LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How to Build Upper-Back Strength For a Bigger Squat and Bench Press
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How to Build Upper-Back Strength For a...
Looking to beef up your upper back or increase your bench and squat numbers? Of course you are. Check out Dave Tate’s best advice on how to structure your routine to best gain upper back strength.
Got Upper Back?
Got Upper Back?
It seems that lifters do not understand the importance of the upper back or how to use it in the three main lifts. The lifters I judged at a recent meet and just about all of my clients prove that to me, so let’s fix that.
5 Upper Back Basics to Build Strength and Size
5 Upper Back Basics to Build Strength and Size
Can you deadlift 600 pounds but can’t budge a 225-pound stone off the floor? If you didn’t know, the upper back comes into play in nearly every strongman event; therefore, a weak upper back will surely decrease your chance of winning and advancing in the sport.
Stay Focused and Watch Your Back
Stay Focused and Watch Your Back
If you think you’re getting a solid upper back that’ll improve your bench press, deadlifts, and squats by using hard, forceful rowing exercises and lat pulldowns, think again. When you realize that, you’ve figured out that you need to change the way you train. Not sure what you should do? Let me explain.
WATCH: 8x8 Back Blast
WATCH: 8x8 Back Blast
This part of my program has got your back. Literally. This time around, we’re going to focus on the back. We’re gonna send it shooting off like a rocket. Blast-off!
Building the Raw Deadlift
Building the Raw Deadlift
This article will cover everything you need to build a big deadlfit as a raw lifter, from needs analysis, to the role of specific muscles, to choosing your best stance.
Elitefts™ Pro Band Shrugs
Elitefts™ Pro Band Shrugs
Elitefts™ Advisor and Owner of Mountain Dog Training performs a shrug variation at the S4 Compound using elitefts™ Pro Strong Bands.
Mike Robertson working with Jo Jordan
Mike Robertson working with Jo Jordan
Jo Jordan working with Mike Robertson with Rotator and Upper Back Work
Sumo Deadlift
Sumo Deadlift
Probably not performed by actual sumo wrestlers.
Swiss Bar Yates Rows
Swiss Bar Yates Rows
Dorian Yates’ signature back exercise.
Blast Strap Face Pulls
Blast Strap Face Pulls
The Blast Strap Face Pull is performed just as any other face pull.
Medium Grip Pull Up
Medium Grip Pull Up
They will help improve your lockout strength in the deadlift.
Barbell Bent Over Row
Barbell Bent Over Row
If you bench, you should row. If not, you should still row.
Death Squat
Video demonstration of Death Squat.
Sponge Bob Yoke Bar with Chains
Sponge Bob Yoke Bar with Chains
Video demonstration of Sponge Bob Yoke Bar with Chains.
BFP - Matt Kroczaleski on Kroc Rows
BFP - Matt Kroczaleski on Kroc Rows
Blast From The Past: Matt Kroczaleski discusses his training and the “Kroc Row” at the 2007 Boston Seminar.
KB Prone Rows
KB Prone Rows using rest pause.
High Sponge Bob Yoke Squats
High Sponge Bob Yoke Squats
High Sponge Bob Yoke Squats
Monkey Chin Bar
Monkey Chin Bar
Remember when Beavis and Butthead came out and everyone said, “I could have thought of that?” Well, the Monkey Chin Up Bar is the same way, although I’m not sure that its going to have the same appeal and cash flow as Mike Judge’s characters did.
Isolated Back Raise
Isolated Back Raise
This is a great movement for those dealing with lower back pain or have a hard time keeping their back arched while squatting and/or pulling.
Leverage Rows
Leverage Rows
You’ll need to add smaller plates here so the weights don’t hit your legs
Leverage Snatches
Leverage Snatches
Those who enjoy oly lifts, this is a great way to perform 1 arm snatches.
Pull ups with Spud Straps
Pull ups with Spud Straps
I love doing this exercise.
Free Standing DB Row
Free Standing DB Row
The only advice that I have for those of you that want to try this exercise is this; make sure you have a strong and conditioned lower back that has very good static strength.
Decline Rope Rows
Decline Rope Rows
These are the same as “fat man rows” except the grip is taxed to a much greater degree.
Dumbbell Chest Supported Row
Dumbbell Chest Supported Row
Flex elbows and retract scapula until upper arm is approximately level with torso
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Thick Rope Pull Ups
This is an awesome movement for developing pulling and grip strength.
Weighted Moderate-Wide Grip Chins
Weighted Moderate-Wide Grip Chins
Chins, what can we say about them?
Chest-Supported Shrugs - 45 degree
Chest-Supported Shrugs - 45 degree
One of the biggest weaknesses I have seen over the years is the upper back
Chest-Supported Rows
Chest-Supported Rows
Any rowing motion where the chest is in a supported position.
Biangular Row
Biangular Row
What am I going to say about this? It is a machine row.
Double-Kettlebell High Pulls
Double-Kettlebell High Pulls
Another plus is that there truly is no resisting the bells on the way down.
Stone Lifting without Stones
Stone Lifting without Stones
In the gym, you know that one bar where the end collar is always loose?
Rickshaw Deadlift
Rickshaw Deadlift
The Rickshaw deadlift is very similar to a rack deadlift in that it is a limited range of motion.
Rickshaw Box Dead Lift
Rickshaw Box Dead Lift
The Rickshaw is a devise originally designed for strongman training for different lifts and walks.
Prowler Rear Raise
Prowler Rear Raise
Who doesn’t want a bigger upper back and traps?
Prowler Pull
Prowler Pull
Grabbing the top horizontal handle, simply pull the Prowler towards you.
Keg Zercher Squat
Keg Zercher Squat
Another great strongman exercise using the keg!
Keg Bearhug Squat
Keg Bearhug Squat
I prefer the athlete to grab the keg slightly below the mid line to extend the range of motion slightly.
Beyond the Range (BTR) - Stone Lifting
Beyond the Range (BTR) - Stone Lifting
Application of Powerlifting technique to a Strongman implement.
Supra Cable Curl - Lat Bar Pull Down
Supra Cable Curl - Lat Bar Pull Down
You ever get tired of trying to come up with snappy exercise descriptions?
Fat Bar DD Pull Down
This is a great movement for targeting the lats and upper back.
Face Pulls
Face Pulls
This is a great exercise to develop your upper back.
Cable Snatch
Cable Snatch
This exercise is designed to work your upper back and traps.
Zercher Squats
Zercher Squats
This is a great exercise to build your deadlift and teach you to maintain proper position when squatting.
Zercher Squat with Fat Bar
Zercher Squat with Fat Bar
This is an awesome lift for the lower AND upper body.
WTHIT Squats with Yoke Bar
First off we need to see what this really is and then break it down.
Upper Back Good Mornings
Get under the bar, unrack the weight, and take a moderate to wide stance.
Safety Bar Box Squats
Safety Bar Box Squats
This movement is performed the same as the regular box squat except you will be using the Safety Squat Bar.
Barbell Shrugs
Barbell Shrugs
I have talked extensively about building a big yoke.
Back Hyper Complex
Back Hyper Complex
Work the entire posterior chain. Lifter performs a back hyper extension and then rows the barbell to their midsection.
Back Extension / Row Combination
Back Extension / Row Combination
Setup in a GHR, Back Extension or Roman Chair. Extend hips and lock into place close to parallel to the floor.
Mini-Band Rear Delt
Mini-Band Rear Delt
This is a cool exercise to do for your upper back.

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