Strength 101: Part II - The Methods of Strength Development
Strength 101: Part II - The Methods of Strength Development
A lifter uses multiple lifting techniques because the body has many different modes of adaptation.
A Response to "Olympic Lifting: Why Do We Suck?"
A Response to "Olympic Lifting: Why Do We Suck?"
I'm taking that freedom to respond to what I believe was an article full of misinformed judgment on training for the sport of weightlifting.
Under The Bar: Competence
Under The Bar: Competence
You learned your skill, but more importantly you learned that is only the beginning of mastery - not the end.
Hard to Train…but Training Hard: Part III
Hard to Train…but Training Hard: Part III
Growing up, I hated things that made me feel "different" or "not normal".
Brian Schwab: APF Gulf Coast Recap
Brian Schwab: APF Gulf Coast Recap
I've been training for meets non-stop for years and although I'm not injured physically, I need a break mentally.
Incorporation of Strongman Training in Athlete Lifting Cycles
Incorporation of Strongman Training in Athlete Lifting Cycles
There exists a multitude of components to consider when incorporating Strongman training into a standard lifting cycle.
How to Win Meets and Influence Squats and Deadlifts
How to Win Meets and Influence Squats and Deadlifts
I would like to share with you a movement that has been extremely beneficial to my athletes.
Bench Shirt Break-In Process
Bench Shirt Break-In Process
If anyone has any questions feel free to shoot them my way.
 Partial Movement Training For The Deadlift
Partial Movement Training For The Deadlift
This article will explain how to use partial Deadlifts to improve your pull and also some pitfalls you should avoid.
Tales of a Fit Mom: Training Partners
Tales of a Fit Mom: Training Partners
I've been back to training for one month now. Not working
Extreme Depth: Unsafe and Unfair
Extreme Depth: Unsafe and Unfair
Squat depth has been a matter of controversy in powerlifting since the 1970s and continues to be so.
Brian Schwab: APF Raw Nationals Results
Brian Schwab: APF Raw Nationals Results
My point from this is that meet conditions are never perfect, whether or not you plan for them to be.
What Powerlifting Means to Me
What Powerlifting Means to Me
Powerlifting has given me confidence, wisdom, compassion, respect, physical strength, and many other things I'm most likely not even aware of.
Tales of a Fit Mom: From Mom To Monster
Tales of a Fit Mom: From Mom To Monster
Sometimes, being accountable is just what a person needs.
Kirschen's Bench Plan for the Powerstation Pro/Am
Kirschen's Bench Plan for the Powerstation Pro/Am
This will be my first time using this program, you can follow along and see how it works in my training log.
Does Your Lockout Suck? Read This.
Does Your Lockout Suck? Read This.
If you believe you always miss at the top, then you’ll always miss at the top!
Prove the Impossible
Prove the Impossible
Are you ready for the weekend?
Sumo Deadlifting
Sumo Deadlifting
Do things for a reason and with a purpose and you will succeed.
The Final: So You Think You Can Squat?
The Final: So You Think You Can Squat?
Do you think you know how to squat now?
The Eastside Squat Cycle
The Eastside Squat Cycle
Following the dynamic day, we will work up to a max using the same accommodating resistance as the previous week.
Bulk, Cut, Bloat: The Basic Science of Weight Manipulation and Powerlifting
Bulk, Cut, Bloat: The Basic Science of Weight Manipulation and Powerlifting
Mark Rippetoe has re-popularized “GOMAD”—Gallon Of Milk A Day—as another bulking strategy.
Joey Smith's 10 Week Bench Press Program
Joey Smith's 10 Week Bench Press Program
On my speed day I alternate grips of close, medium and wide.
So You Think You Can Squat (Part 4)
So You Think You Can Squat (Part 4)
Kids, put your learning caps on and watch this video.
Peaking for a Meet
Peaking for a Meet
I designed this program to have in front of me week in and week out until judgment day arrived.
So You Think You Can Squat? (Part 3)
So You Think You Can Squat? (Part 3)
The long-awaited So You Think You Can Squat video is here! Matt Wenning discusses how to squat properly, so pay attention.
Tales of a Fit Mom
Tales of a Fit Mom
But then, as we say, "Life Happened."
Mistakes Made and Truths about Strength Learned
Mistakes Made and Truths about Strength Learned
In my pursuit to become one of the best powerlifters in the world and get everything I could out of my body, I learned enormous amounts of training and strength information.
Hard to Train…but Training Hard
Hard to Train…but Training Hard
I hear quite often from people, “Wow, you must be difficult to train.”
Is Depth YOUR Problem? 5 Ways to Fix it
Is Depth YOUR Problem? 5 Ways to Fix it
The problem is squat depth, just like every other person.
Training leading up to the SPF Pro/AM
Training leading up to the SPF Pro/AM
I’m sure as I look at it more I’ll find a few ways to fine tune it, but so far this is what I plan to do.
You’ve Missed A Lift; Now What?
You’ve Missed A Lift; Now What?
Anyone who has been lifting weights for any amount of time has missed a lift.
5 Ways to Increase Your Bench Press
5 Ways to Increase Your Bench Press
Gain weight - this is almost impossible to recommend right now.
How to Squat Tip 2 and 3: Set your lats and low back
How to Squat Tip 2 and 3: Set your lats and low back
Follow Smitty’s video series for some squat tips to send you on your way to a PR.
Exercise and Depression
Exercise and Depression
It seems to be a generally accepted fact that exercise has a positive impact on depression and anxiety.
S4 Training - Five Week Peak Phase
S4 Training - Five Week Peak Phase
They are all now in a transition phase until after the first of the year.
How Often Should You Deload?
How Often Should You Deload?
This process will change based upon what sport you are involved in because of different types of skill based training.
How to Squat Tip 1: Elbows Down, Chest Up
How to Squat Tip 1: Elbows Down, Chest Up
Follow Smitty's video series for some squat tips to send you on your way to a PR.
One Week of Training with Steve Goggins
One Week of Training with Steve Goggins
The gym was freezing cold, about 30 degrees. Time to go home. Haha.
Obedience and Training at the UGSS
Obedience and Training at the UGSS
Things were much less stressful having Frey there to call my next weight and the rep scheme.
Should Anything be Off-limits When it Comes to a Training Partner?
Should Anything be Off-limits When it Comes to a Training Partner?
I asked a few questions that began to strike me as odd to ask a guy who wants to train with you.
Deadlift Training Overview
Deadlift Training Overview
After 25 years of competitive lifting, I’ve picked up a few things I’d like to pass on in the hopes that it can help you move this most difficult lift upward.
UGSS: Taylor's Training
UGSS: Taylor's Training
Looking forward to applying it to my training, to get even better for my next meet.
2 PRs at the UGSS
2 PRs at the UGSS
I spent the rest of the time there helping out and watching the show.
UGSS 2010: Beards, BBQ, and Cat Fight Aftermath
UGSS 2010: Beards, BBQ, and Cat Fight Aftermath
No matter how much pork I eat, I will never be as big as Steve Pulcinella.
How to Increase Your Bench with These Seven Body Weight Movements
How to Increase Your Bench with These Seven Body Weight Movements
Most people I know who lift, especially athletes, want to have a strong bench press.
Q&A with Chad Wesley Smith
Q&A with Chad Wesley Smith
I’m in this to be the best.
Weekender’s Small-Time PR with Big-Time Learnings
Weekender’s Small-Time PR with Big-Time Learnings
The week leading up to the meet was great. Lots of rest and ice.
Jack Up Your Testosterone
Jack Up Your Testosterone
Concentrated manliness.
S4: Weeks 9-12 of 12 Week Training Plan
S4: Weeks 9-12 of 12 Week Training Plan
The last four weeks were centered around peaking for the meet.
Molly Edwards Training
Molly Edwards Training
Pin one, standing on two mats 225+2 chains, conventional speed pulls.
A Word on Exercise Order
A Word on Exercise Order
I realize that most powerlifters hit the big movements first in their workouts, but they usually don't do them for high reps to failure.
Pec Tears and Strains
Pec Tears and Strains
I lived this nightmare for years after my pec tear.
Mental Meet Preparation
Mental Meet Preparation
I'm actually in the process of writing a manual explaining these techniques and many more that I have used successfully.
Vincent Dizenzo Grinds it Out
Vincent Dizenzo Grinds it Out
I figured if I was going to throw caution to the wind with my equipped training I'd need some sort of edge.
Sticking Point Tips
Sticking Point Tips
These simple changes made my deadlift jump from a hard 700 to a solid and easy 740 with room to spare.
Equipped Lifting: How to Begin
Equipped Lifting: How to Begin
Video as much as you possibly can of your training sessions so that you can go home and analyze your lifts.
S4: Week 5-8 of 12 Week Training Plan
S4: Week 5-8 of 12 Week Training Plan
As of week five, weak points have been determined and modifications to the program have been made.
Five Weeks Out - RAW
Five Weeks Out - RAW
Things are in the right direction and it's time for more ICE.
Squat Training and Cycle
Squat Training and Cycle
Hopefully this program can give you some ideas on how to get strong, do it smart and make progress.

Items 1358 to 1416 of 1691 total