5 Basic Training Principles 
5 Basic Training Principles 
Learning from Louie Simmons, Ed Coan, Stan Efferding, Stuart McGill, and more, this is my training philosophy to guide my programming.
The Exercise Selection Chart
The Exercise Selection Chart
Let me walk you through a new weight room and share my processes for creating an exercise selection chart to best meet the needs of your athletes.
Who Defines You?
Who Defines You?
In this interview with Mark Dugdale, we discuss the mental side of training and competing, along with the various challenges that we meet when life, training, family, work, and all of the other areas of our lives intersect.
Strength Coach Ego Check: Rediscover Who You Are
Strength Coach Ego Check: Rediscover Who You Are
I had a conversation with Coach Jeff Ward that not only humbled me, but shook me to my core. I thought I had been focused on convictions, but ego had slipped into the driver’s seat.
Five People You Need in Your Training Life
Five People You Need in Your Training Life
I have looked at my personal success and observed who in my life has helped me move toward my goals. These are the types of people who can bend my ear, grab my attention, and then push or pull me toward the place I need to be.
WATCH: Mark Lambert — Strength Coach for the Tampa Bay Lightning of the NHL
WATCH: Mark Lambert — Strength Coach for the Tampa Bay Lightning of the ...
Tampa Bay Lightning takes home the 2020 Stanley Cup! Learn how they train off the ice with strength coach Mark Lambert.
WATCH: Blast from the Past — Dave Tate's Presentation at the 2006 Syracuse Strength Seminar
WATCH: Blast from the Past — Dave Tate's Presentation at the 2006 S...
There are four components of a weight room atmosphere: coaching, equipment, training, and athletes.
Stop Training a Bundle of Muscles and Start Training an Athlete
Stop Training a Bundle of Muscles and Start Training an Athlete
I spent a year of my master’s in Michigan Technological University’s “Rhetoric Theory and Culture” program. The time spent in this field has made me a better coach with lessons all coaches can benefit from.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Compilation Series
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Compilation Series
If I can teach a kid to squat correctly, I can teach him anything.
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk — Training at Night, 3x10 vs 10x3, and Illness
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk — Training at Night, 3x10 vs 10x3, and Illness
Dave’s back at The Table, and this time he’s answering your questions back-to-back with no preparation.
5 Leadership Mistakes in Personal Training
5 Leadership Mistakes in Personal Training
Having recently read Michael Speidel’s “5 Lessons from 13 Years in Leadership”, I reframed it to personal training.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Programming Layout for Youth Athletes
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Programming Layout for Youth A...
The first step to having a good program is following a training outline that balances every need of the athlete.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's UGSS Introduction — Earn the Barbell, Training Philosophy, and Industry Trends
WATCH: Jim Wendler's UGSS Introduction — Earn the Barbell, Training...
This video is Jim’s full 20-minute introduction to his UGSS presentation.
WATCH: Dave and Jim Are Back
WATCH: Dave and Jim Are Back
There’s a lot of history shared between these two men. Now they’re adding to it.
The Mythos of Training Female Athletes
The Mythos of Training Female Athletes
When an argument comes up about training women and the differences, I have a perspective that many of my male colleagues do not: there is no difference.
Iron, Intensity, and Innovation — I3 Strength and Performance
Iron, Intensity, and Innovation — I3 Strength and Performance
Brandon Holmes and Marlon Woods open I3 Strength in Performance in Augusta, Georgia for a client base committed to high-level strength and fitness.
How to Fix Your Bench Press: Programming Issues and Assistance Work
How to Fix Your Bench Press: Programming Issues and Assistance Work
Knowing now how to set up and execute the lift, there is one final process to perfect your bench press.
Armour Plating the Upper Body and Power Training the Lower Body
Armour Plating the Upper Body and Power Training the Lower Body
Trial and error over time has led me to where my programming is today. This has produced a philosophy that includes a different approach to upper and lower body training.
What Is Your Programming Signature?
What Is Your Programming Signature?
The style of your coaching and the content of your program say a lot about you as a coach. If someone questions your approach, do you have an answer?
Brandon Smitley's 9-Week Conjugate Training Program
Brandon Smitley's 9-Week Conjugate Training Program
This program is built on the foundation of tried-and-true conjugate training methods and includes personal adjustments from a world-record philosophy.
What Has Shaped Your Training Philosophy?
What Has Shaped Your Training Philosophy?
Elitefts strength athletes and coaches discuss the most influential knowledge they have gained in their careers.
The Top-10 Things I Learned as an Intern
The Top-10 Things I Learned as an Intern
As an intern, it’s up to you to make the most out of this experience and push yourself to be the best coach you can be. Remember, this is your chance to make an unforgettable impression and rise within the profession. Good luck!
Iron Warrior Gym Drives Progress Through Competitive Atmosphere
Iron Warrior Gym Drives Progress Through Competitive Atmosphere
Business partners J.J. Stepien and Seth Lee lead the development of strength in this Denver, Colorado training facility.
LISTEN: Joe Hashey Discusses Training Process, Football Players, and What Athletes Really Need
LISTEN: Joe Hashey Discusses Training Process, Football Players, and Wha...
The owner of Synergy Athletics and two-time NSCA featured speaker breaks down his career path and gives the advice that all trainers and gym owners need to hear.
WATCH: Mike Mastell Discusses His Experiences with Strongman and Biochemistry
WATCH: Mike Mastell Discusses His Experiences with Strongman and Biochem...
An elite level competitor shares the major factors that have influenced his training.
How to Develop a Training Philosophy
How to Develop a Training Philosophy
You can follow someone else’s program and just lift, or you can develop your own training philosophy by figuring shit out for yourself.
What "Live, Learn, Pass On" Really Means
What "Live, Learn, Pass On" Really Means
In this audio clip, Dave explains how to apply the motto to real life.
Coach G: What Is Your Philosophy?
Coach G: What Is Your Philosophy?
Selling your program to the various sport coaches and administrators is one of the biggest tests you will face as a strength coach.
Developing Your Own Training Philosophy
Developing Your Own Training Philosophy
To be a great lifter, you must be willing to find out what works for you in a program and what doesn’t. And you must be willing to devote the time to doing so.
Education and Relentless Self-Experimentation for Trainers
Education and Relentless Self-Experimentation for Trainers
My personal training philosophy is to use any and all available tools that allow me to maintain a strong, flexible, and conditioned body to maximize my health.

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