Three Things Done Daily in my House
Three Things Done Daily in my House
I surely hope that when you read my Coaching Log that you aren't disappointed with times that I don't address only Strength and Conditioning. I also wish that you pick up some of my wild far fetched ideas that can become useful to YOU. I am certainly glad that The Tates allow my ramblings and […]
You Choose
You Choose
Abe Lincoln has it right!
Nothing But the Programming
Nothing But the Programming
Today's Training: AirDyne: Not sure how long because the batteries wore out. was around the same time because I get through three commercial breaks and a bit more of old reruns of "NCIS". Bike Commute: 30 minutes and there ARE crickets along the route Lat Pulldown: 4x12 DB Row: 4x12 Chin-Ups: 10x2 BB Curl: […]
Train While You Still Can
Train While You Still Can
One day you won't be able to...
Golden Rule #1
Golden Rule #1
This picture is from a decade ago, but it's a perfect example of Golden Rule #1
Just a Little Patience
Just a Little Patience
We all have our flaws; one of mine is a lack of patience. In fact, I admit to passing this gene to my kids because they have zero patience, as well. I do not like to wait for anything, and injuries are at the top of that list. Longevity With the exception of some reoccurring […]
Rule #67
It has to be my most repeated rule of the 100 that I have written in these archives. Rule #67 states and without confusion..."No Complaining". Don't get this twisted. Feedback is one thing, but bitching is an entirely different beast and I simply have no time for it. It would be one thing if I […]
Love your Life
Love your Life
Don't waste it
You are what you do, not what you say you'll do!
You are what you do, not what you say you'll do!
The other night for some wild hair reason I slept face down. I'm not talking about a pronated body either. I mean straight nose planted into the pillow, sheet lines on the grill the next morning face down! The issue I have with it, it "jacked up" my neck so bad that I couldn't rotate […]
The Secret of Change
The Secret of Change
by my old College roommate, Socrates
Going Back to the Darkside! Leaving 5/3/1 for Conjugate
Going Back to the Darkside! Leaving 5/3/1 for Conjugate
I'm taking a break from 5/3/1 and am returning to my roots of conjugate
WATCH: Ben & Taylor Train an Olympian
WATCH: Ben & Taylor Train an Olympian
Video of a full powerbuilding training session.
Summer Football - Cycle 3
Summer Football - Cycle 3
Summer Football - Cycle 3 (Final Training Cycle of the Summer). SOme thoughts and observations of what I've seen over the last 7 weeks.
A Short Gun Story
A Short Gun Story
A guy walked into a crowed bar waving his unholstered pistol and yelled, " I have a 45 caliber Colt 1911 with a seven round magazine plus one in the chamber. I want to know who's been sleeping with my wife?" A voice from the back of the room called out, "You're going to need […]
Weight Loss Tips from Two Guys Who Lost 100 Pounds Each
Weight Loss Tips from Two Guys Who Lost 100 Pounds Each
Check out this interview with Vincent Dizenzo
You are Your Choices
You are Your Choices
What you say doesn't matter as much as what you do. Everyday is full of surprises. Today was no different. I have always maintained "under sell and over deliver" on the services I render. Give more than what other expect and they will not only be surprised, but get to know you for it. My […]
Training is a Lot like a Road Trip
Training is a Lot like a Road Trip
For me at least, the greatest part of a road trip isn't about arriving at my destination. It's all the wild stuff that happens along the way!!! I know that I will NEVER be satisfied with my training nor my coaching. But the stories and the small successes and failures have made it so far […]
Life has no Remote Control
Life has no Remote Control
you have to get up and change it yourself.
FREE 8-Week Powerbuilding Program
FREE 8-Week Powerbuilding Program
If you've been keeping up with my coaching log, you know that I have a different take on powerbuilding than most other lifters. And for good reason: powerbuilding isn't easy. It's difficult to program for multiple goals, and it's even more difficult to have the discipline and motivation to train for them simultaneously. Read More: […]
There's Only One Bad Training Session
There's Only One Bad Training Session
Granted we have all had an "off-day". The get up and go, got up and went. Out of the groove. Interruptions...etcetera, etcetera... The way I look at it is, if you showed up you are way ahead of the rest and if I combine the overweight people AND the obese that probably puts that number […]
Juan Of My Favorite Leg Exercises
Juan Of My Favorite Leg Exercises
(and Juan you should be doing)
Inverted Rows
Inverted Rows
A back movement for everyone!
Zottman Triceps
Zottman Triceps
Medial triceps meltdown!!!
Leg Curl Attachment Nordic Curls
Leg Curl Attachment Nordic Curls
Hamstrings for the win!
Semi-Supinated Grip Shrug
Semi-Supinated Grip Shrug
Blow up your traps and increase shoulder health
If you Don't Do it Right the First Time, you'll have to do it again.
If you Don't Do it Right the First Time, you'll have to do it ...
I write the plan for the day on a white board with as much detail as I think people can handle. I know that it will take some explaining for the verbal folks and that's ok. I also know I will have to repeatedly show others because they are visual learners, while there ware others […]
One of my most read nutrition articles, updated for 2021
High Intensity/Low Volume
High Intensity/Low Volume
At this point in the summer, my groups and I have been on a "Wave" so to say for our training. The workouts as I have described earlier when we switched are as follows: High Intensity with Low Volume Medium Intensity with Moderate Volume Low Intensity and High Volume We will rotate through these variation […]
Got Issues?  Work Harder
Got Issues? Work Harder
Everyone knows of my Rule #67 which simply stated..."No complaining". When a person comes in and they get right to their personal issues, I will quickly ascertain, do they need empathy or a boot to the behind? When you are going through things, it feels as if you might be the only one that has […]
Nothing but the Training Activity
Nothing but the Training Activity
just the training
I Bleed Red, White, and Blue
Disclaimer: These thoughts are my own and are not reflective of those of EliteFTS. I have a lot of rambling thoughts at the moment. Wondering if I should break my own rule about posting anything outside of Strength and Conditioning on Elite's website. I can justify it with a quick story about training my son […]
No-Risk, No Story
If you haven't deduced by now that my groups and I are into a serious "Prowler" block. Three times per week slowly building up. I have another group of athletes that are readying themselves for the upcoming Hockey Season as well as Football. I have these people do the same distances with a little seasoning. […]
Summer Football Training - Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
Summer Football Training - Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
This is a brief review of the first 3 week cycle I ran with football in June and the set-up for the second 3 week cycle.
Take Action
I like to read "Positive Mental Attitude" books. Usually for 15 minutes per day gets me through about a book per month. Many are redundant in the messages they are trying to get to reader to adhere, but all in all they are very good and keep me in a Positive mind set. Among the […]
Off Topic Rant
Off Topic Rant
You really should read this.
Remove The Crap From Your Diet
I mentioned to a psychologist friend of mine that she needed to remove everything that makes her weak, including her weak thoughts that keep her from achieving her goal. After she lamented on why she had missed her lifts, I realized that she had too many things polluting her wheel house. Can't have that!!! The […]
What is Powerbuilding?
What is Powerbuilding?
It's not just bodybuilding with the squat, bench, and deadlift.
Are you Committed to Being Better Than Yesterday?
I never expect PR's every time while working out. As a matter of fact, PR's should be saved for actual competition whether it be on the platform, field, court or ice. I believe you only get so many personal records in your life, so don't waste them. What I do ask of people is to […]
Congratulations to Orlando Barbell’s Jon Burnham!
Congratulations to Orlando Barbell’s Jon Burnham!
I'm still trying to figure out this new WordPress format, so I'm way behind on my posting. On May 31st at the APF Showdown at the Storm Orlando Barbell's Jon Burnham had just about the best day possible on the platform. He went 9 for 9, got 3 huge PRs going 678-480-683 for an 1841 […]
No One Ever Drowned in Sweat
I have always been a huge advocate of the Conditioning part of "Strength and Conditioning". Don't get me wrong, being stronger than your average bear and being able to tear the ass end off a charging Rhinoceros is a lot of fun too, but taking a resting heart rate of 48 beats per minute has […]
God Doesn't Use a Cookie Cutter
"He knows every hair on your head" is a passage in the Bible. For the record, I am not a Bible Thumper, but I did make a promise to my creator and told him "when you get me through this trial/tribulation, I promise to give you FULL fucking credit for everything good that happens in […]
If You Want to Grow...You Have to Push your Limits!
If You Want to Grow...You Have to Push your Limits!
Now I'm not saying every time you enter the gym do you need to go Ape Shit. Monkey shit will do a lot of the time. But every now and again, you have to strap a pair on and say what I think will be my last thing to say before expiring from earth..."Fuck it!" […]
Control what you can, don’t worry about the rest.
Control what you can, don’t worry about the rest.
Tons of good advice for those who worry about things they cannot control.
You Don't Wake Up to be Mediocre
You Don't Wake Up to be Mediocre
When I wake up in the morning I don't say, "well here's another day...ho hum"...NO! I wake up with high expectations of what is possible. Not only for me, but for those that are associated with me in some capacity. Today we needed to squat moderate intensity and moderate volume, so we start like any […]
My Current Powerbuilding Split
My Current Powerbuilding Split
A five day, seven-session training split.
I Looked at My Naked Body and Thought...I'm getting thrown Out of Ikea any Minute now
I Looked at My Naked Body and Thought...I'm getting thrown Out of I...
I'm getting thrown out of Ikea at any minute now
Don't Call it a Comeback (I've Been Here For Years)
Don't Call it a Comeback (I've Been Here For Years)
Training, nutrition, and knee injury updates.
Day 2: I'm smarter than I look....Really
Day 2: I'm smarter than I look....Really
After I had my "Special Counseling" from Dear Sheena, the only thing I left out was the picture. Heck, I didn't know I could still do that. So here I am (a few years back at the Compound known as S4 EliteFTS) As of last month we switched over to "Summer Training Mode". For some […]
A New Beginning (Who Moved My Cheese?)
As we move towards the future, there has always been some resistance for me to change. Luckily the Team back at EliteFTS HQ have great patients and are willing to hold my hand as we move forward. Sheena Leedham is my personal "Guardian Angel" that is quick to lend me a smile and then has […]
The Jelly Sandwich of Vascularity
The Jelly Sandwich of Vascularity
Three ways to get your veins popping.
A Holistic View of Autoregulation
A Holistic View of Autoregulation
Taylor Gohn is a Kabuki athlete, competitive strongman and former collegiate wrestler. He has coached professional athletes, strongmen, Olympic weightlifters, powerlifters and is coaching me now for my pro card in bodybuilding. This article explains his high-level approach to various forms of autoregulation. You can contact Taylor for coaching by clicking here. What is Autoregulation? […]
Upper body training session
Upper body training session
Deload to Reload, Olympic Lifting History and my training
Biceps Overload!!!!!
Biceps Overload!!!!!
Overloading the Biceps, Chuck Sipes style!!!
Training Updated
Training all updated, with video of me going heavy
My session and why I prefer block pulls to rack deadlifts

Items 60 to 118 of 121 total
