Is Personality an Indicator of Your Training Style?
Is Personality an Indicator of Your Training Style?
To optimize training for an individual, let’s consider psychology, personality, and the relationship between exercise and the brain.
Leg Curl Attachment Nordic Curls
Leg Curl Attachment Nordic Curls
Hamstrings for the win!
A Fresh Perspective for Training Athletes
A Fresh Perspective for Training Athletes
Unfortunately, so many coaches only focus on performance because that’s how they were coached.
Endless Sled Dragging Variations That Will Dramatically Improve Your Performance
Endless Sled Dragging Variations That Will Dramatically Improve Your Per...
Get your ass out there and start dragging some sleds! It’s not as much of a drag as you think it is. With 22 variations to get you started, the possibilities are truly endless.
Championship Nature Series: The Inverted U and Wooden on Criticism
Championship Nature Series: The Inverted U and Wooden on Criticism
You can’t control what people say about you. Sometimes what they say will be good; sometimes what they say will be bad. What you can control is the way you respond to it. You can let the media get you on the highs and lows of the season, or you can simply choose to not respond to it. It’s your
17 Triggers to Induce Flow
17 Triggers to Induce Flow
These 17 triggers may serve as a checklist to ensure optimal flow states and encourage proper performance — ultimately what’s standing between you and your next world record.
Can We Predict Fat Gain?
Can We Predict Fat Gain?
Scientists are starting to understand what is involved with long term weight gain. Some very interesting results found that are leading us to understand individual difference more and more.
Brian Cain's 5 Ps of Peak Performance and Mental Toughness
Brian Cain's 5 Ps of Peak Performance and Mental Toughness
Five things every coach or athlete can use to increase performance and enhance mental toughness
Austin Simply Fit Pushes Expansion, Multiplies Clientele
Austin Simply Fit Pushes Expansion, Multiplies Clientele
In only five years, Mark Rogers has taken his gym from one location and grown to three facilities covering the entire Austin, Texas area.
Training High-Level Soccer Players
Training High-Level Soccer Players
Drawing parallels between developmental and high-level players
Improve Your Squat Technique
Improve Your Squat Technique
Need help learning proper squat form? Look at the SquatGuide™ as a possible solution.
Stupid Training Tools: Agility Ladders
Stupid Training Tools: Agility Ladders
Sidestep your way to mediocracy.
The Protein Con
The Protein Con
Do you really need your two scoops, three times a day of whey protein isolate? Or have you been brainwashed by the Whey/Casein Cartel?
A Modern Approach to Contest-Day Eating for Strongman
A Modern Approach to Contest-Day Eating for Strongman
That stack of bottomless pancakes you had for breakfast won't taste so good coming up after the medley.
Team Sports Are Not About Individual Glory
Team Sports Are Not About Individual Glory
What do you do when a win for yourself is a loss for your team?
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 2): Dr. Eric Serrano
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 2): Dr. Eric Serrano
Team elitefts Learn to Train 7 roundtable panelist Dr. Serrano describes seven male hormone therapies.
Just Sayin: Who Defines Discipline?
Just Sayin: Who Defines Discipline?
People tend to refer to others who workout and diet regularly as having discipline.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Managing Stress
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Managing Stress
Coach, do you have any tips for managing stress?
Readiness to Fight: Soviet Sports Psychology
Readiness to Fight: Soviet Sports Psychology
Your best performance has to be in a competition or a game.
The Strange Case of Dr. Strength and Mr. Power
The Strange Case of Dr. Strength and Mr. Power
Functional training, circuit-style workouts are the latest fashion at gyms today. But what do they really do for an athletes strength and power output?
Training Principles: The Science Behind Improving Athletic Performance
Training Principles: The Science Behind Improving Athletic Performance
There are many different schools of thought, each with their own ideas on how to train athletes in order to increase athletic performance. So how does one know which particular program will work for any given athlete?
Are You Hiring the Right Trainer?
Are You Hiring the Right Trainer?
The best advice I can give you is find the closest warehouse gym in your area and sign up!
3 Tips for Anyone Who Wants to Improve Performance and Look Better Naked Part 3 - Cardio
3 Tips for Anyone Who Wants to Improve Performance and Look Better Naked...
There is so much debate in the fitness world right now about cardio.
The Importance of Barefoot Training
The Importance of Barefoot Training
Think about it – the only part of our anatomy to touch the ground when we run or jump – and most of us spend little to no time developing strength, mobility and proprioception in the feet.
How to Eat for Maximum Football Performance
How to Eat for Maximum Football Performance
Football players are completely clueless about nutrition.
Training On-the-Go
Although they aren’t brand new, there’s a reason Blast Straps have continued to challenge athletes into 2010.
 Performance Training to Look Better
Performance Training to Look Better
Performance training for improved looks is a concept that seems to get lost behind the dozens of magazines that promote your favorite bodybuilder and the supplements they’re trying to sell us.
 Defensive Position Specific Football Coaching Drills
Defensive Position Specific Football Coaching Drills
In football, a defensive player’s success will depend on whether or not he can position his feet correctly to place himself in the best possible position to make plays. Foot speed is critical for improving athletic performance on the field. If a defensive lineman’s first step is exaggerated or slow, he will lose balance and be driven off the line
Strongman for Athletic Strength and Conditioning
Strongman for Athletic Strength and Conditioning
The study of the science of strength and conditioning for sports is a huge endeavor. There are many differing opinions and many things that work. The key is to find out what works for your athlete based on his or her individual differences, strengths, weaknesses, and of course, sport.
Blue Collar Strongman Training
Blue Collar Strongman Training
What would be more effective is to change the dynamics of the lift slightly to stimulate new recruitment patterns and increase the use of often neglected muscles.

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