning or maybe even a professional athlete who has a hectic travel schedule mixed in with a personal life and
Seven Principles for Better Program Design
Seven Principles for Better Program Design
It’s important to recognize that effective programming can be accomplished within realistic timeframes by almost anyone willing to put in the work.
Static Postural Assessments
Static Postural Assessments
After college, I strength trained at a chiropractic rehabilitation facility for a few years. While there, I picked up a few helpful tips that I still use today when initiating static postural assessments for my athletes.

38 Item(s)