A Bodybuilding  Offseason (with Full Program) for the Powerlifter
A Bodybuilding Offseason (with Full Program) for the Powerlifter
The bad news: You can’t go hard all the time. It’s the quickest way to burn out — to see your progress stall, to get injured, and to lose interest in your training. The good news: A bodybuilding-style approach to the offseason has a ton of benefits for the powerlifter.
Bodyweight Training for Lower-Body Strength and Power
Bodyweight Training for Lower-Body Strength and Power
We should not lose sight of the benefits that bodyweight training provides. Take a break from the barbell and machines and try Prison Squats, Nordic Leg Curls, Jump Squats, and Jump Tucks for newfound strength and explosiveness.
Bodyweight Training for Upper-Body Strength and Power
Bodyweight Training for Upper-Body Strength and Power
This split is customizable, flexible, and effective in helping to build and maintain lean muscle mass. Not to mention, you don’t have to have a pricey gym membership in order to see results.
WATCH: 9 Steps to Developing a Growth Mindset
WATCH: 9 Steps to Developing a Growth Mindset
You only have as much potential as you allow yourself to have. Josh Bryant takes a dive into what it means to have a growth mindset and how you can start cultivating one today.
WATCH: Training Frequency Considerations for Strength Sports
WATCH: Training Frequency Considerations for Strength Sports
Keep in mind the training frequencies listed here can still vary a lot depending on the person. These are just numbers to keep in mind as you figure out the best frequency for you!
WATCH: The Definitive Guide to Hill Sprints
WATCH: The Definitive Guide to Hill Sprints
Before you go find yourself a hill to sprint up via Google maps (steep hills, such as those in landfills, are ideal), don’t forget to warm up and stay hydrated. It’s a sprint, so go all out!
5 Upper Back Basics to Build Strength and Size
5 Upper Back Basics to Build Strength and Size
Can you deadlift 600 pounds but can’t budge a 225-pound stone off the floor? If you didn’t know, the upper back comes into play in nearly every strongman event; therefore, a weak upper back will surely decrease your chance of winning and advancing in the sport.
A Legendary Interview with the Legendary Al Vermeil
A Legendary Interview with the Legendary Al Vermeil
It’s not every day that you get to listen to an interview with the only strength coach who’s won a championship in both the NFL and NBA. That means today is your day! A few topics we cover are recovery, early morning workouts, trends, intensity, injury, calf exercises, buy-in, and more!
WATCH: 8x8 Chest and Biceps
WATCH: 8x8 Chest and Biceps
This part of the 8×8 program is brought to you by the Chippendales, coming to a workout near you! Just kidding — we’re going to build those pecs and biceps and make you, yes, you, look better than the average Chippendale stripper. (Program results may vary.)
A Bodybuilding Rewind with Lee Haney and Dr. Fred Hatfield
A Bodybuilding Rewind with Lee Haney and Dr. Fred Hatfield
Every once in a while, you find a rare gem hidden deep within your computer’s files. This particular jewel was an interview I did with bodybuilder Lee Haney and the late Dr. Fred Hatfield — Dr. Squat himself! — in 2014.
WATCH: 8x8 Back Blast
WATCH: 8x8 Back Blast
This part of my program has got your back. Literally. This time around, we’re going to focus on the back. We’re gonna send it shooting off like a rocket. Blast-off!
WATCH: 8x8 Shoulders and Triceps
WATCH: 8x8 Shoulders and Triceps
This part of my 8×8 program will give you shoulders like boulders. We’re keeping it honest with 56 total sets, 7 exercises, and 8 sets with 30 seconds of rest.
WATCH: 8x8 Leg Blast
WATCH: 8x8 Leg Blast
Like all portions of the 8×8 program, this leg day is going to consist of eight sets of eight reps, with a thirty-second rest in between each set. JJ, who is helping us out in this video, followed the program for six weeks and saw great results.
WATCH: Branch Warren's Desire to Win
WATCH: Branch Warren's Desire to Win
Rooted at Metroflex, Warren’s early years building a thick and grainy physique grew to the height of the Olympia.
WATCH: How to Build a Mind-Muscle Connection
WATCH: How to Build a Mind-Muscle Connection
The mind-muscle connection is a legitimate thing. What I’m sharing with you is real science – not “bro-science.”
WATCH: Yes to Training Triceps, No to Elbow Pain
WATCH: Yes to Training Triceps, No to Elbow Pain
Please keep in mind that if you don’t feel it, then kill it. You must feel your triceps working to make gains. If you are experiencing trouble with feeling them engage, there are a couple techniques that you can try to bring the focus back to your triceps.
WATCH: Drop Sets 101
WATCH: Drop Sets 101
Whether you refer to them as descending sets, strip sets, the stripping method, triple drops, down the rack, or running the rack, you’re talking about drop sets. Use of these will sculpt your body and build strength.
WATCH: The Seven Granddaddy Laws
WATCH: The Seven Granddaddy Laws
Dr. Hatfield categorized these Laws himself, and together they serve as a framework to measure an effective training program. If you want to know how your training program stacks up, I encourage you to assess it against the Laws.
WATCH: The 6-30-30 Overload Method
WATCH: The 6-30-30 Overload Method
Use this example to pump up your chesticles and test your metaphorical testicles. Then follow the principles of the method to create your own workouts for the other muscle groups.
WATCH: 30-Minute Leg Annihilation Workout
WATCH: 30-Minute Leg Annihilation Workout
Four exercises for five minutes each. Can you handle it?
WATCH: 30-Minute Shoulder-Blasting Workout
WATCH: 30-Minute Shoulder-Blasting Workout
Josh Bryant’s third workout designed for maximum effectiveness and efficiency focuses on the shoulders and can be performed in any gym.
10-Week Rest Pause Method Progression for Strength
10-Week Rest Pause Method Progression for Strength
Small jumps each week alter the focus of this progression from hypertrophy to strength, first building the muscle, tendon, and ligament strength needed to handle heavier weights, and then hitting PRs.
WATCH: Equipment Feature with Josh Bryant — Neck Harness Training
WATCH: Equipment Feature with Josh Bryant — Neck Harness Training
These are the three best exercises you can do with a harness to build a stronger, thicker, more muscular neck.
30-Minute Chest Annihilation Workout
30-Minute Chest Annihilation Workout
High volume and high intensity can be achieved in a short timeframe with this cluster set training session.
30-Minute Back Annihilation Workout
30-Minute Back Annihilation Workout
This cluster set workout is not a marathon — it’s a sprint. You’ve got to be ready to go pedal-to-the-metal, balls-to-the-wall for the entire session.
WATCH: The Universal Gainer — Styles of the Rest-Pause Method
WATCH: The Universal Gainer — Styles of the Rest-Pause Method
I get asked all the time why I love rest-pause method. Here’s the answer, including an explanation of what makes this technique the universal gainer.
WATCH: Time Under Tension Is King — Program Parameters and 3 Workouts
WATCH: Time Under Tension Is King — Program Parameters and 3 Workouts
This program isn’t for the faint of heart, but if you’re really willing to push each set as hard as you possibly can, the results will be worth it.
The Bryant’s Release Three New Books on Amazon
The Bryant’s Release Three New Books on Amazon
Josh Bryant and his wife Jennifer have released three new books; Grapple Strong, Keto Built, and Achieve Anything: How To Set Goals For Children.
WATCH: The Training and Life of Top-Ranked Powerlifter Rob Hall
WATCH: The Training and Life of Top-Ranked Powerlifter Rob Hall
In under three years of competing, he already has a 2210-pound raw without wraps total and has even bigger goals for the future.
WATCH: Building Armor-Plated Pecs with Josh Bryant and Jonathan Irizarry
WATCH: Building Armor-Plated Pecs with Josh Bryant and Jonathan Irizarry
This workout uses a holistic approach in order to build strength, explosive power, and hypertrophy, utilizing a combination of light weight, heavy weight, tempos, isometric contractions, giant sets, bands, and the Juarez Valley finisher.
WATCH: Badass Back Attack with Greg McCoy and Tyrus Hughes
WATCH: Badass Back Attack with Greg McCoy and Tyrus Hughes
This full back workout uses innovative thinking and multiple intensity techniques to maximize results.
Why You Should Hire an Online Coach
Why You Should Hire an Online Coach
Not all online trainers are bad. Many members of team elitefts have been in this line of work for decades, training people long before social media even existed. Here’s what to look for.
WATCH: Interview with Powerlifting and Strongman Legend Bill Kazmaier
WATCH: Interview with Powerlifting and Strongman Legend Bill Kazmaier
The greatest strength athlete of all time sat down with me to talk about his success in the iron game.
WATCH: Interview with Legendary Craig Monson
WATCH: Interview with Legendary Craig Monson
Craig speaks with passion and intelligence about his incredible journey from early backyard lifting alongside fellow gang members to becoming an international bodybuilding sensation.
Brandon Cass — Record-Breaking Squat Strategies
Brandon Cass — Record-Breaking Squat Strategies
He beat cancer, he set an all-time world record, and he’s soon to hit another huge squat PR. This is how Brandon’s doing it.
Matt Sohmer — Squat and Deadlift World-Record Strategies
Matt Sohmer — Squat and Deadlift World-Record Strategies
Bottom line: all that matters is results. You are either creating or you are disintegrating. If this requires breaking from orthodoxy, so be it. Here are five ways we did this with Matt.
Mighty Joe Bradley: Best Pound-for-Pound Lifter of All-Time
Mighty Joe Bradley: Best Pound-for-Pound Lifter of All-Time
Joe trained under Dr. Fred Hatfield’s tutelage. This changed the sport forever.
Rob Hall Totals 2226 Raw at Boss of Bosses 3
Rob Hall Totals 2226 Raw at Boss of Bosses 3
We made five specific changes to add 200 pounds to Rob’s total in the last six months.
Maximizing Muscle Growth Q&A: Rep Ranges, Chest Size Without Heavy Pressing, and Core Lift Rotation
Maximizing Muscle Growth Q&A: Rep Ranges, Chest Size Without Heavy P...
You have questions, team elitefts has answers. Today’s topic: building muscle through rep ranges and exercise selection.
Backward Sled Pulls for Quad Size and Strength
Backward Sled Pulls for Quad Size and Strength
If your leg development is lagging, it’s time to start dragging.
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Juarez Valley 10 Push-Ups
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Juarez Valley 10 Push-Ups
The Juarez Valley 10 is the ultimate chest finisher — this sequence will have your chesticles swell up like the Himalayas!
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Spoto Press
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Spoto Press
Why the hell not just use a full range of motion? This is why.
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Unchained Chest Mass
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Unchained Chest Mass
Chains change the game — and not just for powerlifters. I’m going to show you an unconventional fly that is fit for the bro to the top pro.
Free Cleveland Strength Seminar with Dr. Fred Hatfield and Josh Bryant
Free Cleveland Strength Seminar with Dr. Fred Hatfield and Josh Bryant
Sign up for this free seminar and earn continuing education credits from ISSA by attending!
A Call to Arms Series: Building Billy Club Forearms and Perfect Peaks
A Call to Arms Series: Building Billy Club Forearms and Perfect Peaks
You won’t win the arms race with puny forearms and flat peaks. Enter the Fat Bar Reverse Curl.
A Call to Arms Series: Eccentric Biceps Training
A Call to Arms Series: Eccentric Biceps Training
Try this one-armed eccentric barbell curl to induce sleeve-busting growth.
A Call to Arms Series: Terrorizing the Triceps — Cluster Sets
A Call to Arms Series: Terrorizing the Triceps — Cluster Sets
Instead of the crusty old three sets of 12, use the same weight for this method. WARNING: Not for those who lack testicular fortitude.
A Call to Arms Series: Terrorizing the Triceps — The Ultimate Superset
A Call to Arms Series: Terrorizing the Triceps — The Ultimate Superset
Over the next few weeks I am going to introduce you to some of my favorite hypertrophy training techniques for arms. Let’s start with the triceps.
JoshStrength: Super Power Seminar
JoshStrength: Super Power Seminar
Sign up for this seminar with Josh Bryant and Fred Hatfield. It's free!
3 Tips to Maximize Muscular Development
3 Tips to Maximize Muscular Development
Pull from bodybuilding and powerlifting regimens to achieve a dense look.
Josh Bryant Speaks with Championship Line-up at Drexel University
Josh Bryant Speaks with Championship Line-up at Drexel University
Sign up today and earn continuing education units.
WATCH: Exercises to Build a Impact Crater-Making Deadlift
WATCH: Exercises to Build a Impact Crater-Making Deadlift
Unconventional movements to boost pulling power.
WATCH: It’s All About the Pull
WATCH: It’s All About the Pull
Things you need to consider to improve your deadlift.
WATCH: Deadlift Greats and What I Learned From Them
WATCH: Deadlift Greats and What I Learned From Them
Despite being his most difficult lift, Josh Bryant explains how deadlift legends helped him defeat that weakness.
WATCH: 9 Exercises That Will Help Build Your Bench Press
WATCH: 9 Exercises That Will Help Build Your Bench Press
From his seminar at Destination Dallas, Bryant discusses pressing matters.
WATCH: Getting the Most Out of Rest-Pause and Isometric Training
WATCH: Getting the Most Out of Rest-Pause and Isometric Training
These two intensification methods are often used, but are you getting the most out of them?
WATCH: Bench Press and The Seven Granddaddy Laws
WATCH: Bench Press and The Seven Granddaddy Laws
The first of six segments from the Destination Dallas seminar, the fundamental principles in this video will guide your training.
Fred Hatfield Reviews "BUILT TO THE HILT"
Fred Hatfield Reviews "BUILT TO THE HILT"
Dr. Squat gives you his expert evaluation on Josh Bryant's newest book.

Items 1 to 59 of 98 total
