Ricardo Garcia and The Posterior Chainsaw
Ricardo Garcia and The Posterior Chainsaw
Ricardo Garcia had a problem. He had agreed to kill someone. Garcia accepted the money. He promised to do the job and took the money – an advance payment, from Jimmy Luciano of all people, “Chainsaw” Jimmy Luciano.
Glute Training for Meatheads
Glute Training for Meatheads
Training to get Instagram-worthy glutes is just as much for the guys as it is the girls. Not only will your backside look better, but working on your glutes might help out with knee and back pain, too.
Top-5 Exercises to Keep Your Spine Healthy
Top-5 Exercises to Keep Your Spine Healthy
Here is a list of my top-5 exercises that I use to train lats, hamstrings, abs, and glutes. These exercises not only target the intended muscles but they also give the spine ways to recover and stay healthy. For some context, I have severe disc degeneration.
6 Exercises to Strengthen the Spinal Erectors
6 Exercises to Strengthen the Spinal Erectors
This article will focus on the spinal erectors, when one needs to place a focus on them, the exercises/equipment used to strengthen them, and how the variations should be used, progressed, and changed throughout the training process.
The elitefts Scholastic Back Raise: 8 Exercises You Aren't Doing
The elitefts Scholastic Back Raise: 8 Exercises You Aren't Doing
If you have a garage gym, you want equipment that is reliable and will outlive you. That’s why elitefts equipment is the gold standard. But you’ll want equipment that’ll give you the bang for your buck. Enter the elitefts Back Raise…
My Simple and Effective Approach to Conjugate Training
My Simple and Effective Approach to Conjugate Training
There are definitely a few programs I have used with success in my lifting career and some that I will still recommend to lifters today, but conjugate is my favorite. It is the one I try to progress all my lifters to.
WATCH: Equipment Feature — Westside Inverse Curl
WATCH: Equipment Feature — Westside Inverse Curl
This machine enables hamstring training in multiple positions, at any intensity level desired, for both strength and sport athletes.
My Top Five Posterior Chain Exercises and Why You Need To Do Them
My Top Five Posterior Chain Exercises and Why You Need To Do Them
These exercises will provide you with a great deal of return on investment. They will not only make you stronger but also healthier and more stable in the squat, bench press, and deadlift.
WATCH: Blast from the Past  — How and Why to Use A GHR
WATCH: Blast from the Past — How and Why to Use A GHR
The glute ham raise has been lauded as one of the best exercises for posterior chain development for lifters and athletes of all kinds. Are you using it correctly?
Troubleshooting the GHR: Are You Performing Them Correctly?
Troubleshooting the GHR: Are You Performing Them Correctly?
The glute-hamstring raise is one of the best exercises for lower body development. Don’t ruin it by making any of these three common mistakes.
WATCH: Table Talk — What You Need for the Perfect Home Gym
WATCH: Table Talk — What You Need for the Perfect Home Gym
There are three questions you should be asking yourself before investing in equipment.
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
What is the best way to prepare for your training session? Do you need a foam roller? Muscle activation techniques? A reverse hyper?
16 Methods to Optimize Your Glute Ham Raise
16 Methods to Optimize Your Glute Ham Raise
We have known for years that the Glute Ham Raise (GHR) was regarded as one the best movements for the posterior chain (lower back, glutes, hamstrings and calves).
WATCH: Adjusting the Glute-Ham Raise to Optimize Your Training
WATCH: Adjusting the Glute-Ham Raise to Optimize Your Training
Don’t let a substandard equipment setup ruin your best asset for posterior chain strength.
You Need a Glute Ham Raise — Here's Why
You Need a Glute Ham Raise — Here's Why
Whichever GHR you opt for, it’s clear that this is a necessary exercise to optimize your performance.
elitefts™ Glute-ham Raise Ladders
elitefts™ Glute-ham Raise Ladders
Try this glute-ham raise variation to strengthen your entire posterior chain and provide injury prevention for your ACL.
Glute Ham Raise 21's
Glute Ham Raise 21's
The 21’s sequence isn’t just for biceps…
WATCH: How To Do A Real Glute Ham Raise
WATCH: How To Do A Real Glute Ham Raise
If your glute ham raises aren’t increasing your squat or deadlift, chances are you’re cheating. Clint gives you a few variations to try,
Elitefts™ Glute Ham Raise Variations: COG Change & 1.5 Reps
Elitefts™ Glute Ham Raise Variations: COG Change & 1.5 Reps
Two variations of the Glute Ham-Raise to increase difficulty without drastically increasing the load
What Does It Take to Physically Dominate the Environment?
What Does It Take to Physically Dominate the Environment?
You may have selected the best exercise possible, but is it serving your needs?
Elitefts™ Glute-Ham Raise w/ Eccentric Loading
Elitefts™ Glute-Ham Raise w/ Eccentric Loading
Three Variations of Overload Eccentrics on the Elitefts™ Deluxe Glute-Ham Raise
Periodization of Glute-Ham Raise Training
Periodization of Glute-Ham Raise Training
No matter what your athletic goals, you need an in-depth understanding of this under-rated movement.
Are We Making Progress in Football Training?
Are We Making Progress in Football Training?
It appears that more coaches are concerned with the results that they get from doing particular exercises in the weight room and with particular pieces of equipment.
Kentucky Strong: Five Exercises to Build Your Deadlift
Kentucky Strong: Five Exercises to Build Your Deadlift
Chase added 100 pounds to his deadlift in less than a year. If you’re looking to increase your pull, try these exercises.
Elitefts Equipment 101: New & Improved SS Yoke Bar
Elitefts Equipment 101: New & Improved SS Yoke Bar
EVERYTHING you wanted to know about the new & improved SS Yoke Bar plus a TON of training information.
Lee Gerney on Building the Perfect Home Gym
Lee Gerney on Building the Perfect Home Gym
One of the best parts of working for EliteFTS (besides the diet advice from Dave) is helping people create their own home gyms.
EFS Classic: Top Five Lifts for Football
EFS Classic: Top Five Lifts for Football
If you’re a football coach or a strength coach for football, check this out. It may give you some ideas.
Yoke Bar GHR
Todd talks Glute Ham Raise
A Program That Failed: My Quest for a 500-lb Push Press
A Program That Failed: My Quest for a 500-lb Push Press
Several years ago during one of the more Olympic lifting intensive periods of my lifting career, I hit a long awaited personal record—a 420-lb push press.
Isolated Back Raise
Isolated Back Raise
This is a great movement for those dealing with lower back pain or have a hard time keeping their back arched while squatting and/or pulling.
GHR - Glute Ham Raise
GHR - Glute Ham Raise
To do a GHR, you’ll start with your body in a horizontal position on the bench with your toes pushed into the toe plate.
Stability Ball Glute Ham Raise
Stability Ball Glute Ham Raise
Place your knees on the stability ball.
Back Hyper Complex
Back Hyper Complex
Work the entire posterior chain. Lifter performs a back hyper extension and then rows the barbell to their midsection.
Goodmornings with Band on GHR
Goodmornings with Band on GHR
Place the band over your head so it is around your shoulders.
GHR Ab Crunch
GHR Ab Crunch
This is a great ab exercise. It works really well on a glute ham raise because of the curved pad, but if you can find another piece of equipment to do it on, by all means, get creative!
Sick of Your Gym; Part 5 - Getting on the P-Chain
Sick of Your Gym; Part 5 - Getting on the P-Chain
Since I started the “Sick of Your Gym” concept we have received hundreds of emails and posts in regards to the many challenges you all face when training in commercial, private and school weight rooms.

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