Why Athletes Need to Train Arms
Why Athletes Need to Train Arms
What muscles breed confidence and trigger to peers one is dedicated to the weights? Those muscles hanging from each shirt sleeve.
A Fresh Perspective for Training Athletes
A Fresh Perspective for Training Athletes
Unfortunately, so many coaches only focus on performance because that’s how they were coached.
We Need to Talk About Arnold Schwarzenegger's Inhuman Confidence
We Need to Talk About Arnold Schwarzenegger's Inhuman Confidence
No mortal human could possibly exert this much self-confidence... But apparently, Arnold Schwarzenegger can, and all he has to do is wear a T-shirt with his image printed on it.
How to Identify the Real-Deal Experts
How to Identify the Real-Deal Experts
Seeking expert-advice? Think of this article as a battery replacement for your bullshit detector. Believe it or not, there are pseudo-experts out there who think that just because they did programs, they worked, and they got world records that they are now qualified to be considered experts.
Use Weight Releasers for a Better Bench
Use Weight Releasers for a Better Bench
I believe that the confidence weight releasers can build is almost as important as any other factor I talk about in this article. If you want to improve your dynamic effort work, give these sample cycles a try.
It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble?
It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble?
Why do so many people do so well in training but nosedive when it’s time to compete? Two words: Anxiety and self-doubt.
WATCH: Learn to Train X — The Squat Checklist with Swede Burns
WATCH: Learn to Train X — The Squat Checklist with Swede Burns
Don’t wish for the best as you get under the bar and attempt to squat. Instead, get under the bar with a plan.
5 Things Every Competitor Needs To Be Successful
5 Things Every Competitor Needs To Be Successful
In my 30 years of competing and 20 years of training competitors, I have narrowed the endless list of requirements for success down to five main variables.
What Is Focus?
What Is Focus?
If you don’t know what it is, you can’t focus.
Self-Efficacy: The Science of Getting Shit Done
Self-Efficacy: The Science of Getting Shit Done
According to Bandura, there are four major sources contributing to a person’s individual self-efficacy. This is what coaches need to be building in their athletes.
'If You Build It They Will Come' — Remembering My First Championship Team After 20 Years
'If You Build It They Will Come' — Remembering My First Champi...
How do you build your team? How do you take a group of athletes from every aspect of society and get them pulling in the same direction toward a common cause?
Not Motivated? Unplug
Not Motivated? Unplug
If you struggle to find motivation and have been training for only a handful of years, I would question your passion for training. If you struggle to find motivation after training for 20 years, I feel ya.
Why We Powerlift — Getting Inside the Minds of New Lifters
Why We Powerlift — Getting Inside the Minds of New Lifters
I know why I lift and compete, and you probably do too. But our reasons aren’t the same as new lifters who enter the sport of powerlifting. If we want powerlifting to grow for the better, we need to listen.
The Coexistence of Politics and Merit
The Coexistence of Politics and Merit
It wasn’t until about five years into my professional career that I started to notice some problems with my upward mobility plan.
Understanding Self-Sabotage — Too Legit To Not Quit?
Understanding Self-Sabotage — Too Legit To Not Quit?
There are legitimate reasons that sidetrack us, and there are situations where we want to find an obstacle so we don’t have to work. Do you know the difference?
Parallels of Lifting and Life — Confidence, Arrogance, Priorities
Parallels of Lifting and Life — Confidence, Arrogance, Priorities
Chad shares how difficulties in a personal situation had him look to lifting for answers.
Small, Average, Great — What is Your Mindset?
Small, Average, Great — What is Your Mindset?
This secret to success? It starts with you.
WATCH: Table Talk — The Three Biggest Mistakes Intermediate Lifters Make
WATCH: Table Talk — The Three Biggest Mistakes Intermediate Lifters Make
If you ever want to reach an elite level in this sport, you have to get the rookie mistakes out of the way. These are the most common problems I see in intermediate lifters.
Music As A Performance Enhancer
Music As A Performance Enhancer
Could your favorite (or least favorite) songs work as psychophysiological performance enhancers? Let’s turn to research for the answer.
The Process and Product of Goal Setting
The Process and Product of Goal Setting
The training will make you Strong(er) of body. The goal setting will help you become Strong(er) of mind.
Mastery of Skill: Humility and Confidence
Mastery of Skill: Humility and Confidence
Confidence certainly fits the generally accepted mold of the alpha male, as it should. What about confidence?
Barbell Shrugged: Is the “Dad Bod” In or Out?
Barbell Shrugged: Is the “Dad Bod” In or Out?
Whether in transition from skinny fat to shredded lean, or on one end of the spectrum, keep one thing in mind.
The Pursuit of Strength
The Pursuit of Strength
We hold these truths to be self evident…all men are created equal (but not genetically) and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of strength.
Five Ways to Build Mental Toughness
Five Ways to Build Mental Toughness
Bulletproof your mind. Bulletproof your back. Hell, bulletproof everything.
Steve's Strength Tips: Get Pissed Not Stapled
Steve's Strength Tips: Get Pissed Not Stapled
Approach the bar with eyebrows like Yosemite Sam.
"Everyone Knows Me As A Dick"
"Everyone Knows Me As A Dick"
Stevey P gives your athletes a mental body slam.
Training with Purpose: Individualization
Training with Purpose: Individualization
When it comes to training athletes, certain individualities need to be considered.
Steve's Strength Tips: Stay On Your Feet
Steve's Strength Tips: Stay On Your Feet
There’s a big difference between you and me. I’ve been there and back. I’ve done it all. Everything you’ve ever thought of, I’ve lifted already.
Reno Hardcore: Arrogance
Reno Hardcore: Arrogance
Arrogance, confidence, and pride all have their place. But when is it too much?
The Path to the Platform
The Path to the Platform
Failure will happen, it does to everyone, no one is immune.

30 Item(s)