Does More Exercise Burn More Calories?
Does More Exercise Burn More Calories?
Does exercising for more time increase energy expenditure? A recent study provides insight.
Madison Press: elitefts Creates Global Success from London Headquarters
Madison Press: elitefts Creates Global Success from London Headquarters
Our local paper breaks down the "grey brick building next to the train tracks on Maple Street."
Get Bigger With Giant Sets
Get Bigger With Giant Sets
Find out if "Giant Sets For Giant Gains" can help you get bigger. Video of Milos Sarcev and Dennis Wolf giant set training video included.
Power Clinic To Host Casey Williams & Yessica Martinez Seminar
Power Clinic To Host Casey Williams & Yessica Martinez Seminar
Power Clinic To Host Cassey Williams & Yessica Martinez Seminar
A Brand New Source for Omega 3s
A Brand New Source for Omega 3s
The curious and opportunistic mind of a researcher from the Netherlands may have given us a brand new source of omega 3's for our diet and supplementation. What is most interesting is the potential large return on investments.
New Women's and Men's IFBB Sport Divisions for 2016
New Women's and Men's IFBB Sport Divisions for 2016
Who knew gowns, figure suits, corduroys, and trunks would share the same stage.
Skip the Preworkout Powder and Have a Coffee Instead
Skip the Preworkout Powder and Have a Coffee Instead
A new study says coffee may improve athletic performance.
“Fat but Fit” Isn't Accurate
“Fat but Fit” Isn't Accurate
A new study finds obese men to be at a higher risk of mortality than normal weight men regardless of aerobic fitness.
At What Weight Are You “Attractive”?
At What Weight Are You “Attractive”?
New research proposes the amount of weight a person needs to lose or gain in order to change others’ perceptions of their appearance.
New Study Highlights Brain Changes After Concussions
New Study Highlights Brain Changes After Concussions
Young football players who experience a concussion also show signs of reduced blood flow in the brain.
Fat Gain Slows Your Brain
Fat Gain Slows Your Brain
New research shows how obesity can negatively affect brain health.
The CVASP Podcast: Episode #15 with Dr. Bryan Mann
The CVASP Podcast: Episode #15 with Dr. Bryan Mann
Honest and open sharing for strength and conditioning coaches brought to you by Central Virginia Sport Performance. Listen!
Do Strength Gains Equal Size Gains?
Do Strength Gains Equal Size Gains?
Can you get huge without being the strongest guy in the gym? Consider these ten reasons why bodybuilders have larger muscles than powerlifters.
"Pressing The Pieces Together" Bench Press Benifit For Autism
"Pressing The Pieces Together" Bench Press Benifit For Autism
Feb 20th, 2016 - "Pressing The Pieces Together" Bench Press Benifit For Autism
Fortitude Training Camp 2016
Fortitude Training Camp 2016
Hands-on, one day training camp with Scott Stevenson. Sign up today!
Not Feeling The Gym Today?
Not Feeling The Gym Today?
If you are not feeling up to the task of a workout, should you toughen up and push through it or take it easy?
Use Carbs to Combat Overtraining
Use Carbs to Combat Overtraining
A new study suggests increasing carbohydrate intake can mitigate the effects of intense training.
Boost Mental Power with Apigenin
Boost Mental Power with Apigenin
Find out how consuming herbs can potentially benefit mental ability and brain performance.
Do You Need to Rethink Your Bulk?
Do You Need to Rethink Your Bulk?
According to new research, the fatter you get, the harder it will be for your body to burn fat later.
New Research Unlocks “Steroid Gene” in Humans
New Research Unlocks “Steroid Gene” in Humans
Scientists have identified a gene which replicates the effects of steroids without the negative repercussions.
After Nearly 100 Years, Arguments Over Vitamins Continue
After Nearly 100 Years, Arguments Over Vitamins Continue
Should we take multivitamins? This article offers a valuable resource consumers of multivitamins can refer to in order to make informed decisions about whether or not to incorporate them into there regime.
Historic Performance Podcast: Episode 10 with Dr. Bryan Mann
Historic Performance Podcast: Episode 10 with Dr. Bryan Mann
S&C colleagues vote for Bryan to speak in this tenth, hour long episode. Sports science, soccer, VBT, and passion are the topics covered. Listen!
Lexen XXX: Qualifying for 2016 Arnold Classic
Lexen XXX: Qualifying for 2016 Arnold Classic
I had one goal going into this meet.
Cut Your Chances of Prostate Cancer
Cut Your Chances of Prostate Cancer
Exercise can play a key role in protecting men from lethal prostate cancer according to the results of a new study.
Joe DeFranco's Industrial Strength Show: Episode #40 with Dave Tate
Joe DeFranco's Industrial Strength Show: Episode #40 with Dave Tate
"He basically drops "Knowledge Bombs" for an hour and 20 minutes straight! [WARNING: He also drops "F-Bombs" for an hour and 20 minutes straight.]"
Ashley Jones Receives NSCA Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award
Ashley Jones Receives NSCA Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year A...
“It is a worldwide award but the organisation is based in the USA which is why I didn’t really think I had a chance of winning, although I was honoured to receive the nomination."
Improve Your Fitness, Improve Your Brain
Improve Your Fitness, Improve Your Brain
Exercise may be able to reverse mild cognitive impairment in older adults.
Formerly Paralyzed Woman Now a Bodybuilder
Formerly Paralyzed Woman Now a Bodybuilder
After a horrific car accident, Vanessa Rogers overcame quadriplegia to become an inspirational bodybuilder.
Elitefts Welcomes Dani Overcash as Newest Team Member and Columnist
Elitefts Welcomes Dani Overcash as Newest Team Member and Columnist
She's a combination of clinical excellence and drive, seeking to be a part of helping you to become your best. Welcome Dani!
Bad Mood in the Morning? Here's Why.
Bad Mood in the Morning? Here's Why.
If you find yourself waking up irritable on a regular basis, more sleep may not be the solution. Better quality sleep is what you’re looking for.
Cornell Discusses Whether or Not Junk Food and Sugar are to Blame For Fat Gain
Cornell Discusses Whether or Not Junk Food and Sugar are to Blame For Fa...
What does national data tell us about the link between junk food consumption and body fat? Do healthy people consume less junk food than obese people? A Cornell study reveals something very interesting.
Want to Live Longer? Drink Coffee.
Want to Live Longer? Drink Coffee.
A new study suggests you can decrease your risk of premature death by increasing your coffee consumption.
Teen Uses Barbells to Beat Anorexia
Teen Uses Barbells to Beat Anorexia
16-year-old Antonia Caruso is using her newly found love of powerlifting to overcome her eating disorder.
Thomas Deebel Picks Up Life-Time PR at Autumn Apocalypse
Thomas Deebel Picks Up Life-Time PR at Autumn Apocalypse
elitefts advisor Thomas Deebel competed at the RPS Autumn Apocalypse in Newark, NJ this past weekend in the master's deadlift-only division. Wearing a single ply Metal King deadlift suit, Tom opened with 575 pounds, lifted 640 pounds for his second, and missed 650 for his third.  640 being both a pre-knee injury and post injury […]
Breast Milk Carbohydrates and Transmission of Obesity
Breast Milk Carbohydrates and Transmission of Obesity
Can carbohydrates found in breast milk be used to predict obesity and health trends of infants as they mature into adulthood? Podcast: Episode 3 with Jordan Foley Podcast: Episode 3 with Jordan Foley
Thirty minutes of some great stories about fat guys. Just kidding. This guy is a strength and conditioning genius, AND funny too.
RAW UNITY 9 - Powerlifting Meet Update
RAW UNITY 9 - Powerlifting Meet Update
The Raw Unity Meet is back for the 9th year. The meet will be held Jan 29 - 31st. Click story for more information.
DC Seminar with Julia Ladewski & Scott Paltos
DC Seminar with Julia Ladewski & Scott Paltos
  Julia Ladewski, one of the top female powerlifters of all time, competitive physique athlete, and former collegiate strength coach. Scott Paltos, former NFL fullback, highly competitive strongman, Crossfitter and powerlifter, and highly sought after strength coach.   Julia and Scott team up to bring two seminars to the DC area.   Saturday, December 5th, […]
Why Strength Training Builds Mass (and Running Doesn’t)
Why Strength Training Builds Mass (and Running Doesn’t)
A new study offers insight into why muscles adapt differently to different types of exercise.
Women Inspiring Strength and Hope for Wish Kids
Women Inspiring Strength and Hope for Wish Kids
Celebration of W.I.S.H. honorees.
New Research Shows Even More Benefits of Vitamin D
New Research Shows Even More Benefits of Vitamin D
New research adds to the growing body of evidence that vitamin D plays a key role in human health.
Your Doctor, Your Fitness Tracker, and You
Your Doctor, Your Fitness Tracker, and You
Think fitness trackers are just a fad? Think again.
The Overall Winner at Maryland’s Strongest Man
The Overall Winner at Maryland’s Strongest Man
I didn't know any of my placings or scores for the day, so this outcome was a total shocker.
Jesse Norris Breaks All-Time World Record 198-Pound Raw Total
Jesse Norris Breaks All-Time World Record 198-Pound Raw Total
Supplanting his own previous record, Norris moved the bar even higher and out-lifted the records for both wrapped and wrapless classes.
Are the Claims True About Skipping Breakfast and Weight Gain?
Are the Claims True About Skipping Breakfast and Weight Gain?
Will skipping breakfast make you gain weight? The opinions in this video offer enlightening insight. Maybe skipping breakfast is not so bad after all? Podcast: Episode 2 with Swede Burns Podcast: Episode 2 with Swede Burns
Where did 5thSet come from? Why did he make it? How sexy is his beard?
Is Bacon Killing You? Not So Fast.
Is Bacon Killing You? Not So Fast.
Recent headlines warn of the dangers of eating processed meats, but a deeper look into the proclamation may save your bacon.
WATCH: New elitefts American Multi-Angle Press Bar
WATCH: New elitefts American Multi-Angle Press Bar
This new product combines the design of two previous elitefts favorites into one multi-grip specialty bar.
Vince Gironda: 8x8 Routine
Vince Gironda: 8x8 Routine
Build muscle density as a result of implementing this radical training system.
New Barcodes May Be Coming to Food Products
New Barcodes May Be Coming to Food Products
Increasing consumer demand for better product labeling may soon change the way you discover information about the products you consume.
New Study: Sitting on Your Butt Isn't As Bad As We Thought
New Study: Sitting on Your Butt Isn't As Bad As We Thought
Sit on your butt all day at work? New research suggests you may not need to worry as long as you're physically active.
Two Worlds Collide on Social Media
Two Worlds Collide on Social Media
It's all so familiar to us. But what if you don't lift or compete in strength sports?
A Big Win for Bell Power Systems and Goggins Force at USAPL 2015 Raw Nationals
A Big Win for Bell Power Systems and Goggins Force at USAPL 2015 Raw Nat...
This was by far the largest meet Goggins' Force has ever attended. Teaming up with Bell Power Systems was our best move in this competition.
USAPL Raw Nationals: 1100+ Lifters, Jesse Norris, and Team elitefts
USAPL Raw Nationals: 1100+ Lifters, Jesse Norris, and Team elitefts
With such a mind-boggling number of lifters on the roster, spotters, loaders, and judges kept things running smoothly for an impressive weekend in Scranton, PA.
Strength and Speed Seminar at Robert Morris University
Strength and Speed Seminar at Robert Morris University
Become a better coach by learning from Mark Watts, Cal Dietz, Cam Davidson, and other coaches and professionals in the strength and conditioning field.

Items 355 to 413 of 1117 total