Sick of Your Gym? — How to Start a Private or Home Gym
Sick of Your Gym? — How to Start a Private or Home Gym
In this part, you’ll understand how you can start a private or home gym of your own — on a budget. It’s not as expensive as you might think.
Test of Time: The Power Rack
Test of Time: The Power Rack
Most people walk into a gym and expect to see a power rack. It’s as natural a thing as the grass is green or the sky is blue. Over the decades, the power rack has remained a gym staple due to its versatility and reputation.
Equipment Purchasing Considerations for Fitness Centers
Equipment Purchasing Considerations for Fitness Centers
Purchasing equipment is a big investment for rec centers and fitness establishments alike. Making sure you’re getting what that you’re clientele needs is equally as important.
Disruptive Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategies
Disruptive Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategies
Don’t compete for fish in chum-filled waters. Instead, go where no one else has ever gone before. Be the next Takeru Kobayashi. Be the next CrossFit. Be the next elitefts. Become whatever it is you want and change the game.
WATCH: Jump Into Your Next Contest
WATCH: Jump Into Your Next Contest
The best part of strongman is that you don’t know what to expect — and that’s what makes it so fun! Rather than worry about having the “right” equipment, Matt Mills says you should jump in and compete.
Top-3 Cardio Options for the Powerlifter, Strongman, Bodybuilder, and Athlete
Top-3 Cardio Options for the Powerlifter, Strongman, Bodybuilder, and At...
Cardio can help you cut weight, get shredded for the stage, and increase athletes’ performance. But with so much cardio out there, where do you start? Start here with elitefts team members’ top-3 cardio items, based on their sports or areas of expertise.
Equipment Feature — elitefts Power Bar
Equipment Feature — elitefts Power Bar
In this video, Equipment Sales Director Matt Goodwin shows off the elitefts Power Bar and its specs, focusing on the bar’s gnarly knurling. It’s amazing how it easily fits into just about any gym — garage, private, or commercial. It’s no wonder it’s a favorite!
5 New elitefts Items Worth Checking Out
5 New elitefts Items Worth Checking Out
Each month I will be highlighting and linking to five new products available on the elitefts website, as well as releasing a list and brief summary of five books I recommend looking at on Amazon.
WATCH: Blast from the Past — Dave Tate's Presentation at the 2006 Syracuse Strength Seminar
WATCH: Blast from the Past — Dave Tate's Presentation at the 2006 S...
There are four components of a weight room atmosphere: coaching, equipment, training, and athletes.
Group Training: Use Your Constraints for Program Construction
Group Training: Use Your Constraints for Program Construction
The first thing that you need to do is decide on what your limiting factors are: time, equipment, physical abilities, skill, and audience.
GALLERY: NBS Fitness April 1 Renovation
GALLERY: NBS Fitness April 1 Renovation
David Allen’s gym looked a little different than expected when he arrived to train this morning…
Limitless Gym Profile
Limitless Gym Profile
Athlete and coach Ken Morris describes how to create success.
WATCH: Scenes from the WPC World Championship
WATCH: Scenes from the WPC World Championship
A look back at competitors, experts, and officials that participated in the World Championship.
Perks of Being a Strength Coach
Perks of Being a Strength Coach
Mentoring athletes is a given. Here are four other benefits of the profession.
Gym Installation at Region Barbell Club
Gym Installation at Region Barbell Club
Matt Ladewski opens elitefts-equipped facility to clients looking to get stronger.
What's Your Atmosphere?
What's Your Atmosphere?
To achieve success, you must first place yourself among success.
WATCH: Gym Installation at Pickerington Central High School
WATCH: Gym Installation at Pickerington Central High School
Although he has setup hundreds of the finest weight rooms in the country, for Matt Goodwin this gym install became a very personal mission.
If I Could Do It All Again, Part 1
If I Could Do It All Again, Part 1
I often think about what I would do differently if I coached again.
Become a Basement Badass
Become a Basement Badass
You can have the body you want with only seven pieces of equipment.
Elitefts 2011 Awards Survey
Elitefts 2011 Awards Survey
Make your voice heard!
Equipping a High School Weight Room Without a Budget
Equipping a High School Weight Room Without a Budget
The idea for this article came about from a conversation I had through the Q&A with the Angry Coach.
Equipped Lifting: How to Begin
Equipped Lifting: How to Begin
Video as much as you possibly can of your training sessions so that you can go home and analyze your lifts.
The Movement You Can't Do Without
The Movement You Can't Do Without
If you were to ask any coach, trainer or lifter “What’s the most important muscle group in sports?” The posterior chain will always come out on top.
Unconventional Exercises Using Conventional Equipment
Unconventional Exercises Using Conventional Equipment
We don’t know the guys who run What we do know from reading the articles and asking questions is that they have helped us become better strength students.
Cycling for the Big Meet
Cycling for the Big Meet
Getting ready for a big meet is stressful. There are a lot of things to consider, especially when using equipment. I am not going to write out all of my workouts, but I am going to give you a few points that I have learned over the last 20 years, and hopefully you can avoid some of my

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