Feel Your Back Again with the Seated Prone Row Bench
Feel Your Back Again with the Seated Prone Row Bench
The most underrated benefit to this setup is allowing the thoracic spine and ribcage position to be easily manipulated. Hello, rear delts and lats!
Technically, You're Weak
Technically, You're Weak
Enough of the excuses. I’m sick of hearing them. You have the energy to roll on the floor for 45 minutes before you train, take 34 selfies, and tag the gang before you leave the gym, but you can’t spend an extra 30 minutes on your back?
How to Program Your Back Training at The U
How to Program Your Back Training at The U
Over the past few months, some things in my back training have made a big difference — variations coaches often overlook. Considering paused reps at the chest/stomach, slow eccentrics, scap movements with a rowing motion, and handle/grip variations, back training is limitless.
30-Minute Back Annihilation Workout
30-Minute Back Annihilation Workout
This cluster set workout is not a marathon — it’s a sprint. You’ve got to be ready to go pedal-to-the-metal, balls-to-the-wall for the entire session.
3 Missing Links in Your Hypertrophy Training
3 Missing Links in Your Hypertrophy Training
Before you can ever execute advanced training techniques, you must first master what I call The Three I’s.
 Body Mechanics 101: How To Bring Back 80s Lat Development
Body Mechanics 101: How To Bring Back 80s Lat Development
We have a current state of back development in the sport that erectors are thick and upper backs overpower lat development. There’s a reason for this — and a way to fix it.
Why Deads Are Overrated
Why Deads Are Overrated
If you want full back development, you’re going to have to stop focusing on the deadlift.
Off-Season Back Training: Two Sessions Per Week and More Adjustments
Off-Season Back Training: Two Sessions Per Week and More Adjustments
I’m 22 weeks into my off-season and implementing some unique tweaks to my back training.
3 Tips for Coaching the Pull-Up
3 Tips for Coaching the Pull-Up
Coaches must strive to properly ensure a basic neuromuscular connection occurs through correct anatomical position, neurologic comprehension, and sensory awareness before attempting a pull-up.
WATCH: Dumbbell Rows vs Barbell Rows for Back Development
WATCH: Dumbbell Rows vs Barbell Rows for Back Development
These two back exercises are a staple of every bodybuilder’s program but there are many ways to screw them up. Are you performing them correctly?
Your Guide to a Mountain Dog Back
Your Guide to a Mountain Dog Back
This five-principle compilation walks you through the ins and outs of Mountain Dog Back Training.
WATCH: High Volume Back Training with Dave Tate and John Meadows (Full Training Included)
WATCH: High Volume Back Training with Dave Tate and John Meadows (Full T...
Training in the S4 Compound means knowing when and how to turn up the intensity. In this back session, Dave and John do exactly that.
WATCH: You will love how Justin Harris uses bands for dumbbell rows
WATCH: You will love how Justin Harris uses bands for dumbbell rows
Team elitefts™ Coach Justin Harris explains how he trains back. You will love how he uses bands with the dumbbell rows.
Mountain Dog Training with Emphasis on Back Detail and Biceps
Mountain Dog Training with Emphasis on Back Detail and Biceps
Dave Tate, John Meadows, columnist Alexander Cortes, and IFBB pro Andrew Hudson train back and biceps at the compound.
Branch Warren Obliterates Back
Branch Warren Obliterates Back
Eight minutes of inspiration from the most hardcore bodybuilder still in the game.
Giant Sets For Back
Giant Sets For Back
This s a great combination for back hypertrophy. Give it a try.
Giant Sets For Back
Giant Sets For Back
This s a great combination for back hypertrophy. Give it a try.
WATCH: Hypertrophy-Based Back Training
WATCH: Hypertrophy-Based Back Training
Dave and the BIG DOG bring on scapular Armageddon by inflicting trapezoid tyranny and latissimus dorsi demolitiion with just a touch of rhomboidal wreckage.
Building a Bulletproof Upper Back
Building a Bulletproof Upper Back
No matter what type of strength athlete you are, a big, strong, upper back is a sure sign of dedication to your chosen craft.
Back in the Limelight
Back in the Limelight
Adding some new back exercises into your routine can help you break through plateaus, boost your strength, and give you a welcome change of pace in your training.

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