Romanian Deadlift Variations for Stronger Hamstrings
Romanian Deadlift Variations for Stronger Hamstrings
Other than the GHR, nothing else builds the hamstrings better than Romanian Deadlifts. Try out these variations, and you’ll see a difference in those hammies.
Combining Dynamic Hip and Stabilization Drills for Runners
Combining Dynamic Hip and Stabilization Drills for Runners
Strength training for runners is the chassis that underpins the abilities of speed and endurance to help these withstand practice and compete at a higher level — no meathead approach here! Plus, all you need for this program is a buddy and a band. Easy peasy.
elitefts Classic: RIP Dynamic Effort Bench?
elitefts Classic: RIP Dynamic Effort Bench?
The role and reputation of the DE bench press has received nothing but a bad rap. I have to admit that I am partly to blame.
Duffin's Special Exercises to Maximize Glute Development
Duffin's Special Exercises to Maximize Glute Development
Video of my two favorite developmental tools for strength athletes that do not engage their glutes optimally.
Elitefts™ Pro Band Shrugs
Elitefts™ Pro Band Shrugs
Elitefts™ Advisor and Owner of Mountain Dog Training performs a shrug variation at the S4 Compound using elitefts™ Pro Strong Bands.
How to Use Chains And Bands
How to Use Chains And Bands
Is the use of bands and chains some magical tool that will create supermen?
Lateral Resistance Band Walks w/ Agility Ladder
Lateral Resistance Band Walks w/ Agility Ladder
Elitefts coach Julia Ladewski performs lateral resistance band hand walks through an agility ladder. Make sure you go both directions.
EFS Classic: The Intermediate Deadlift Cycle
EFS Classic: The Intermediate Deadlift Cycle
The deadlift may be the purest test of strength in the iron game. Heavy weight. On the floor. Must pick it up.
Band Face Pull
Use what you have available
Reverse Band Press
These work much in the same fashion as benching against bands by overloading the top of the lift
Reverse Band Presses
Reverse Band Presses
In this clip Dave, John, and their group are doing some heavy reverse band presses. These work much in the same fashion as benching against bands by overloading the top of the lift. This is another way to feel a heavy weight in your hands and gain confidence.
GHR with Band
GHR with Band
This is an old school exercise index clip that was either taken from some of the very early (now discontinued) Westside Barbell Videos or from Dave Tate’s early Westside Seminar Slideshows.
Decline Band Push Ups
Decline Band Push Ups
Decline Band Push Ups
X Band Barbell Bench Press
X Band Barbell Bench Press
The X Band press is a great tool used to mimic using a bench shirt.
Tricep Extension with Band and Chain
Tricep Extension with Band and Chain
For this exercise you will need chain and a band.
Band Lat Pull Down
Band Lat Pull Down
Many band configurations and grips may be used to perform this lift.
Assistance Training for Strongman and “Functional” Strength
Assistance Training for Strongman and “Functional” Strength
A lot of guys who train for Strongman don’t put much thought into assistance work, if at all. Assistance exercises can improve specific attributes and get you through your sticking points in many cases.
How EliteFTS Helped Me to Lift During Football Season
How EliteFTS Helped Me to Lift During Football Season
If you’re still playing football, this article isn’t for you so stop reading now. Just listen to your coach.
Incorporating the “Big Three” Into Sports Training, Part I
Incorporating the “Big Three” Into Sports Training, Part I
Sports training or sports-specific training is a different beast than competitive powerlifting. However, the “Big Three” have a great impact on the overall strength and explosiveness of the athlete. The $1500 question is how to develop a strength and speed program to help athletes excel in their sport of choice.
The Thinker Discusses Olympic Lifts
The Thinker Discusses Olympic Lifts
Question 1: I’d like to thank you for all of the helpful tips, but this is where we’re going to crash. As an athlete, I’ve been performing the Olympic lifts since middle school. I use them with the athletes I train from day one and haven’t had any problems.
Cruel and Unusual Exercises
Cruel and Unusual Exercises
Did you ever wonder how song writers or comedians come up with their lyrics or material? As a person who loves music as well as a good comedy, I always wondered that very question. When I started my career coaching and training athletes, I researched other coaches to come up with new ideas for old exercises. Then it clicked. The
The Lineman’s Evolution
The Lineman’s Evolution
“The last part of progress is always easier than the next. Determination must be continually manufactured and tested.”
Pop Goes the Weasel
Pop Goes the Weasel
Thoughts, mostly weird ones, tumble inside my head like sagebrush on the open prairie. So, it should come as no surprise that one day last spring, as I sat and pondered, I conjured up the bright idea to jump out of a 55-gallon barrel.
Starting Strength
Starting Strength
With new and stronger squat suits and bench shirts hitting the market, more attention has been given to training the lockout. It seems most experts believe that since the lifter is doing most of the work at the top, then range of motion should be trained the most. Although common sense tells us that the suits and shirts will get
Understanding Supplemental Exercises: The Deadlift
Understanding Supplemental Exercises: The Deadlift
In our series, “Overcoming Lousy Leverages,” Eric Cressey and I covered all three power lifts and discussed how smart training can lead to bigger totals. In this series, we will discuss the biomechanics behind each lift as well as several strategies to destroy any sticking points you may have. We will examine:
Bigger and Better Benching
Bigger and Better Benching
A lot of my tips are just repeats from everyone else but I think they get overlooked while everyone is looking for the next gear craze or shortcut. Some are gear related and some are raw work.

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