Pullover Machine Tricep Extension
Pullover Machine Tricep Extension
Tricep gains the Mountain Dog way!
Single Arm Band Pushdowns
Single Arm Band Pushdowns
Elitefts™ founder Dave Tate performs a drop set of single arm band pushdowns.
Triceps Extensions with Chains
Triceps Extensions with Chains
Elitefts™ chains being used by Mountain Dog Diet and Training Founder John Meadows
Triceps and Back = Big Bench
Triceps and Back = Big Bench
I need your help with my bench press.
Cross Body Extensions
Cross Body Extensions
Work on the horse shoe
Yoke Bar Extensions
Yoke Bar Extensions
Dave Tate Performs SS Yoke Bar Extensions
Skin-Splitting Training for Massive Arms
Skin-Splitting Training for Massive Arms
Now, how do I dig myself out of the hole I created with this title?
Swiss Bar Pressdown
Swiss Bar Pressdown
Using the new Swiss Bar attachment. This is a great attachment with three different sets of neutral grips
Fat Bar Chain Push Ups
Fat Bar Chain Push Ups
Fat bar chain push ups.
3 Things You'd Better Know if You Want Strong(er) Triceps
3 Things You'd Better Know if You Want Strong(er) Triceps
Kicking back some thoughts on tricep training…
Set by Set: Chest & Triceps Training
Set by Set: Chest & Triceps Training
For this session I will explain what’s going on set by set.
Top 12 Tricep Movements
Top 12 Tricep Movements
Here is a list of our top 12 tricep movements for size and strength.
Get Some Big, HUGE, Strong and Powerful Triceps
Get Some Big, HUGE, Strong and Powerful Triceps
I was messing around the other day and came up with this killer triceps exercise.
Super Fat Bar Extensions
Super Fat Bar Extensions
Video demonstration of Super Fat Bar Extensions.
Fat Bar Floor Press
Floor Pressing using Fat Bar and rest pause method.
T Push Up
T Push Up
This is a great way to add a little twist to your normal push ups.
Fat Bar Pushdowns
The pushdown is a pretty straightforward movement.
No Pain, No Gain?
No Pain, No Gain?
Over the last decade of training, I’ve had many people throw several different training “myths” out at me. Whether it was “lifting stunts your growth” or “eating too much protein shuts down your kidneys” or “too much strength will hurt your martial arts,” I’ve heard them all. Two myths I hear most often are regarding soreness and training.

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