How Many Times A Day Do You Train?
How Many Times A Day Do You Train?
One of the hardest things I’ve ever done was train less. But thanks to a little advice from Dave Tate, I started looking at training in a whole new light. Strength comes from so much more than lifting heavy weights in the gym.
The Art of Being an Emotionally Detached Strength Athlete
The Art of Being an Emotionally Detached Strength Athlete
Can you take a deep breath and remember that each set and rep in training is part of the greater year and not just that individual session?
3 and Out Method
3 and Out Method
Wearing 30 hats as a coach? Working long hours? Use this training method to become bigger, faster, and stronger if you’re struggling to find personal gym time.
Customize the Perfect Intra-Workout Shake
Customize the Perfect Intra-Workout Shake
The intra-workout shake exists as a valuable a tool that you can use to your benefit when you have all your other ducks in a row. Design it to specifically fit your needs and you’ll see even greater benefits.
What's the Purpose of Your Training?
What's the Purpose of Your Training?
It is almost as if lifters don’t think training starts until the weight gets heavy. I’ve got news for these kinds of lifters: a training session starts right after the last one is finished.
Whoa, Hamstrings
Whoa, Hamstrings
Here are six different exercises to kill your underdeveloped hamstrings — high reps, low reps, extended time, heavy weights, and GPP cover everything you need to make them bigger and stronger.
Putting Pen to Paper — When Old School Is Better Than New Technology
Putting Pen to Paper — When Old School Is Better Than New Technology
Now is the time to assess the technology that’s at our fingertips. It’s also the time to become picky with what type of and when to use technology with regard to our powerlifting success.
144 Things I Love and Hate About Powerlifting
144 Things I Love and Hate About Powerlifting
Every lifter has their own reasons to love or hate this sport. Here are mine.
We Are Just Cavemen With Smart Phones
We Are Just Cavemen With Smart Phones
Technology moves forward, but we are the same. Physically, we are all made of the same DNA as the humans who came before us. Let’s train like it.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Do You Make Training Fit Your Life Schedule?
WATCH: Table Talk — How Do You Make Training Fit Your Life Schedule?
If training is getting lost on your daily to-do list, change your approach.
WATCH: Do You NEED A Dynamic Effort Training Day?
WATCH: Do You NEED A Dynamic Effort Training Day?
Power output is what you’re looking for. Will a speed day produce it?
Run the Plan
Run the Plan
Have a plan. That’s it? Well, that’s a start.
New Product: elitefts Brain Torch
New Product: elitefts Brain Torch
After months of research, development, and testing, we’re finally releasing an ammonia product unlike any other.
WATCH: Dan Green and Dave Tate Discuss Powerlifting Training
WATCH: Dan Green and Dave Tate Discuss Powerlifting Training
From beginner to immediate to advanced, your methods must progress and become specific to your needs.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in High School and College Weight Rooms
Common Mistakes to Avoid in High School and College Weight Rooms
These six missteps of sports training could keep your athletes small and weak — or worse, injured on the sideline.
WATCH: Table Talk — Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation Techniques
WATCH: Table Talk — Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation Techniques
How you choose to prime your body for a training session is up to you, but not all warm up and recovery methods are equal.
WATCH: How to Coach Yourself
WATCH: How to Coach Yourself
Your training partners and coaches aren’t always going to be there. When they’re not around, what will you do?
WATCH: CNS Burnout in the Gym
WATCH: CNS Burnout in the Gym
With all the energy Clint spends on being a chaotic animal in the weightroom, is he vulnerable to central nervous shutdown?
WATCH: Table Talk — What Are the Best Core Exercises?
WATCH: Table Talk — What Are the Best Core Exercises?
You should be doing core exercises as part of your warm-up and as part of your accessory work on certain training days. Are you doing the right ones?
3 Powerlifting Rules We Keep Forgetting
3 Powerlifting Rules We Keep Forgetting
While you program the complex details of a meet-training cycle, don’t over look these principles your strength is built upon.
What's the Big Deal About a PR, Anyway?
What's the Big Deal About a PR, Anyway?
You want to leave the gym on a good note. Aichs explores what that really means.

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