Protect Yourself From Stress: Keys to Performance, Recovery, and Quality of Life
Protect Yourself From Stress: Keys to Performance, Recovery, and Quality...
Understanding all the mechanisms of stress can help you become aware of your response to stressors. Believe me, you can do better.
Strength Athletes, Control Your Variables
Strength Athletes, Control Your Variables
Consider where YOU lack focus. These things are widespread knowledge, nothing ground-breaking but surprisingly not prioritized correctly.
3 (Surprising) Reasons You Aren't Getting Stronger
3 (Surprising) Reasons You Aren't Getting Stronger
These are things that I didn’t appreciate enough when I was in my 20s but have risen to the top of my priority list in recent years.
3 Steps to an Effective Deload
3 Steps to an Effective Deload
Before you take a break from lifting heavy (and for those of you that are on the fence wondering if deloads are even necessary), consider three backed-by-science steps.
What To Do When You Don't Enjoy Training Anymore
What To Do When You Don't Enjoy Training Anymore
Remember, you’re human. It’s OK to feel this way about training and one day you inevitably will. With these six suggestions, plan and prepare for this ugly feeling and destroy ASAP to enjoy training again.
The 8 Pillars of Longevity for Athletes
The 8 Pillars of Longevity for Athletes
The primary drivers of aging can be narrowly reduced to inflammation, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial function. Here’s how to manage them.
The Stress of It All
The Stress of It All
You do you and let me do me.
Stress Management for Growth and Recovery
Stress Management for Growth and Recovery
Whether it’s good or bad stress, how can we deal with stress so it does not outstrip our ability to recover? There are plenty of techniques to explore, so turn off the TV and grab your cat (or dog) so we can start trying some out.
Mental Health First Aid Training for Strength Coaches
Mental Health First Aid Training for Strength Coaches
After 20 years of mistakes and heartbreaks, I’ve learned that we need to do better when it comes to mental health training for our student-athletes. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but we can start to do better by being more empathetic.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What is Cortisol? John Meadows Explains
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What is Cortisol? John Meadows Explains
Cortisol. It strikes fear into the hearts of most men. But cortisol is nothing to be afraid of. It serves a good purpose, and John Meadows is here to explain its benefits.
Troubleshooting Strength Injuries: Warning Signs of Injury
Troubleshooting Strength Injuries: Warning Signs of Injury
Understanding the warning signs and red flags of injury are paramount to successfully pushing your body to the brink without derailing due to injury. So what signs did our example athlete miss in the previous article?
You Can't Be Broken
You Can't Be Broken
The world can be a motherfucker but remember this…
How to Train While Working a Physical Job
How to Train While Working a Physical Job
You may have several points in your life where you’ll see the contrast of differing lifestyles on training and programming. While the principles of your training philosophy may remain the same no matter what job you have, how those principles are applied differs based on the situation.
How to Manage Stress Before It Manages You
How to Manage Stress Before It Manages You
There are no magic pills, nutrition protocol, or training method that can address the root of the problem and reduce stress. You have to prioritize your life, what is important, what can wait, and what can be eliminated. And a lot of that has to do with your mindset.
I'm Hurt, Now What?
I'm Hurt, Now What?
The answer may surprise you.
Don’t Call It a Comeback
Don’t Call It a Comeback
I was beyond grateful that Dan Green still welcomed me to compete at Boss of Bosses V (a fantastic event) this year. Strap in and pay attention if you like a good drama.
WATCH: Menstrual Cycle Myths
WATCH: Menstrual Cycle Myths
An extreme lack of knowledge on women’s health issues has led to many fallacies that need to be corrected. Here’s the truth about several common misconceptions.
WATCH: How to Be a Healthier Competitor
WATCH: How to Be a Healthier Competitor
If you think you can push your body to the extremes of its capabilities and not suffer consequences, you’re wrong.
Optimizing Your Pre-Training Routine: The Five Stages of PTR
Optimizing Your Pre-Training Routine: The Five Stages of PTR
The sequencing and staging of your PTR is key. The exercises work synergistically, and their individual effectiveness is secondary to their combined effect.
Peak Mental Performance Podcast — Measuring Athlete Stress and Improving Performance Using Heart Rate Variability
Peak Mental Performance Podcast — Measuring Athlete Stress and Improving...
Joel Jamieson, one of the world’s foremost authorities on strength and conditioning for combat sports, joins the Peak Mental Performance Podcast for a discussion of stress, HRV, and improving athletic performance.
The Role of Individual Differences in Programming
The Role of Individual Differences in Programming
The principles of training are the same for everyone, but the details are different. If you want to learn how to tailor your training by fine-tuning these details, this is the article for you.
Why Your Meet Prep Sucks
Why Your Meet Prep Sucks
It can be hugely discouraging to feel that all the work you did in the offseason and during your meet prep was wasted because you had one bad day, Unfortunately, all that really counts is what you put up on the platform. Or is it?
Living Better in a Profession of Martyrdom: Advice for Young Strength Coaches
Living Better in a Profession of Martyrdom: Advice for Young Strength Co...
We need to think about the quality of life and how to increase longevity in this profession. What we are doing does not lead to it.
The Only Thing You Can Control
The Only Thing You Can Control
There’s a very short list of things you can control and a very long list of things you can’t control. Choose to focus on the right one.
You Are What You Eat — Facts of the Food Industry
You Are What You Eat — Facts of the Food Industry
What you consume on a daily basis not only affects your training but also directly controls your quality of life. Are you sure you know what you’re eating?
The Long Road to Victory: Approval, Stress Management, and The Shining Light
The Long Road to Victory: Approval, Stress Management, and The Shining L...
The shining light appeared after a long nightmare in hell. This is what I encountered. This is how I persevered.
Is Stress Killing Your Progress?
Is Stress Killing Your Progress?
Life stress is unavoidable. It can overwhelm you and have a negative impact on your training…if you let it.
The Pharmaceutical Buffet
The Pharmaceutical Buffet
Feeling sick? Before pressing the pill cap down and turning to the right, try this swallow-free alternative.
Carbohydrate and Cortisol Control
Carbohydrate and Cortisol Control
I have implemented these nutritional and sleep strategies in attempts to manipulate my body into restoring a healthy hormonal profile.
Purposeful Training for Emergency First Responders: Why Physical Preparation Matters
Purposeful Training for Emergency First Responders: Why Physical Prepara...
If your profession requires a state of physical fitness, there are two things you need to know: which specific demands to train and how to raise your general fitness level.
The Forgotten Power of Training
The Forgotten Power of Training
There are two types of adversity you will experience as a lifter: the stress you can plan for and the stress you can’t. How will this effect determine your path in life and in the gym?
Brian Mann: High Academic Stress Linked to Increased Illness, Injuries among College Football Players
Brian Mann: High Academic Stress Linked to Increased Illness, Injuries a...
Now, University of Missouri researchers have found college football players are more likely to experience injuries during test weeks than during training camp.
Can Mental Work Add To Stress On The Body?
Can Mental Work Add To Stress On The Body?
Can you think so hard you get fatigued? Is there any correlation with mental and physical stress? How can it be affecting you?
Why the "Dad Bod" Seems to be Trending
Why the "Dad Bod" Seems to be Trending
The "Dad Bod" seems to be trending, but why...?
Are Ice Baths Always The Answer?
Are Ice Baths Always The Answer?
Cold baths are great, they do their job and decrease stress. Is using them post workout beneficial?
Are Anti-Oxidants Affecting Your Muscle Growth?
Are Anti-Oxidants Affecting Your Muscle Growth?
Wait, anti-oxidants are good for everything?
Improve Sleep to Optimize Performance
Improve Sleep to Optimize Performance
In episode 158 on Barbell Shrugged, Dr. Kirk Parsley explains how sleep is the number one thing that will make you better at everything.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Managing Stress
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Managing Stress
Coach, do you have any tips for managing stress?
Training with Purpose: Limiting Stress
Training with Purpose: Limiting Stress
Take a look at how to use overreaching as a tool to either break plateaus or use before a planned layoff from training.
The Research Meathead: Magnificent Magnesium
The Research Meathead: Magnificent Magnesium
Magnesium is so important, yet often underrated, underused, and misunderstood.
Adaptation Revisited
Adaptation Revisited
All athletes are trying to accomplish the same thing in their training.
Are You Setting Yourself Up for Injury?
Are You Setting Yourself Up for Injury?
Lifting weights is easy, but preventing injuries when lifting weights is not always as simple. Because of this, it is not uncommon to find many injuries in weight training. To help prevent injuries and make your workouts more productive, here are seven key factors that you should take into account when weight training.
Stronger Bodies Yield Brilliant Minds: How to Ignite Your Creativity Through Athletic Strength Training
Stronger Bodies Yield Brilliant Minds: How to Ignite Your Creativity Thr...
Aristotle has been recognized as perhaps the greatest thinker in western civilized history. I once heard that all philosophy is just footnotes to Aristotle. When it comes to maximizing our mental capacities and potential, it would be safe to say that any program or advice that a man like Aristotle could deliver would be greatly welcomed.

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