How to Make Your Rehab Suck
If getting under the bar is the end goal post-injury, here’s what NOT to do. By knowing the wrong approach, it’s easier to grasp what’s right.
My Left Glute is Not Activating
Anyone who’s actually said this and FELT this lack of power knows how frustrating it can be: Despite the EBP nerds saying, “Well, the hip is extending, so the glute must be firing.” If you have felt the empty feeling, you know that you’re not firing on all cylinders.
Programming Through Injury: Good, Better, and Best Options
Programming through injury doesn’t need to be nearly as complicated as we make it. It’s not really all that different than programming a regular training block for a movement with a few differences.
Don't Ignore Systemic Interplay
If we want to help people, we have got to stop picking camps and start putting the client first. Here’s a prime example of how to do that with a focus on the respiratory system.
Understanding Groin Injuries: Complex Groin Injuries
When a doctor who knows how I train gave me his diagnosis, I had no idea what to do because I hadn’t met anyone that had this constellation of stuff. Neither had he. The best foundation we came up with was based on the same principles in the previous articles.
3 Things Physical Therapy School Taught Me About Being A Strength Coach
I could write a big article covering every detail about physical therapy and strength coaching, but I’ve chosen to spare your computer screen space and discuss the most important topics about what physical therapy school taught me about being a strength coach.
Should the Patient Hear the Pop?
When I started adjusting patients, I liked the sound of popping. I was really attached to it. But if you’re just trying to hear that “pop,” you might end up hurting someone for something that might not have been necessary in the first place.
Understanding Groin Injuries: A Muscle Tear
The biggest thing you need to take away from muscle tears is that the healing process is largely chemically based and physiologically mediated in order to remedy the mechanical disruption and restore (again) mechanical strength.
Keyboard Warriors Need to Stop!
People with similar issues can respond differently to the same treatments, so having multiple solutions is a great way to increase the likelihood of success. As for arguing about different solutions with experts on the internet? Not so great.
Hybrid Performance Group — A One-Stop Shop for Recovery
Do you need help recovering from an injury? Do you want to prevent future injuries? If so, Hybrid Group Performance is for you. The clinic’s co-owners, Dr. Tyrel Detweiler (who’s also an elitefts columnist) and Dr. Devee Sresthadatta, talk about the origins of Hybrid Performance Group, their treatment philosophies, and more.
The Intent of Recovery
Intelligent training does NOT need to be pussyfooting around HARD training. It also doesn’t need to be pushing you to a point where you have to “deserve” a rest day. Attending SWIS 2018 and listening to Dr. John Rusin and Christian Thibedeau, I thought it would be great to revisit this topic.
The Value of Accessory Work
I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to moving a weight that makes me “feel good” about training, versus doing a movement that requires less weight on the bar because it exposes weakness.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Dr. Tyrel Detweiler
As an elitefts team member, he'll use his column as an opportunity to help educate others while giving back to a brand that has been so influential in his own career as an athlete and professional.
Movement Patterns Beyond One Plane
If you’re looking a little shifty, if you’re feeling aches and pains on your competition movements, if you want a longer shelf life, if you want to feel athletic instead of “locked in” all of the time, finish your sessions with this. I promise you’ll move and feel better.
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk with Dr. John Rusin
Over half an hour of non-stop Q&A, responding directly to questions from elitefts readers.
It's Time to Recover
Time is the multiplier that turns a tiny crack on a newly paved road into a pothole or a single tree into a forest. Here are a few tips to reduce stress on the body and to better prepare yourself to have more in the tank for your training.
The Best Advice I Can Give to Future Physical Therapists
If you want to make a career out of working with strength athletes, there’s one thing that’s more important than everything else.
The Second Phase of Injury: Changing the Plan
I needed to know I wasn’t going crazy for wanting to know where things were scarring down, and I needed to know what to expect based on the injury itself. So I broke the mold a bit.
The Acute Phase of Injury: What Just Happened?
Once you’ve started the waiting game and it has sunk in you’re out of training for a while, there are definite ways to set yourself up for success. This is something I’m currently experiencing myself after tearing the adductor longus tendon from my pelvis.
Four Simple Mistakes to Avoid to Stay Injury-Free
These are what I’d consider the biggest mistakes in letting injury dictate your ability to train.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Initial Assessment with Dr. John Rusin
Years of pushing his body to the limit has left Dave with two hip replacements, numerous shoulder surgeries, more injuries than he can recall, constant daily pain, and restricted movement. It’s time for a change.
Reflections on 2017
I have been younger and I have made more money but I have never been more content.
5 Training Staples for Your Off-Season
When the time rolls around to start prepping for your next competition, you’ll wish you’d used your off-season wisely. Here are the five things you should focus on to provide the most improvement, longevity, and resilience.
Mirage Chasing
We seek enough, for what? To prove we did something? That we’re good “enough” at something? I’m fighting every day to overcome this and you should too.
How to Heal Any Injury Overnight
When recovering from a recent hamstring tear, I started using a simple practice that can not only make training more intense, productive, and satisfying, but can also help you handle anything in training — including injury.
Current State of the Injury Rehabilitation and Pre-habilitation Field
How do people begin to decipher what constitutes good injury rehabilitation or pre-habilitation? In this article, I’m going to describe in detail many different factors that will help you sniff out the bullshit.
Reborn After Arthritis
Surgery isn’t magic but sometimes it is the best option if you’re willing to take the time to recover and undergo proper rehabilitation. Here’s my story of osteoarthritis at 29 years old.
Introducing New elitefts Coach and Columnist Jason Colley
Jason is the owner of Performance and Recovery Systems, where he works with clients as a Soft Tissue Therapist and Active Release Therapist. "I consider being part of the team both a privilege and, most certainly, a dream come true.”
Rehab Done Right: 7 Mistakes of Injury Rehabilitation
If you anticipate an extended period of time off, there are lots of things you can do right to avoid common mistakes. Your goal should be to come back stronger and tremendously benefit from time away from heavy weight.
Learn From the Back to Lead From the Front
In sports performance, sometimes you need to shut up, take a seat in the back of the room, and learn before you are ready to lead from the front.
Combatting Shoulder and Elbow Pain from Low Bar Squatting
Where you lack motion or motor control, your body will pass down the chain to the next moving part that can buy you an extra bit to help you get into position. This is dysfunction.
Unilateral Movements to Help Heal Nagging Injuries
I recently realized I’ve been looking at my back injury the wrong way all along. I needed to simplify the way I was thinking about it.
How Is Dave Tate Still Doing Dave Tate Things?
Every medical professional gauges how much slack on the leash they can give you without negative effects because everyone’s threshold is a little different. What’s Dave’s? And why?
Rehab Report: Repairing My Hand and Planning My Return to the Platform
This article was meant to have been about the results of my meet in December and the setting of PRs and possible world records. All of those aspirations ended on October 7, 2016.
10 Big Lessons 2016 Taught Me
Your numbers will be subject to so many external variables, but your character is forged by intentionality.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Compilation Series — Dani Overcash and Casey...
In these six videos, Dani identifies and helps resolve Casey’s hip issues while squatting. How can Casey’s powerlifting setback help you?
WATCH: How to Rehabilitate A Recurring Hamstring Injury
If you misidentify the cause of the injury, not only will you fail to solve the problem, but you may actually make it worse.
Impostor Syndrome — Identifying the Less Admirable
Training was so important to me. It covered my insecurity and kept me distracted from the ugliness that was brewing underneath.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — ...
This is my favorite part of the whole series — you get to see how all of this comes together and how it can help YOU as a lifter.
Training for Movement — 4 Easy Program Fixes
Having mobility issues? While direct work in the traditional sense will certainly help, so will continuing to train, if you plan correctly.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — ...
The purpose of this exercise is to help you get into your left hip and improve how well the socket receives the ball.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — ...
It took Casey a month just to get everything into position for this exercise. When you try it, you’re going to be tempted to engage every muscle you have. Don’t.
WATCH: Physical Therapy — Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams a...
The last two years have been the most uncomfortable but also the most rewarding of my life. Part of this process was putting aside my ego to address some physical dysfunctions that were holding me back.
Are You and Your PT Compatible?
Beyond skill-set, a physical therapist’s personal belief system, communication style, vision, and philosophy are just a few things you should consider when searching for the perfect match.
5 Keys to Fixing Your Hip
Three days before my heaviest deadlift of the meet training program and I couldn’t even bend down to grab the bar. Here are the techniques I used to mitigate my issues and make it to Boss of Bosses 3.
Troubleshooting Knee Pain While Squatting
Although it’s hard to generalize knee pain, here are several things I commonly see in a clinical setting. You can attack these issues in a number of ways.
5 Barriers: Why You're Having A Bad Experience with PT
Get the most out of working with your rehab expert so you can move better with less pain.
How Can I Get Stronger?
Whether you’re healthy or coming back from injury, try incorporating these things to increase force production and longevity.
Motor Patterning and PRI — Finding Solutions to Hip Shift and Dysfunctio...
Using a number of methods, here’s a look at what I did to correct a host of problems hindering my performance and health.
Rehab and Training: Forward-Thinking Prevention, Retrospective-Thinking ...
You’re always going to be in one of the three phases of training. Your goal is to find a way to stay in Phase One as long as possible while avoiding Phase Three at all costs.
WATCH: Table Talk — Curing Common Powerlifter Pain
Biceps and triceps tendonitis are among the most likely aches to plague competitive powerlifters. Here are several go-to ways to manage these and other common tendon and joint overuse injuries.
To Reach Your Goals, Be An Observer
Don’t become so caught up in your own head that you lose objective grounding in your assessment of the world. Here’s how to properly use detachment to reach your goals.
Physical Therapy is Boring
You’ve just been injured, and you’re on the way home from an hour of physical therapy. The last thing you want to do on your own is confusing exercises that take too long to show results.
Have You Tried Gateway Gear?
C’ mon guys, everybody’s doing it. It won’t hurt you (as long as you use it correctly).
Strength and Wellness Align at Total Health Systems
Powerlifter, Doctor of Chiropractic, and Director of Clinical Services shares how THS developed their two-pronged corrective and wellness approach.
I'm F#cked Up and I Like It
No athlete who has a competitive bone in his body would choose a passing FMS score over being an Olympic champion.
The Rehab Guy: Q&A
He’s back! You’ve got questions? He’s got the answers to get you back under the bar.
Beyond the Cortisone Shot: Iontophoretic Therapy
I underwent three rounds of iontophoresis a few months ago for an aggravated nerve/tendon issue that I’m having with both arms.