3x3 Performance Programming Matrix
3x3 Performance Programming Matrix
I believe that the individualization of programming in team sports is the real holy grail of strength and conditioning. The application of the 3×3 programming matrix will ensure that each player will have the best opportunity to improve in the areas of dire need.
What Is Focus?
What Is Focus?
If you don’t know what it is, you can’t focus.
The elitefts Timeline
The elitefts Timeline
From 1970 to present day, this is the progression of elitefts.
New Hampshire Highland Games with Hafþór Björnsson
New Hampshire Highland Games with Hafþór Björnsson
Game of Thrones star and 3X Europe's Strongest Man Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson put up some impressive numbers at the New Hampshire Highland Games this past weekend.
Stress and Social Support — How Can You Help Your Athletes?
Stress and Social Support — How Can You Help Your Athletes?
At the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is food, shelter, and safety. If your athlete doesn’t have one of these three things, how can you expect them to perform at their best?
WATCH: White Lights, PRs, and an All-Time World Record
WATCH: White Lights, PRs, and an All-Time World Record
Watch XPC footage from Christine Brass, Sheri Whetham, and Brandon Smitley. What's next for these elitefts athletes?
What's the Big Deal About a PR, Anyway?
What's the Big Deal About a PR, Anyway?
You want to leave the gym on a good note. Aichs explores what that really means.
The Building of Mike Strom
The Building of Mike Strom
As Strom prepares for Worlds, his coach reflects on what it took to get there.
Building the Strongest Version of Yourself
Building the Strongest Version of Yourself
At the core of our sport lies the power to overcome adversity.
It's Supposed to Be HARD
It's Supposed to Be HARD
Are you prepared to do whatever it takes to reach your goals?
Powerlifting Is HARD
Powerlifting Is HARD
If you are limited by the work and sacrifice that are required to be a champion, then embrace your mediocrity!
The Turn-Around
The Turn-Around
Struggling in life? Let the iron wake you up.
The 3 Ps of Peak Performance
The 3 Ps of Peak Performance
Be the person that makes everyone around you better.
The Adversity Quotient and the Tree of Success
The Adversity Quotient and the Tree of Success
Adversity does not build character, it reveals it.
Don’t Take Squat for Granted
Don’t Take Squat for Granted
Each day…every training session…is a blessing.
Josh McMillan: It's More Than Just Programming
Josh McMillan: It's More Than Just Programming
A good program is only a piece of the puzzle.
Strong Mind: My Rock
Strong Mind: My Rock
I could mourn all that I have lost and will never have again.
A Lion in Iron: Time, It‘s All You Have (Part 2)
A Lion in Iron: Time, It‘s All You Have (Part 2)
You will never be as strong to yourself as you will be in the eyes of others.
Maximizing Supercompensation for Maximal Hypertrophy
Maximizing Supercompensation for Maximal Hypertrophy
Get a grip on your addiction. You’ll love the result.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Strong(er)
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Strong(er)
I’ve been told that to have obtained world records at age 71 requires extraordinary resolve. I don’t see it that way.
Top 10 Summer Strength Items
Top 10 Summer Strength Items
PLEASE help us pay the water guy.
A Lion in Iron: Strength Doesn't Have a Gender
A Lion in Iron: Strength Doesn't Have a Gender
Physical strength is born in the mind and achieved through the body.
Chose your pain, discipline, or regret. Suffer moving forward, suffer looking backward.
Kentucky Strong: Four Things I Have Been Doing Wrong
Kentucky Strong: Four Things I Have Been Doing Wrong
Your training journal is a very valuable tool in getting bigger, stronger, and better.
Stop Looking for the Easy Way Out
Stop Looking for the Easy Way Out
To be great, you have to get off the internet and do the work.
Strong(er): No Minimum Age Required
Strong(er): No Minimum Age Required
Pure hard work does pay off, and most of the time, it can trump talent.
A Lion in Iron: Women—Be More, Not Less
A Lion in Iron: Women—Be More, Not Less
The body you want is more than what you are, not less.
Strength is a Choice
Strength is a Choice
Do you choose to quit when it gets hard? Or do you choose to be strong(er)?
I’ll Never Be Strong Enough
I’ll Never Be Strong Enough
I will never ever feel strong enough. I will spend my entire life needing to be strong(er).
Under The Bar: Extraordinary Resolve
Under The Bar: Extraordinary Resolve
What is extraordinary resolve?
Under The Bar: Strength and Resolve
Under The Bar: Strength and Resolve
How a five-year-old changed my life.
Under The Bar: This Doesn’t Suck
Under The Bar: This Doesn’t Suck
It’s the strength that gives us the courage to fight when others run.
Under The Bar: Five Causes of Failure You Want to Avoid
Under The Bar: Five Causes of Failure You Want to Avoid
You definitely need to avoid these five…
(er) Extraordinary Resolve: Strong(er)
(er) Extraordinary Resolve: Strong(er)
What does (er) mean to you?
What does (er) mean to you?
What does (er) mean to you?
What does (er) mean to you?
What Are You Thankful For?
What Are You Thankful For?
Let us know in the comment section.
They are NOT Angry Birds! (Part 2.1)
They are NOT Angry Birds! (Part 2.1)
We are two different people and his experiences will not be the same as mine; they will be his own. I want SO badly for him to not to go through the things I did, that it’s taken me a long time to see that he won’t.
3 Things You'd Better Know if You Want Strong(er) Triceps
3 Things You'd Better Know if You Want Strong(er) Triceps
Kicking back some thoughts on tricep training…
If you persevere, there are fewer competitors.
20 Items You Need in Your Gym Bag to be Stronger
20 Items You Need in Your Gym Bag to be Stronger
Of course, you’ll find this in Chad Aichs’ bag, but you’ll also find it in McMillan’s.
10 Things that DON'T Suck
10 Things that DON'T Suck
Don’t suck! Jim and Rachel are the authorities on AWESOMENESS.
 Iron Warrior Training
Iron Warrior Training
I put this program together to try and maximize strength and mass as much as possible. I am a believer that you need to get stronger to get bigger. And also just want to be strong, but also large a lean.
 From The Mill 12/4/09
From The Mill 12/4/09
Dave answers your questions from the treadmill.

47 Item(s)