Opportunities for You in Collegiate Powerlifting
Opportunities for You in Collegiate Powerlifting
I ask four colleges for more information to help parents and high school lifters how to be better prepared to earn a scholarship or a powerlifting club invitation.
4-Week Hypertrophy Block for the Powerlifter
4-Week Hypertrophy Block for the Powerlifter
In 4 weeks, relieve tired muscles, add muscle or lose fat, and reenergize your CNS for the next cycle with this hypertrophy block.
INTERVIEW: University of Minnesota's Strength and Conditioning Coach Willie Jones
INTERVIEW: University of Minnesota's Strength and Conditioning Coac...
Willie walks us through a typical day of coaching and gives you advice of how to climb the ranks to the Division 1 level.
Try This Warm-Up Before You Bench
Try This Warm-Up Before You Bench
How much you bench is reliant on a good warm-up. Here’s an upper body warm-up to help answer this question while reducing the risk of injury.
Try This Warm-Up Before Your Next Lower Body Training Session
Try This Warm-Up Before Your Next Lower Body Training Session
We do this warm-up with all our powerlifters and athletes. Prime the system BEFORE you get under the bar to drive performance.
INTERVIEW: University of Wisconsin's Throwing Coach Dave Astrauskas
INTERVIEW: University of Wisconsin's Throwing Coach Dave Astrauskas
Coach Dave breaks down his macrocycle, mesocyclone, and microcycle so you can better understand how to train a thrower.
Please Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself
Please Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself
Everything in my life has been placed on hold for the past six years. I’m a shell of my younger self and here’s my story. I’m back!
INTERVIEW: Owner of Sports Advantedge Brian Bott
INTERVIEW: Owner of Sports Advantedge Brian Bott
Meet Coach Brian Bott to learn how he uses the conjugate method for his collegiate football players. Need to see the results? They’re here!
The Triple Triad Dogg Shitt Method
The Triple Triad Dogg Shitt Method
You followed part 1 and part 2 and had great results. Here’s ten more weeks to keep pushing beyond your limitations.
Top Nutrition, Training, and Lifestyle Tips for Wrestlers
Top Nutrition, Training, and Lifestyle Tips for Wrestlers
The name of the game is to be the best you can be. These tips will get you there.
Coaches and Parents, Pay Attention!
Coaches and Parents, Pay Attention!
Let’s get inside the minds of the high school athletes working towards a collegiate scholarship. I interview five athletes who share their goals, sacrifices, regrets, and suggestions for coaches and parents reading this.
Juggling Powerlifting, Life, and Love
Juggling Powerlifting, Life, and Love
Meet two love birds, Aaron and Kelly Grosos, and learn how they make it work as competitive powerlifters.
The Dogg Shitt Method 2
The Dogg Shitt Method 2
Add these six weeks to the DSM 12-week template, and you have yourself an awesome 18 weeks of training!
How Private-Sector Gyms are Surviving
How Private-Sector Gyms are Surviving
The gym owners you are going to hear from are from places similar to where you train or have trained. None of these gyms are the big-box gyms that thrive off of selling thousands of memberships for $10.00 a month.
Is Your Local School or Team Training Hurting or Helping the Athlete?
Is Your Local School or Team Training Hurting or Helping the Athlete?
Private gym owners, Chris Janek and Steve Konopka discuss the relationships they’ve built with high school strength coaches, parents, and athletes to maintain one mission: help athletes reach their full potential in sport.
INTERVIEW: Stewart-Haas Racing Athletic Director Greg Honeychuck
INTERVIEW: Stewart-Haas Racing Athletic Director Greg Honeychuck
From football and baseball to NASCAR, learn from Greg as he continues to climb (and race) the strength and conditioning ranks.
INTERVIEW: 1035-Pound Bencher Jimmy Kolb
INTERVIEW: 1035-Pound Bencher Jimmy Kolb
Jimmy hit his first 600-pound bench press at the age of 18. Whether you train geared or raw, he has the info you need to harness to improve your bench press.
4 Barefoot Movements You Should Be Doing
4 Barefoot Movements You Should Be Doing
Take it from Donnie Thompson and JL Holdsworth: If you are a powerlifter, field sport athlete, or strength coach ignoring the foot and ankle, you are doing yourself a huge disservice.
6-Week Cycle for the Powerlifter in Limbo Land
6-Week Cycle for the Powerlifter in Limbo Land
Sometimes life gets busy and it cuts into your training time. However, that doesn’t mean you still can’t get a good workout in and make progress.
Week of Testing: Rest or Train?
Week of Testing: Rest or Train?
Rest and recovery is a key part of any workout program, no matter the type or level of difficulty. Remember that while reaching your PR goals is important, so is your mental and physical health.
Women's Only Seminar at Tank's Training Facility
Women's Only Seminar at Tank's Training Facility
I found that I was even able to take something away from the women’s only seminar, and these takeaways helped me in my coaching abilities and some made me ponder more on the female experience and perspective in a male-dominated area. I also got to interview three NCAA female student-athletes.
Interview: Brewers' Aaron Hoback's Individualized Template
Interview: Brewers' Aaron Hoback's Individualized Template
If you’re looking for sets and reps, you’re in the wrong place. But if you wanted some insight on players’ knowledge bases, individualized programs, and how new technologies are becoming more reliable, from Aaron Hoback, athletic trainer for the Milwaukee Brewers, you’re right where you should be.
The elitefts Internship Guide
The elitefts Internship Guide
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about internships, all in one place.
The Dogg Shitt Method™ 12-Week Powerlifting Program
The Dogg Shitt Method™ 12-Week Powerlifting Program
This 12-week cycle is very effective when followed to a T. If picked apart, it won’t work as well, so listen closely.
Collegiate vs. Private Sector Strength and Conditioning with Brian Bott
Collegiate vs. Private Sector Strength and Conditioning with Brian Bott
What are the pros and cons of being a strength coach at the collegiate level or in the private sector? The similarities? The differences? Coach Brian Bott, former University of Wisconsin strength coach-turned-founder of Sports AdvantEDGE, tells all in an interview.
Concepts of High-Level Strength and Conditioning Methods Applied to the Sport of Powerlifting
Concepts of High-Level Strength and Conditioning Methods Applied to the ...
Over the last few years, I’ve had more time to visit some major universities and professional teams and talk shop with some very good strength and conditioning coaches, and these are some of the trends we’ve noticed in the weight room and think powerlifters should start implementing.
Let's Get Awkward
Let's Get Awkward
Through the use of unconventional movements (or awkward movements), you can really force yourself to utilize better form and recruit numerous additional muscle fibers. Here are a handful of Big 3 variations you can try out.
Here's How You Can Land a Collegiate Scholarship for Powerlifting
Here's How You Can Land a Collegiate Scholarship for Powerlifting
Move over college football, college powerlifting is coming for you! OK, fine, powerlifting might not be as popular as college football, but it does provide prospective students with another way to knock down the full price of college tuition: scholarships.
WATCH: Chris Janek — A Lifter With a Lot of Heart
WATCH: Chris Janek — A Lifter With a Lot of Heart
During SSTSS 2019, Chris Janek sat down and briefed us on his childhood, previous jobs, geared and raw lifting, and the effects of having four open-heart surgeries. Now, he’s on a heart transplant waiting list and doing as much as he can without overdoing it.
Personal Training Through Pregnancy
Personal Training Through Pregnancy
I’ve trained around 10 women during their pregnancies, and my keys to success have been keeping open communication and making sure I’m setting a good movement and pace with my clients.
Improve Your 1RM Deadlift with These Variations
Improve Your 1RM Deadlift with These Variations
In the third and final part of the 1RM Lift Variation series, my powerlifting friends suggest their favorite movements for improving the deadlift through secondary movements, accessory work, and more.
Refueling and Recovery for BAMF Wrestlers
Refueling and Recovery for BAMF Wrestlers
In the final part of the #BAMF Wrestler series, Steve “Kono” Konopka and I answer questions about post-match recovery, supplement suggestions, and refueling. Sleep, cryotherapy, contrast showers, foam rolling, vitamin C, beetroot powder, and protein powder are just a few things we suggest.
Improve Your 1RM Bench Press with These Variations
Improve Your 1RM Bench Press with These Variations
I wanted to know the best movement to improve a lifter’s 1RM bench press, so I asked my powerlifting pals from all over the country for their two cents. I ended up with a lot of awesome movement suggestions, so hopefully one of these will work for you.
elitefts Columnist's Article Featured in Training & Conditioning E-Magazine
elitefts Columnist's Article Featured in Training & Conditionin...
elitefts columnist Chris Janek's article, "Circuits and Supersets for BAMF Wrestlers," landed itself 15 seconds of fame and glory in this week's Training & Conditioning newsletter.
Circuits and Supersets for BAMF Wrestlers
Circuits and Supersets for BAMF Wrestlers
Steve “Kono” Konopka and I cover our daily pre-practice warm-ups, bulletproof shoulder circuits, what we call the “f@#k the bottom, you belong at the top” conditioning circuit, and answer a couple of questions in the third part of our #BAMF Wrestler series.
Improve Your 1RM Squat with These Variations
Improve Your 1RM Squat with These Variations
It is great to get advice from friends across the country and hear what works for them. It is my hope that after reading this, the reader will pick up something to help them perform a better more powerful squat.
Programming for a BAMF Wrestler (with Samples)
Programming for a BAMF Wrestler (with Samples)
Steve “Kono” Konopka and I go more in-depth about our wrestling programs, particularly topics covering: in-season training goals, off-season exercises to avoid, signs for a recovery session, favorite exercises, and a sample in-season schedule.
5 Survival Must-Haves for the Parents of a Newborn Baby
5 Survival Must-Haves for the Parents of a Newborn Baby
With Christmas just around the corner and elitefts.com having some great sales, now is the best time to stock up. Here is a surefire way to pass the “beast mode” and “savagery” onto your newborn.
My Experiences in Three Internship Settings
My Experiences in Three Internship Settings
This article is a cool opportunity to see what an intern we had this summer, Tim, has to say. His experiences are unique as he interned at a great local college, a local high school, then at Tank’s Training Facility.
Depth Jumps and Depth Land Progressions to Increase the Vertical Jump
Depth Jumps and Depth Land Progressions to Increase the Vertical Jump
Training the Gateway Lions Academy Volleyball Team this past spring sparked some progressions to help improve the players’ vertical jump. Take a look.
Begin Your Journey to Become a BAMF Wrestler
Begin Your Journey to Become a BAMF Wrestler
I am excited to share highlights of early discussions that Steve Konopka and I have had as we work to turn our shared vision into a reality, helping athletes along in their journeys to become BAMF wrestlers.
3 Life Hacks to Manage the Daily Schedule
3 Life Hacks to Manage the Daily Schedule
This is a weird time in my life waiting for a heart transplant while trying to maintain a normal functioning life. However, these three basic things have helped me tremendously in my everyday routine.
Training, Open-Heart Surgery, and the Rehabilitation Process
Training, Open-Heart Surgery, and the Rehabilitation Process
While I wait for my new heart, CT Fletcher’s updates and posts about his recent heart transplant have me thinking about the recovery process.
Cultivating Champions: How I Trained the C2 Volleyball Team
Cultivating Champions: How I Trained the C2 Volleyball Team
All of the athletes at this high-level volleyball academy are from overseas and come to the United States to get a better chance at receiving a collegiate scholarship. Working with head coach and founder Caitlyn Vann, this is what we did in our five short weeks.
Do You Eat, Sleep, and Breathe School and Sports (Like the Lions)?
Do You Eat, Sleep, and Breathe School and Sports (Like the Lions)?
When the Gateway Lions Academy approached me a few months ago to train their soccer athletes, I was excited. Almost 100% of them are just pure raw talent, and their skillset and work ethic are unreal.
Quality, Safety, and Doing It for the Gram
Quality, Safety, and Doing It for the Gram
Purchase some quality equipment and find some good spotters or your next rep could be your last.
An Interview with Paul Goodman, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Chicago Blackhawks
An Interview with Paul Goodman, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of ...
Goodman has coached at the collegiate and professional levels and earned multiple graduate degrees. Here are the things he has learned along the way.
7 Interviews with Lifters and Coaches I Respect
7 Interviews with Lifters and Coaches I Respect
I made a list of people with informed opinions, from opposite ends of the country, with a wide variety of backgrounds. Their answers to these five questions demonstrate what is alike and what is different about their perspectives on training.
9-Week Strength and Fat Loss Program for the New Year
9-Week Strength and Fat Loss Program for the New Year
I designed this program for a few of our lifters who had no meet in mind and wanted to stay strong, shed some fat, and get in better shape. All of them had great results.
Programming a Test Day to Measure Client Progress and Build Accountability
Programming a Test Day to Measure Client Progress and Build Accountability
At Tank’s Training Facility, we design our program to test our clients every 12 to 14 weeks, which not only tells us about their improvement but also works to motivate and encourage their commitment to training.
Powerlifting — A Sport for Everyone?
Powerlifting — A Sport for Everyone?
If you wait for the perfect training cycle before doing a meet, you aren’t a powerlifter. You should stop calling yourself one and instead start saying you like training the squat, bench press, and deadlift.
What to Expect When Hosting A Powerlifting Meet
What to Expect When Hosting A Powerlifting Meet
For this article I’m going to go through some of the things you need to plan for when hosting a powerlifting event and give you examples of how we did it for our most recent competition.
To Compete or Not to Compete
To Compete or Not to Compete
Some people only have a small window to compete in powerlifting or play sports, and then they might never compete again. Avoiding this opportunity with weak-ass excuses is the worst thing you can do.
Short-Term Friends in a Long-Term Sport
Short-Term Friends in a Long-Term Sport
Some friends remain steady and become full-time training partners. These are the people you trust with your lifting and your life. But you’ll also encounter short-term friends, where most of your trouble and drama will arise.
How I Trained MLB Draft Picks Tanner Houck and Chad Spanburger
How I Trained MLB Draft Picks Tanner Houck and Chad Spanburger
Using my “steak and potatoes” model and the Athletic Improvement template, Tanner Houck and Chad Spanburger worked their asses off, earning the 24th overall pick and the 176th overall pick in the MLB draft.
2017 IPA Battle of the Beast 2 with Tank's Training Facility Powerlifting Squad
2017 IPA Battle of the Beast 2 with Tank's Training Facility Powerl...
Our powerlifting squad had six lifters compete in a meet that posed some specific challenges. Here’s how they did and a sample of the training that led to the meet.
Powerlifting as a Team Sport — The Professional Mindset of Tank's Training Facility
Powerlifting as a Team Sport — The Professional Mindset of Tank's T...
Any successful team needs all of its athletes to be on the same page and shooting for the same goal.
Third Time’s a Charm or Three Strikes You're Out?
Third Time’s a Charm or Three Strikes You're Out?
After two heart surgeries, I was starting to recover. I was making progress. That’s when my cardiologist called with more bad news.
3-Week Cycle of Off-Season Volume Fun
3-Week Cycle of Off-Season Volume Fun
We’ve had great success devoting three weeks to volume in transition from and to competition prep with this 2-on/1-off/2-on/weekend-off setup.

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