The Lost Art of Whole-Body Training: Lessons from History
The Lost Art of Whole-Body Training: Lessons from History
Whole-body training is highly underutilized in today’s world, and yet, it’s one of the fundamental programming methodologies to date.
Weightlifting Variations for Strength and Conditioning
Weightlifting Variations for Strength and Conditioning
Weightlifters are among the strongest and most explosive athletes in the world. So, let’s see how your athletes can benefit from doing them!
The Grand Unified Theory of Everything
The Grand Unified Theory of Everything
A few years ago, I attempted to bring 4 strength sports together into a training plan for rugby. This time, I want to delve deeper into the framework that makes up the programming of these sports and how we can program them into a usable athletic development plan.
IOC: Weightlifting Confirmed for 2024 Olympics
IOC: Weightlifting Confirmed for 2024 Olympics
Weightlifting fans rejoice! The International Olympic Committee confirmed that weightlifting will be an event at the 2024 Olympics so get ready forward to cheer on your favorite lifters and countries pump — er, lift some iron in Paris, France — as long as the International Weightlifting Federation gets its doping problem cleaned up.
It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble?
It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble?
Why do so many people do so well in training but nosedive when it’s time to compete? Two words: Anxiety and self-doubt.
Home for Powerlifters in the Heart of Columbus
Home for Powerlifters in the Heart of Columbus
Rachel Ellis and Maggie Kuhn are owners and operators of CBUS Lifting Co. Watch how they used their passion for building an environment where competitive strength athletes thrive and form a community.
WATCH: How to Coach Yourself
WATCH: How to Coach Yourself
Your training partners and coaches aren’t always going to be there. When they’re not around, what will you do?
How To Develop Strength in Untrained Children
How To Develop Strength in Untrained Children
The two most important things when working with kids: keep them interested and show them how far they can go with proper training protocols.
Encouragement and the Pump: The Ultimate Antidepressant
Encouragement and the Pump: The Ultimate Antidepressant
It’s easier to mask personal issues than deal with the cause of anxiety and depression. It might feel like a solution but, just as I was forced to learn, these temporary distractions lead you down a dangerous path.
Olympic Lifts Have No Place in an Athlete's Physical Preparation
Olympic Lifts Have No Place in an Athlete's Physical Preparation
Do these beloved training movements contribute to soft tissues injuries more than they improve athletic performance? Before you make up your mind, hear me out.
WATCH: Legendary Russians Dmitry Klokov and Mikhail Koklyaev
WATCH: Legendary Russians Dmitry Klokov and Mikhail Koklyaev
85 minutes of life and training talk with the biggest Russian names of this generation.
Louie on Barbell Shrugged
Louie on Barbell Shrugged
In this episode Louie shares how CrossFit can minimize injury and increase competitiveness through smarter programming.
Greg Everett's Guide to the Start Position for Weightlifting
Greg Everett's Guide to the Start Position for Weightlifting
"If you still believe a barbell can’t be snatched or cleaned with an upright posture, you’re beyond any help I’m able to offer. If I haven’t convinced you by now to at the very least legitimately evaluate this starting position yourself, I have no hope of doing so." - Greg Everett
Greg Everett's Top Five Exercises for the Snatch
Greg Everett's Top Five Exercises for the Snatch
Catalyst Athletics's owner give five exercises to help you PR your Snatch
Clint Darden Talks Olympic Weightlifting and Life
Clint Darden Talks Olympic Weightlifting and Life
Clint Darden talks training and life with the crew from The Weightlifting Scoop
Coaching Youth Athletes: We Need More Disciplinarians
Coaching Youth Athletes: We Need More Disciplinarians
We all lose when we don’t develop young people properly.
Eleiko Lands 2015 World Weightlifting Championships
Eleiko Lands 2015 World Weightlifting Championships
The Local Organizing Committee has again chosen the official supplier.
Increasing Proficiency in the Olympic Lifts
Increasing Proficiency in the Olympic Lifts
With attention to detail, effort, and intelligent progressions, Olympic lifts can be both enjoyable and highly effective in developing a range of physical qualities.
Elitefts™ Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifting
Elitefts™ Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifting
Three mobility drills specific to Olympic Weightlifting
Elitefts™ Olympic Lifts with Pauses
Elitefts™ Olympic Lifts with Pauses
Using static holds for Olympic lifts can improve technique and allow for more comprehensive coaching
The Bullshit Days We Scope Over
The Bullshit Days We Scope Over
Why not include a day of bodybuilding into your workouts? You have nothing to lose. Only something to gain.
American Weightlifting: Seven Questions for Greg Everett
American Weightlifting: Seven Questions for Greg Everett
Interview with Greg Everett on his new documentary American Weightlifting
Benefits and Proper Use of Weightlifting Belts
Benefits and Proper Use of Weightlifting Belts
If you wear your belt while doing curls, make sure that you’re wearing color coordinated fingerless gloves
3 Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifters
3 Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifters
While being coached by Leo Totten and Mike Gattone at the NSCA National Conference, they finally got me to the point where I could actually catch a clean.
An Interview with Lidia Valentin
An Interview with Lidia Valentin
Meet competitive weightlifter and Olympian, Lidia Valentin.

27 Item(s)