2 FREE Ways to Increase Your Total
2 FREE Ways to Increase Your Total
Hard work pays off — not snake oil sales and get-rich-quick schemes. That doesn’t mean you can’t get stronger quickly. It just means you’ll have to put in a little extra work, like bumping up a weight class.
Fall Forward
Fall Forward
When you tuck the ball and fall for a yard, and when you get rolling, take three steps forward and get pushed back two, remember: you still fell forward one step.
Going on the Record with ATWR Holder Heidi Howar
Going on the Record with ATWR Holder Heidi Howar
I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing and training with Heidi, and I can say with absolute certainty that she is the real deal, an ATWR-holding meathead who’s willing to do what it takes to become, and in her case, stay the best.
How I Trained for a 600-Pound Bench
How I Trained for a 600-Pound Bench
I’d been using the same blueprint that goes to 500 to get me to 585, and that’s where I went wrong. I had to analyze everything in order to customize a new plan to break that 600-pound barrier. This is how I did that.
JP Carroll Takes Second Place at the 2019 XPCs
JP Carroll Takes Second Place at the 2019 XPCs
Before I get into my recap of the 2019 XPC World meet, I want to say, I took second place — even with my fifth 2,200-pound total and seventh 900-pound squat — for no other reason than I wasn’t strong enough that day.
2019 Arnold Sports Festival Report: Day 2 for Team elitefts
2019 Arnold Sports Festival Report: Day 2 for Team elitefts
Saturday of the 2019 Arnold Sports Festival means one thing, and one thing only — the XPC Worlds! Fine, that's not entirely true...
XPC 2019: JP Carroll vs. Ryan Belcher
XPC 2019: JP Carroll vs. Ryan Belcher
JP Carroll has won the XPC Worlds SHW raw event twice, back-to-back. 2019 could be the year where he wins three years in a row. That is the only thing weighing on his mind: winning. As for the competition? JP thinks little of his competitors, though his "Insta-rival" Ryan Belcher says otherwise...
Technically, You're Weak
Technically, You're Weak
Enough of the excuses. I’m sick of hearing them. You have the energy to roll on the floor for 45 minutes before you train, take 34 selfies, and tag the gang before you leave the gym, but you can’t spend an extra 30 minutes on your back?
Recovery for the Fat Boys
Recovery for the Fat Boys
Everyone wants to post up the coolest and latest recovery systems, like Salt Floats, Compression Boots, Prowlers, and Sled Drags, but as a big dude (or lady) are you considering walking?
Build Bigger Legs and a Bigger Squat (with 6-Week Accessory Split)
Build Bigger Legs and a Bigger Squat (with 6-Week Accessory Split)
This isn’t about any unusual angles, movements, or attachments. This is just a meat and potatoes approach to building bigger legs and a bigger squat. Try this out for 6-8 weeks and see how it works for you.
Meet Report: 1,200 Total at IPA Buckeye Brawl
Meet Report: 1,200 Total at IPA Buckeye Brawl
It was my first time representing Team elitefts at a meet. The support I got from them was unreal. Oh, and the team shirt was pretty cool, too.
2018 IPL Midwest Open — 2131-Pound Total at 242 Pounds
2018 IPL Midwest Open — 2131-Pound Total at 242 Pounds
The 825 opener flew, and I told JP to call 881 on my second. This is when I knew I would “earn my regrets” because I actively prepared myself to become injured due to this decision.
A Cheat Sheet to Greatness
A Cheat Sheet to Greatness
You’ll still be weak and look like shit, but man, people will know you lift.
The Downfall of Driven
The Downfall of Driven
When I first glance at the word, I think of some clown with a “Lift Angry” shirt on and bright red Beats headphones rapping out loud to some gangster rap song portraying a life that he’s never had or in which he’ll never partake.
Try This On for Size
Try This On for Size
It all started about two weeks post-Arnold, when I secured my second win back-to-back. I did what I’d always done—push the limits, take drugs, and eat food.
5 Powerlifting Lessons I Flunked Day One
5 Powerlifting Lessons I Flunked Day One
With my old ways of thinking, I kicked ass and got better. But I’ve figured out along the way that it’s like nitrous: it’s great for a quick burst, but powerlifting isn’t a quarter mile.
Stay the Course
Stay the Course
Think about all the things you sucked at the first time you tried them: walking, talking, reading, writing. What if you’d given up on them after a failure or two?
2018 Zoo Run Run: Team Not Team Old Man vs. Team Old Man
2018 Zoo Run Run: Team Not Team Old Man vs. Team Old Man
This was more than a 10-week prep geared to beat our previously recorded race time of 52 minutes and 32 seconds while flying past a self-proclaimed mashed-up meathead.
Death of a Number
Death of a Number
I’ve seen men shoot bottle rockets out of their ass for views and women with “shorts” on using thirst trap camera angles from the rear all in an attempt to be accepted as a “powerlifter.” Sadly, it works.
Year One with Men’s Aspirations — Developing Social Skills with Substance
Year One with Men’s Aspirations — Developing Social Skills with Substance
This program provides a monthly social outlet for teens and young adults with high functioning autism. As we approach year one, I want to share how I’ve made this program my own.
Take the Emotion out of the Bar
Take the Emotion out of the Bar
Motivation doesn’t mean a thing if you haven’t done the work. Relying on the psych up didn’t work for me and this is why.
Meet Report: Back-to-Back XPC Finals Super Heavyweight Champion
Meet Report: Back-to-Back XPC Finals Super Heavyweight Champion
Not only was I there to defend my “title,” but I was also there to finally reach a milestone only achieved by a handful of lifters: a 2300-pound total.
XPC 2018 — JP Carroll Wins Again
XPC 2018 — JP Carroll Wins Again
JP foresaw two possible outcomes for today’s meet: total 2300 or beat Domenick Minnici to secure another win.
Team elitefts Competition Schedule for 2018 XPC Powerlifting
Team elitefts Competition Schedule for 2018 XPC Powerlifting
Columbus Ohio is the place to be March 1-4. Here’s the running itinerary for elitefts competitors and coaches.
6 Big Boy Season Must-Haves
6 Big Boy Season Must-Haves
I was 417 at my biggest, and very ill-informed about my strength. Powerlifting seems to have a general acceptance of “bigger” meaning “stronger,” but bigger isn’t always better.
WATCH: Table Talk — The 3 Most Impressive Things Dave Has Seen at the S4 Compound
WATCH: Table Talk — The 3 Most Impressive Things Dave Has Seen at the S4...
The mind-blowing lifts and accomplishments that have occurred in the S4 are too numerous to recount, but there are a few that stick out in Dave’s mind.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Bodybuilding and Powerlifting Carryover
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Bodybuilding and Pow...
Despite many similarities and differences between bodybuilding and powerlifting, there’s one key aspect of bodybuilding that powerlifters need most.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Why an Advanced Powerlifter Needs a Coach
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Why an Advanced Powe...
Even the strongest lifters in the world can’t figure everything out themselves.
30-Pound Total PR at 2017 UPA Iron Battle on the Mississippi
30-Pound Total PR at 2017 UPA Iron Battle on the Mississippi
Some days you go yard and sometimes the pitcher gets you reaching. You take what you can get and learn from your time in the batter’s box.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Keeping Good Form Through Every Rep
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Keeping Good Form Th...
Learning proper lifting technique may be a challenge, but being able to recreate it rep after rep is even more difficult.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Sequencing Assistance Work
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Sequencing Assistanc...
Would it be wise to follow the same percentage for a given workout for both the main lift and the assistance work? Or should the assistance work be planned differently?
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — PLing Difficulty, Deadlift Leverages, and Accessory Volume
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — PLing Difficulty, De...
Have you ever wondered what makes powerlifting so hard? Look no further — these guys have the answer.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Trusting the Process
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Trusting the Process
A lot of lifters think you have to train over 90% week after week to get stronger. Adjusting to a program like 5thSet may challenge you mentally to trust the process, but it won’t be long before you experience the benefits.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — The Growth of 5thSet and Training Elite Lifters
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — The Growth of 5thSet...
What has changed about 5thSet over the course of its rise to popularity? And what is it like being an elite lifter that hands his training over to someone else?
Team elitefts UGSS — June 2017
Team elitefts UGSS — June 2017
What does this mean for you?
Training in commercial gyms has its pros and cons. This is a call to arms for those who need to hear it.
Excuses Don't Count Towards Your Total
Excuses Don't Count Towards Your Total
At least, not at this point. As it stands, we are left with adding up our heaviest successful attempt for each of the three lifts and the sum of those is how a powerlifting total is born.
2017 XPC Finals — JP Carroll Secures 1st Place
2017 XPC Finals — JP Carroll Secures 1st Place
It’s about fucking time.
Introducing New elitefts Athlete JP Carroll
Introducing New elitefts Athlete JP Carroll
As JP shares in his first athlete log, his goal is to entertain, motivate, and educate, helping you become the best version of yourself.

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