5 Zombie Myths on Dietary Protein for Performance and Body Composition
5 Zombie Myths on Dietary Protein for Performance and Body Composition
You are a badass, meat-eating dude who likes steak; hence, you eat a 12-ounce all at once. If you can only use 30 grams, where do the other 50 grams go?
Weight Loss Strategies for a Strength Athlete
Weight Loss Strategies for a Strength Athlete
I’ve been heavy, lost weight, lost strength, and then piled the weight back on—more than once. Enough is enough.
More Nutrition "Facts" Debunked
More Nutrition "Facts" Debunked
Nothing is bad for us, per se. What we have to do is figure out how much we need, and then supply it in the correct amounts. But to villainize sugar, carbs, fats, and other nutrients is a gross miscarriage of judgment.
The Diet of an IFBB Pro Six Weeks Out
The Diet of an IFBB Pro Six Weeks Out
This is a practical example of exactly what I ate during the sixth week before hitting the contest stage. Why is this important to you? Because it pushes right up to that life sucks and I hate dieting threshold.
Do You Need to Rethink Your Bulk?
Do You Need to Rethink Your Bulk?
According to new research, the fatter you get, the harder it will be for your body to burn fat later.
Is Bacon Killing You? Not So Fast.
Is Bacon Killing You? Not So Fast.
Recent headlines warn of the dangers of eating processed meats, but a deeper look into the proclamation may save your bacon.
Are Protein Shakes Making You Fat?
Are Protein Shakes Making You Fat?
Are protein shakes hurting your body's ability to process food?
Wendler and Pegg: Volume 2
Wendler and Pegg: Volume 2
Jim Wendler and Jason Pegg have teamed again for episode two. Different topics with the same uncensored and unapologetic commentary.
Dante Trudel Has Had Enough!
Dante Trudel Has Had Enough!
"Enough is enough! My business partner and I are going to do something about an ongoing issue that effects all of you that has been happening for years and seems to be getting worse." - Dante Trudel
Dieting to Single-Digit Body Fat
Dieting to Single-Digit Body Fat
How I went from chubby powerlifter to shredded bodybuilder.
Does Eating More Frequently Boost My Metabolism?
Does Eating More Frequently Boost My Metabolism?
Reanalyze these four components of food metabolism to customize your food intake.
Understanding Ketogenic Diets
Understanding Ketogenic Diets
Do we need dietary carbohydrates?
More Meathead Meals
More Meathead Meals
These are some great go-to meals to fuel your training.
Mountain Dog Diet: Bulking Foods
Mountain Dog Diet: Bulking Foods
Use these six calorie-nutrient rich foods to fill out that frame.
Nutrition Strategies for Busy Lifters
Nutrition Strategies for Busy Lifters
No BS guide to packing in your food without having to resort to the drive-thru.
Pumpkin Protein Muffins
Pumpkin Protein Muffins
We couldn't come up with any clever pumpkin puns. Just try these muffins.
Seven Juicy Dieting Morsels
Seven Juicy Dieting Morsels
Seven things to consider when going to that dark and lonely place called dieting.
Forgotten Bulking Ideas of the Past
Forgotten Bulking Ideas of the Past
Looking to fill out the size schmedium Strong(er) shirt? The answers may not be in the use of a cutting-edge supplement protocol.
Protein Waffles
Protein Waffles
Turning cheat meals to dogm—one bite at a time!
Beef and Quinoa Dhal
Beef and Quinoa Dhal
A classic dish with a protein twist!
Man Soup
Man Soup
The perfect bloat-inducing meal.
NYSC Undercover: Anabolic Breakfast
NYSC Undercover: Anabolic Breakfast
Is your breakfast helping you reach your goals?
Breakfast of Champions
Breakfast of Champions
Let us grace your plate…with what it takes to feed a champion.
Hoss's Project Jonah, Part 2
Hoss's Project Jonah, Part 2
One of the largest challenges with training my son, Jonah, is his diet.
Four Tips to Fix Your Shitty Diet
Four Tips to Fix Your Shitty Diet
Not all diets work for everyone, but these tips do.
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part II: To Carb or Not to Carb
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part II: To Carb or Not to Carb
I’m going to discuss two schools of thought on this issue: to immediately carb-up post workout or to prolong or completely avoid carbs post workout.
Retreating to the Cave
Retreating to the Cave
If you’ve heard of the Caveman diet or the Paleo diet but have no idea how to get back to the cave, this article may be for you.
 Home Grown Protein
Home Grown Protein
A hefty price tag comes along with the benefits of grass fed beef.
1000 Calorie Bloat: Root Beer Float Protein Shake
1000 Calorie Bloat: Root Beer Float Protein Shake
Celebrate Root Beer Float Day with a shake.
The Effect of Whey and Soy Protein Supplementation on Lean Body Mass (LBM) of Resistance Trained Young Men
The Effect of Whey and Soy Protein Supplementation on Lean Body Mass (LB...
Extensive research has been done on soy and whey protein supplementation in conjunction with resistance training
Protein Requirements and the Athlete
Protein Requirements and the Athlete
Nutrition and recovery are of equal importance and a missing ingredient in today’s athletes.
 MD Training Bytes
MD Training Bytes
Until recently, most people stretched before they exercised.
 Recovery 101: Nutrition
Recovery 101: Nutrition
Get big or die tryin’.

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