Train With Wendler: Splice, Scrabble and CG Bench
Bench Training and Bad Movie of the Week Never really know if my shoulder is going to kill me or not. Today it wasn't bad. CG Bench Press - worked up to 335x1 and multiple sets at 225. Kroc Rows - 100x10, 150x22 ------------------ Bad Movie of the Week - This week's pile of hot morning breath is Splice starring […]
Stop Thinking With Julia Anto
So often we find ourselves overanalyzing our lifts and thinking about every little thing we are doing. There is a time and place for that in training but there is a time and a place to shut the brain off and just go. Julia Anto does a great job explaining how she has adopted this […]
Dan Green is a Deadlift Machine
760x4 848x4 914x1 Dan Green is on another level! Check out all the content from Dan Green here at elitefts! View this post on Instagram A post shared by BOSS DAN GREEN (@dangreenpowerlifter)
Train With Wendler 4/21/13
4/21/2013 10:30:24 AM - Training Training Monday Squat - 3x5, working to the top set of 10 reps Press - 3x5, hit last set for 10 reps. Very happy with the progress so far. Assistance work: Rows/Chins/Dips/Facepulls/RC work Thursday TBDL - 3x5, working set for the top set of 10 reps Bench Press - 3x5, set […]
RX Radio E214: The G.O.A.T
Dr Jordan Shallow and Killian Hamilton start off this episode of RX’D Radio by reliving some of their most interesting and awkward DM interactions. After some entertaining personal stories, the conversation turns to define “the best athlete of all time.” The team runs through the names of their most respected and favored athletes, breaking down […]
Coaches Corner Episode 9- Cheat Meals, Eating Disorders, Squat Stance, N...
In episode 9 of Coaches Corner we do a live Q&A and had some great questions and conversations. We cover a variety of topics dealing with nutrition from disorders to nutrient timing. Paul of course does a wardrobe change in the middle of the show and we talk about training with exercise selection and carryover […]
Move Better, Train Smarter, & Get Stronger | Coach's Corner wit...
Sam Brown and Nic Bronkall sit down and talk about why you hurt! These two powerhouse strength and conditioning coaches will give you everything from why you're in pain to a strength coach's perspective on how to get healed.
Are You an Athlete?
Have you ever competed in a sport? if the answer is no, it sounds silly to think of yourself as an athlete right? Wrong. Everyone is an athlete and elitefts columnist Nic Bronkall can prove it! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Performance Coach & Therapist (@nic_bronkall) If you need further […]
Dave Tate "9" Simple Tips For a BIG Squat
Are you looking to get a bigger squat? If so this is the video for you. Today we are back at elitefts and Dave Tate will be flowing us along as we do our 5x5 squat workout. Dave Tate will give us tips as we go to help give us a bigger squat. I know […]
New IPF WADA Testing Hurts USAPL?
No matter what you believe when it comes to performance enhancing drugs and competitive powerlifting and sport, the fact of the matter is that a new change is on the horizon for the USAPL that could negatively impact the idea of a "drug-free" federation. Read the post below and share with us what your […]
Train With Wendler: Double Vision Deadlifts
Deadlift/Press Deadlift - hit 500 for 10 reps Press - 140 for 20 Assistance work - lats and rehab Ain't nothing special done in this workout. Then I repeated the deadlift/press workout because I was waiting to squat this week. So I did this a day later. Deadlift - worked up to 470 for 3 reps Press - 145x10 Assistance - […]
Master the Basics with Chris Tutela
Do not allow yourself to fall into the trap of thinking that you are too good for the basics. This post by elitefts columnist Chris Tutela breaks it down and might just be the reminder you need this Monday. Read more from Chris Tutela here! View this post on […]
How To Increase Your Bench with Your Lats with Meana and Seth Albersworth
If you are benching for strength, you're going to want to know these tips. Today at elitefts, we show you how engaging your lats to stabilize and tighten your body can increase your bench exponentially. Powerlifters, bodybuilders, and lifters of all kinds should know these tips! Sponsored elitefts athlete Meana Albersworth and her husband Seth […]
How to Become 5th Set Method Certified by Swede Burns
Team elitefts member Swede Burns came into to talk about his upcoming 5th set method certification class along with his new book. With his new course, strength coaches can now become certified in 5th set method and be taught in person by Swede Burns. This method is not just for powerlifters. It's for anyone looking […]
How to Unrack a Squat Using a Monolift
Let's face it, not everyone has access to a monolift, and when you get a chance to use one you don't want to "be that guy" right? Well if you watch this you'll definitely know the ins and outs of this awesome piece of equipment
Band Tension Chart With a Deadlift Platform
One of the most asked questions we get here at elitefts is "how much band tension for x" In the grand scheme of things, it truly is not particularly important as far as you keep the band set up the same for whatever it is you are using for it. With that being said, HighSchoolStrengthCoach […]
Ben Pollack Looking Massive 15 Weeks Out
Ben Pollack is not a stranger to looking huge. That being said, the latest update photo from his coach Shelby Starnes has him looking HUGE! Take a look at the progress in the post down below! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Shelby Starnes (@shelbystarnes100)
Speed Pulls With The Mountain Dog and Dave Tate
Today we talk speed pulls. How to do them why you do them and some things you might be doing wrong. Dave Tate will be walking us through this speed pull workout. Make sure you watch the whole thing he give all kinds of amazing advice. Be on the lookout for something special very soon. […]
Rx'D Radio Ep. 213: The New Studio with Jordan Shallow
Dr Jordan Shallow and Killian Hamilton are back this week to break in the new official studio of RX’D Radio! A very special surprise, we get a sneak peek at the man behind the audio curtain, Kyle Lundy. Jordan and Kyle relive the early years of the podcast and how Kyle joined the Pre-Script™ team. […]
From Highland Games World Champion to 30K runner with Matt Vincent
Former Highland games world Champion Matt Vincent Sits down to talk with our very own Sam Brown, and goes over why he would ever start running! Matt certainly never thought he would be running a 30k at high altitude, but that's what he's training for now!
Developing your Training Rules with Jim Wendler
Power Cleans - worked up to 225x6 Deadlift - worked up to 455x6 Prowler - a few Now that I'm back on track, I had to relook at my "Training Rules" to make sure that I was doing the things I needed to do. Sure enough, I had faltered on a few things but stayed true to most. […]
More Meathead Tips with Dave Tate!
Dave Tate is back at it with the washed-up meathead tips! He goes over his best tips for gym motivation while training in the elitefts compound.
Train With Wendler: April 2013
Monday Mobility hurdles x 45 minutes Press - 3x3 workout, push the last set, push TM set for 5 reps Bench Press - 3x5 push last set, all done CG and paused Rows/Chins between all sets, probably 200 reps Tuesday - conditioning/mobility Wednesday - conditioning/mobility Thursday Deadlift - 3x3, push the last set for 10 […]
Three and Out Method When Short On Time By Nic Bronkall.
Not many people have the ability to train for 2-3 hours a day. Some people need a far more efficient training program that they can get done in under an hour and still make great progress. Coach and elitefts columnist Nic Bronkall showcases a great way to get in, get out, and make progress. […]
Philladelphia Eagle Lane Johnson Rocking elitefts "TrainHrd" o...
Philadephia Eagles offensive tackle Lane Johnson jumped on ESPN's First Take yesterday morning to chat about coming back from injury and the upcoming season. Not only did Lane have a great camera presence he had a great sense of fashion rocking the elitefts "TrainHrd" tee in "cutoff sleeves" mode like a true meathead. The cool thing […]
Matt Vincent's TOP 4 Exercises for Knee Injuries
We had 2X Highland Games World Champion and entrpreneur, Matt Vincent, come out to the elitefts compound to show Sam Brown his top exercises for knee health and recovering from knee injuries.
From the Archives: Angry Coach Classic.
Another industry tirade People in the fitness industry take themselves way too f****g seriously. Most of these guys, if you read their websites and look at their Facebook posts, actually think they’re role models we should be emulating. Some of them have actually even published lifestyle and time management books. I find this very curious, […]
Train With Wendler: Squat and Bench 4/8/2011
Squat/Bench Squat - did normal 5/3/1 sets (no workup this week) Bench Press - normal sets, last set being 145 for 33 reps Assistance - lats, neck, and rehab Conditioning - Easy LSD Lifting twice a week - smashing paradigms, Jim Wendler
Kevin Durant Returns!
Last night marked the return for Kevin Durant after a 22 game hiatus due to injury. He and the Nets faced off against the New Orleans Pelicans in a dominant performance with the final score of 139-111 in favor of Durant and the Nets. Catch a full update from CBS sports here Watch Video […]
How Train Your Ass Off with Dave Tate Got Me Hired
New Director of Performance, Sam Brown, sat down to react to old footage of his experience with "Train Your Ass Off" program, and talked about how he went from training with Dave Tate, to working here at elitefts one year later.
RX'd Radio with elitefts Coach Jordan Shallow EP212
This week we sat down with good friends of RX’D Radio, Dr. Stefi Cohen and Mr. Hayden Bowe who together own Hybrid Performance Method in Miami, Florida. Both Hayden and Stefi are two of the world's top strength athletes, and they use their collective experience and knowledge to educate and revolutionize the strength community. Kicking […]
Paleo and Other Diets with Jim Wendler.
On the Paleo and other Diets... from back in 2010.Jim,I hear you are into the Paleo lifestyle. Well, so am I brother from another mother... Tell me bro, what's the best way to stay paleo over a week of eating like this, I mean there has got to be a way to make turkey dinner […]
Powerlifter Needs Analysis with Nic Bronkall
The first step with working with an athlete or client is to understand what they want to accomplish, where they currently are in that process, and figuring out the best means of attaining that goal. But what does that process look ? Enter the "Needs Analysis". This post by elitefts columnist Nic Bronkall is a […]
What IS a Strength Coach?
Ever wonder what a strength coach really is or what they do? Well, Find out When Sam Brown and Nic Bronkall sit down and talk about that and more!!!
RIR? RPE? John Meadows Breaks Down How You Should Train.
In this video I will go over RPE and how to use them what they should look like. RPE or RIR is a great tool to use when in the gym. If you have ever used any of my programs you will see the RPE and this video will just show you what each one […]
Spud Inc. X Jujimufu: Deadlift Secrets
Jujimufu took a trip down to Spud Inc. headquarters from Marc Bartley himself! Click here to check out Spud Inc. straps and gear right here at elitefts! Taken from the Youtube Description: "I took a trip to get deadlift help from an old, elite powerlifter, Marc Bartley. Marc broke down my deadlift, gave me […]
Train With Wendler: April 5th 2011 Deadlift Training With Some Southern ...
Taken from the Archives deep within the elitefts underground vault. Deadlift training and some southern grit. Deadlift - worked up to 450x3 Leg Press - 5 sets of 12 reps GM - 3 sets of 12, 1 set of 24 Training is going well - one thing I've learned is that if you really want to push the […]
More Meathead Tips with Dave Tate! (Explicit)
DAVE IS BACK AGAIN with more weird meathead tips! He wouldn't be telling you if they didn't work!
LISTEN: Tony Montgomery Jr. and the Sports Nutrition Roundtable with Cay...
In episode 7 we host a round table discussion on nutrition for sports performance with Caylea Borges and Marc Morris. We dive deep into the topics of cutting weight for a meet and recomping afterward to have the best performance on the platform. We also cover topics of macronutrient distribution and body fat set point […]
Matt Mills Leg Day Ain't Nuttin to $%@! With!
With the weekly holiday of "WuTang Wednesday" in the rear view mirror, it is important to pay respects to one of the leading most supporters of the weekly musical tradition and elitefts columnist Matt Mills. No many people would be able to handle the amount of volume that Mills is used to, nor would they […]
Team elitefts Athlete Meana Albersworth Benches More Than You.
The key to strength is stringing together as many quality training sessions as you can while mitigating levels of fatigue. Meana shows this perfectly as she keeps building her already impressive bench with quality reps and training sessions. This is how champions are made. Brick by brick. View this post on Instagram A post […]
elitefts S5 Compound Gym Tour!
Have you ever wondered what it's like in the elitefts S5 Compound? Get ready to have your mind blown because Nate Harvey is gonna take you through to see EVERYTHING!
Dynamic Squats and Powerbuilding Leg Day with John Meadows and Dave Tate.
John Meadows came out to shoot some awesome videos right here at elitefts the other day and they just launched! Check them out and make sure to subscribe to John's Youtube channel to see all the content he filmed with us coming out soon!
2 Exercises For Big Squat Gains with Swede Burns
Swede Burns is back again Swede knows how important it is to implement supplemental lifts into training and here he shows you 2 of the best ones to EXPLODE your squat! Like the bars used in this video? Click here!
World's Strongest Man 2021 Roster Announced!
This list of 25 competitors will be competing to earn the title of World's Strongest Man 2021 in beautiful Sacramento, California from June 15-20th. Who do you have coming out on top? 2021 World’s Strongest Man Roster Gavin Bilton — Great Britain Adam Bishop — Great Britain Maxime Boudreault — Canada JF Caron — Canada Kevin Faires — USA Mark Felix — Great Britain […]
LISTEN: RX'd Radio Ep 211 with Jordan Shallow and Fernando Reis
This week on RX’D Radio the boys sat down with the team at Hybrid Performance Method, specifically to speak with Fernando Reis. Fernando hails from Brazil, and is one of the top 5 Olympic Weightlifting athletes in the world, having set multiple world records and competing in both the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympic […]
HOT TAKE: Ditch the Foam Roller with Nic Bronkell!
If you find yourself in a commercial gym or training facility, chances are that you will find a stash of foam rollers. The foam roller has had a lot of support over the years with claims of "breaking up fascia" or "increasing flexibility". Nic Bronkell throws down the gauntlet in his latest IG post. What […]
Warm Up to Train Like a D-1 Athlete
If you can't warm up like an athlete, how are you supposed to perform like one? Nate Harvey shares just some of his 10 years of experience of working with athletes by showing you the RIGHT way to warm up for training like a D-1 Athlete!
TEAM ELITEFTS DISCUSSES: Does Hypertrophy Training Have a Place When Tra...
Does hypertrophy work have a place when training athletes? In the world of athletics, there seems to be a new bone of contention between coaches. That would be if “hypertrophy” work; has a place in athletics? At first glance, you would think that this is a no-brainer. Of course, you wanted your athletes to get […]
LISTEN: elitefts Coach Skip Hill Talks Training on a Cut, Diet Hunger on...
BSG 105 WITH SKIP HILL, NELSON JONES & SCOTT MCNALLY 1:10 Celebrating IFBB Pro Andy Haman 7:45 How to train in a prep/in a cut 23:00 Dealing with muscle imbalances 28:35 What are the plans for Martin Fitzwater ? 31:20 Why am I getting cold chills after training? 37:00 Best appetite suppressant on prep 48:40 […]
LISTEN: Volume or Intensity to Push Hypertrophy with elitefts Coach Tony...
In episode 6 of Coaches Corner University, we have on Bryce Calvin and dive deep into the main drivers of hypertrophy. We get into a little back and forth on whether volume or intensity is the biggest driver for muscle growth. So really great dialogue that goes over exercise selection, adaptations for beginners versus […]
Tools of the Trade Ben Pollack Uses to Get HUGE!
We all know that elitefts coach Ben Pollack is on a mission to build the best physique possible utilizing all the tools he can to make sure he dominates in his next bodybuilding show. Ben shows us a quick update and explains two of the methods he has been utilizing in his latest Instagram post. […]
How to Correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt in the Deadlift
In this video, Team Elitefts' Christian and Julia Anto teach an exercise on how to fix anterior pelvic tilt for the deadlift. They also go over other positioning cues.
Meat Head Crushes Internet Trolls with Dave Tate
Not everyone has something nice to say, let alone constructive. Dave Tate knows that. He shares how he has dealt with criticism and social media trolls in his many years of being an online presence.
Ms. Fitness Olympia and elitefts Athlete Missy Truscott FLIPS OUT in Cal...
Missy Truscott is not a stranger to the physical demands of training and she truly understands what it means to be a champion. Her ability to build a tremendous physique while still being explosive, powerful, and athletic is truly what has separated her from the pack and has helped her attain the status of Ms. […]
TRAINING UPDATE: elitefts Athlete Yessica Martinez Preps to Become Miam...
Yessica Martinez is looking to become Miami's Baddest on Saturday, April 3rd at Crossfit Kendall down in the beautiful Miami, Florida. Yessica has been busting her ass over the last several months to prep for this show, and she is primed and ready to go. Yessica, competing in the lightweight women's division, will be looking […]
So You Think You Can Squat with Swede Burns
SWEDE IS BACK with another installment of our "So you think you can.." series! Think you can squat? Think your squat is solid enough for Swede Burns?
Dream Home Gym! (5 Home Gym Hacks for Anyone)
Matt Goodwin from Elite FTS shows off his fully decked out home gym!
How To Do The Farmer's Walk
It's a BLAST FROM THE PAST!!!. Check out this old school clip on how to do the Farmer's Walk!
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