Build High School Athletes' Athletic Base with Olympic Lifting
Build High School Athletes' Athletic Base with Olympic Lifting
When done correctly, these lifts can improve an athlete’s peak force, rate of force production, and explosiveness.
WATCH: Training Frequency Considerations for Strength Sports
WATCH: Training Frequency Considerations for Strength Sports
Keep in mind the training frequencies listed here can still vary a lot depending on the person. These are just numbers to keep in mind as you figure out the best frequency for you!
The Grand Unified Theory of Everything
The Grand Unified Theory of Everything
A few years ago, I attempted to bring 4 strength sports together into a training plan for rugby. This time, I want to delve deeper into the framework that makes up the programming of these sports and how we can program them into a usable athletic development plan.
Before You Social Media Shame Athletes' Poor Technique
Before You Social Media Shame Athletes' Poor Technique
All too often we sit back and make judgments through a keyboard in an instant rather than thinking that this is one moment of a program rather than the whole thing. I know that I have done this, too, earlier in my career (and on the wrong day, recently, too).
Progressions in Exercise Selection Based on Technical Proficiency
Progressions in Exercise Selection Based on Technical Proficiency
I firmly believe you have to start at the simplest movement that you can master correctly and then over time progress from the simple to the more complex movements. Download my basic outline with notes included here.
Unification of Training Stimuli (with Program)
Unification of Training Stimuli (with Program)
You might call this The Grand Unified Training Theory: attempting to combine the training elements of Olympic lifting, powerlifting, strongman, and bodybuilding into one single training program.
WATCH: Table Talk — What You Need for the Perfect Home Gym
WATCH: Table Talk — What You Need for the Perfect Home Gym
There are three questions you should be asking yourself before investing in equipment.
Life Lessons of the Iron
Life Lessons of the Iron
Train with me for one day and I will know more about you than I could learn from a year outside the gym. If you spend time with the weights, you’ll learn more about yourself, too.
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — Weightlifting for Strongman, Deadlift Stance
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — Weightlifting for Strongman, D...
Clint answers your questions: Olympic weightlifting for Strongman performance? Sumo or conventional deadlift stance?
4 Secrets of Soviet Weightlifting
4 Secrets of Soviet Weightlifting
Principles behind training variables that helped Soviet strength athletes achieve success and longevity.
Greg Everett's Guide to the Start Position for Weightlifting
Greg Everett's Guide to the Start Position for Weightlifting
"If you still believe a barbell can’t be snatched or cleaned with an upright posture, you’re beyond any help I’m able to offer. If I haven’t convinced you by now to at the very least legitimately evaluate this starting position yourself, I have no hope of doing so." - Greg Everett
Greg Everett's Top Five Exercises for the Snatch
Greg Everett's Top Five Exercises for the Snatch
Catalyst Athletics's owner give five exercises to help you PR your Snatch
Clint Darden Talks Olympic Weightlifting and Life
Clint Darden Talks Olympic Weightlifting and Life
Clint Darden talks training and life with the crew from The Weightlifting Scoop
WATCH: Adjusting Knee Wrap Technique for Different Types of Squats
WATCH: Adjusting Knee Wrap Technique for Different Types of Squats
The over/under style to allow flexion with protection.
The Difference Between Olympic and ATG Squats
The Difference Between Olympic and ATG Squats
Do these both have value and do Olympic lifters even care?
American Weightlifting: Seven Questions for Greg Everett
American Weightlifting: Seven Questions for Greg Everett
Interview with Greg Everett on his new documentary American Weightlifting
Down and Dirty Guide to Increasing Training Frequency
Down and Dirty Guide to Increasing Training Frequency
It is time to get you ready to lift heavier more often than you ever thought possible.
JoshStrength: Herculean Traps 101
JoshStrength: Herculean Traps 101
Big, strong traps scream power, and the best deadlifters in the world have herculean trap development.
Training with Purpose: In Retrospect
Training with Purpose: In Retrospect
I think it is important to look to the past to avoid future mistakes.
Strongmen Pushing Their Limits
Strongmen Pushing Their Limits
Chase Karnes and Clint Darden square off in a Paducah Showdown
Olympic Lifting for Athletes:  Using Static Holds to Improve Technique
Olympic Lifting for Athletes: Using Static Holds to Improve Technique
Teaching the Olympic lifts can be difficult. Using isometric holds can benefit both coaches and athletes.
Training with Purpose: Training Isn't Religion or Politics
Training with Purpose: Training Isn't Religion or Politics
Shutting out information simply because it doesn’t come from a narrow scope of influences that appeal will limit long-term progress.
Training for Maximum Strength
Training for Maximum Strength
Why is it that we have the greatest athletic talent pool in the world, but we don’t turn out world record holders like we should be able to do?
A Lion in Iron: Training—It’s Not That Complicated
A Lion in Iron: Training—It’s Not That Complicated
If something sounds too ridiculous to actually work, it probably is. Stick with the tried and true methods.
Power Clean for the Strength Athlete
Power Clean for the Strength Athlete
Whether your sport is powerlifting, strongman, football or any other “strength” sport, the power clean should be part of your workout plan.
A Response to "Olympic Lifting: Why Do We Suck?"
A Response to "Olympic Lifting: Why Do We Suck?"
I’m taking that freedom to respond to what I believe was an article full of misinformed judgment on training for the sport of weightlifting.
Olympic Lifting: Why Do We Suck?
Olympic Lifting: Why Do We Suck?
We are the United States, home of the free and apparently land of the weak
Olympic Lifting Considerations
Olympic Lifting Considerations
Why the hell does everyone who uses the Olympic lifts to build speed and explosiveness feel they need their athletes to work at 90 percent and up of their 1RM?
 Olympic Lifting for the Growing Gymnast, Part 1
Olympic Lifting for the Growing Gymnast, Part 1
As gymnastics coaches, sometimes we get caught up in sport-specific strength training because that’s what we know best. The belief is that if we strength train for sport-specific movements repetitiously, the gymnast will not only become stronger during those movements but will have less cause for injury. However, it is that frame of mind in which we fail as coaches.
Olympic Lifting for Athletes: Power Clean!
Olympic Lifting for Athletes: Power Clean!
It’s extremely important that athletes perform Olympic lifts correctly. This means teaching lifts through a progression designed to implement proper form. Doing the lifts incorrectly, which is the case with the vast majority of young athletes, reduces the effect of the lift and creates a much higher likelihood of injury.

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