5 Things You Can Still Believe In
5 Things You Can Still Believe In
Aside from Santa’s elves personalizing your hand-made gifts. Oh, and Santa traveling from the North Pole to your residence to deliver your gifts with Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.
Training Our Thought Process
Training Our Thought Process
Just the other day, I was listening to a motivational speech that got me going. That speech made it clear to me that an evolution of the thought process and perception of what training should be is how lifters and strength athletes progress to the higher levels.
The Six Pillars of Excellence
The Six Pillars of Excellence
Since I am a strength and conditioning coach, I placed Hard Work first on the list, but in reality, they should all be given equal ranking.
How Do I Become the Best?
How Do I Become the Best?
I was just recently asked this again by one of my former athletes and colleague, who is now a collegiate strength coach as well as an aspiring raw powerlifter. Here’s my answer.
The Yoke: A Reflection of A Person’s Intangibles
The Yoke: A Reflection of A Person’s Intangibles
These training samples, along with hard work, allowed me to get a 20” neck, sizeable traps, and a sizeable upper back—all done with minimal equipment, mostly at home, and with extremely high rep counts.
Is Your Competition Outworking You?
Is Your Competition Outworking You?
I love the ideals of hard work, being hardcore, and oozing intensity, but over the years I have learned there are many ways to perceive these things.
Dusting Off the Past to Answer Questions for the Present
Dusting Off the Past to Answer Questions for the Present
There is often hope that the future is the timeframe where many problems and questions of humanity will be solved. But sometimes the questions have already been asked, pondered, explored, researched and answered.
Mindset: The Difference Between Success and Failure
Mindset: The Difference Between Success and Failure
People who succeed in this world have an iron will and a never-say-die mentality. Do you?
The Rebirth of our Society — It's Time
The Rebirth of our Society — It's Time
We need to get our mojo back. It starts with our children. We can’t go through life simply coasting through the motions, never pushing ourselves, and setting a poor example.
5 Old School Principles to Hold Onto
5 Old School Principles to Hold Onto
If you do not follow these principles in your programming, you are building a house out of sand.
Alexeyev — The Best at Everything (continued)
Alexeyev — The Best at Everything (continued)
Here is the next installment on the intriguing Russian behemoth, Vasili Alexeyev.
Whiny Physique Competitors, Let’s Get Something Straight
Whiny Physique Competitors, Let’s Get Something Straight
It occurs to me that the large majority of whining is coming from physique competitors. Apparently no one has been honest with you up to this point.
Loading Stones
Loading Stones
This article is not about atlas stones. It’s about work and the ingenuity to use all your resources to get the job done.
The Work Comes First
The Work Comes First
You will find no forward momentum by doing nothing. Without work, passion and purpose won’t take you anywhere.
WATCH: Have You Ever Felt Your Passion Slip Away?
WATCH: Have You Ever Felt Your Passion Slip Away?
It’s not going to be easy to accomplish your goals. When your will to achieve starts to fade, what will you do?
What We Can Learn from a T-Shirt
What We Can Learn from a T-Shirt
The clothing we wear makes a statement of our fashion, but what does it say about our character?
How to Direct Goals to Achieve Success
How to Direct Goals to Achieve Success
Examples from the playground lead to achievement as an adult.
Commitment for Bodybuilding
Commitment for Bodybuilding
This one component in your life will affect your success than any other factor.
How I Train for a Meet, Month One
How I Train for a Meet, Month One
The Freakshow lays down his game plan for powerlifting. Can you handle it?
Building the Strongest Version of Yourself
Building the Strongest Version of Yourself
At the core of our sport lies the power to overcome adversity.
Training with Purpose: Hard Work, Smart Work, or Both?
Training with Purpose: Hard Work, Smart Work, or Both?
Which are you: raging bull or exercise scientist?
Can We All Just Get Along?
Can We All Just Get Along?
Hard work and commitment should be respected, no matter how you choose to train or compete.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: It Takes a Village to Raise a Child
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: It Takes a Village to Raise a Child
It takes more than one person to teach a child the ways of life.
Just Sayin: Panhandling
Just Sayin: Panhandling
Panhandling is the new craze In bodybuilding.
Standing in Shit
Standing in Shit
Throw people into the shit and pick them up when they can not hold their chin above the surface anymore.
Coach G: CSCCa
Coach G: CSCCa
Coach G shares his thoughts about his experience at the CSCCa annual convention.
Strong(er): No Minimum Age Required
Strong(er): No Minimum Age Required
Pure hard work does pay off, and most of the time, it can trump talent.
“I’m Too Young to Be This Damn Old!”
“I’m Too Young to Be This Damn Old!”
If you aren’t sweating, you’re not working hard enough.
Iron Insights: Mindset
Iron Insights: Mindset
She imagines, she competes, she lives… she’s always in the arena.
Interns and Impact, Part Two: The Impression You Make on the Athletes
Interns and Impact, Part Two: The Impression You Make on the Athletes
I have seen many interns who don’t understand that each internship is a test and you need to bust your butt to make that internship into a job.
All it Takes is Hard Work
All it Takes is Hard Work
Put some quality time in with reps and getting strong(er).
The Wannabe, Part Two
The Wannabe, Part Two
How you use your “down time” in 2012 will determine if you stay a wannabe or if you become the success you want to be.
Timmy the Trainer: The Clueless Trainer Paradox
Timmy the Trainer: The Clueless Trainer Paradox
Remember, there is more to eliminating the clueless trainer paradox then simply doing what they cannot.
Life Lessons: Hard Work, Failure and Shame
Life Lessons: Hard Work, Failure and Shame
My eternal words of wisdom are always awesome.
Keep the Weight On the Bar
Keep the Weight On the Bar
You can’t live in the past, future, and present.
Success Is a Knot
Success Is a Knot
“There aren’t any diamonds without pressure…”
Manual Labor and Strength and Conditioning: Is There a Connection?
Manual Labor and Strength and Conditioning: Is There a Connection?
This article is a bit of a ‘shout out’ to my dad for making me do hard manual labor when I was a kid.
Did Your Hard Work Pay Off? Dr. Yessis Project: Part 3
Did Your Hard Work Pay Off? Dr. Yessis Project: Part 3
Now that the summer is winding down and the fall season is upon us, it is time for strength and conditioning coaches to see if all of their hard work paid off.
Improving Your Self-Discipline with Your Training
Improving Your Self-Discipline with Your Training
The most important factor for success isn’t strength, motivation, or hard work—it’s discipline.
It’s Hard Work, Working Hard
It’s Hard Work, Working Hard
We all know that nothing makes up for hard work.
Where Busting Your Ass Actually Pays Off
Where Busting Your Ass Actually Pays Off
I know that when I bust my ass during training I will get stronger.
Fat Loss Isn't Easy: Myths and Facts about Losing Weight
Fat Loss Isn't Easy: Myths and Facts about Losing Weight
Weight loss is easy; fat loss—without losing too much muscle—isn’t so easy.
Genetics vs. Hard Work: The Final Round 6
Genetics vs. Hard Work: The Final Round 6
Most of us have felt at least at some point in life the joy of hard work.
Genetics vs. Hard Work: Round 5
Genetics vs. Hard Work: Round 5
Steroids will be a thing of the past if one tiny gene is able to be shut off like a light switch.
Genetics Versus Hard Work, Round 3
Genetics Versus Hard Work, Round 3
When people make excuses about exercise, we should try to see just what it is they’re complaining about.
Genetics Versus Hard Work, Round 2: Hard Work
Genetics Versus Hard Work, Round 2: Hard Work
When it comes to building muscle and strength, there aren’t any shortcuts and there certainly aren’t any miracle drugs that will do this.
Genetics Versus Hard Work
Genetics Versus Hard Work
This six-round series will detail the differences in which genetics and hard work team up to build a machine out of man or woman.
 It Isn’t About the Weights
It Isn’t About the Weights
Strength and conditioning has a historical, hard nosed attitude toward training and change.

48 Item(s)