How Strong is Strong Enough?
To answer this question, we need to define strength. But there are many ways to define strength, so we all have to come up with our own method for defining strength. For me, it’s the squat.
WATCH: Dave Tate's Top 5 SS Yoke Bar Movements
Dave Tate could list 99 movements to use with the elitefts SS Yoke Bar… but he’ll just show you his top 5 instead of giving an upsell. (It’s just that good of a product.)
Week 11 / day 3 - speed squats & deadlifting
Speed squats w/ Duplex bar vs. heavy band bar x 5 180 x 3 270 x 2 320 (~35%) x 2 x 8 2” deadlifts 320 x 2 410 x 1 500 x 1 560 x 1 610 x 1 655 x 0 Unilateral Reverse Hyper 100 x 15 x 4
The One Thing Your Glutes Are Missing
Let’s take a quick look at some simple biomechanics, and then we will break down the squat so we can rebuild it with an emphasis on generating torque.
Less Work, More Results in High School Athletes
Stop burying your athletes into the ground and do only as much training as needed for optimal results.
Joe Defranco Teaching The Box Squat From The Bottom Up
The basics of teaching the box squat from the "bottom up"
Compression Floss Bands Post Rehab
Joey Smith walking you through how he has been using the elitefts compression bands for his personal post rehab therapy.
Do You Squat High?
People always love trash talking depth of wide stance squatters after seeing pictures or video. Something to think about. You cannot physically see the crease of the hip from the front due to the mass of quads and such in front if it
Do You Squat High?
People always love trash talking depth of wide stance squatters after seeing pictures or video. Something to think about. You cannot physically see the crease of the hip from the front due to the mass of quads and such in front if it,
Tsunami Bar Squats
Elitefts™ Advisor and Owner of Mountain Dog Training and Nutrition John Meadows performs squats with the elitefts™ Tsunami Bar.
Serrano Split Squats
Matt Ladewski owner of Region Barbell Club demonstrates how to perform Serrano Split Squats
Five Gray Areas You're Not Considering
These areas will significantly increase how a child is progressing in the gym.
No Bullsh*t: Because You Will Never Beat Me
There I was, fifteen years later, staring down my greatest friend and my worst enemy.
Questioning Training Methodologies
It is imperative that we don’t become narrow-minded and biased when choosing how we train our athletes.
Adding Up to Lower Back Pain
Pain is merely your body’s interpretation that something may be wrong. It doesn’t mean that your days of heavy lifting are over.
Elitefts Equipment 101: New & Improved SS Yoke Bar
EVERYTHING you wanted to know about the new & improved SS Yoke Bar plus a TON of training information.
44 and Broken, Part 9
It’s done and in the books. I competed at the 16th annual RPS Power Challenge on October 21, 2012.
A Case for Wide Squats
Squats should be looked at as more of a movement, not simply a specific muscle developer, and the entire body should be involved in the lift.
How to Make Better Gains with Chains
Are you looking for a better more efficient way to use chains? If so read this…
LTT-TV: How a Slight Change of Foot Position Can Increase Your Squat
Dave Tate shows how one slight change in foot position can increase your squatting base of support.
Mountain Dog Pukefest
When Dave Tate subverts the Mountain Dog training plan, EVERYONE pays the price. All five men are left sprawled on the ground, a wheezing, gelatinous heap of quivering devastation.
Surviving Smolov
From August to October of 2011, I did the Smolov squat routine for no reason other than I just wanted to.
The Top Get Faster for Football Exercises: Part II
Any exercise that hits the hamstrings, glutes, and quads hard is going to be good for getting faster on the football field.
Bodybuilding Squat, Chest and Offseason
We started with some heavy standing calf work, then higher-rep seated calf work, then seated leg curls pyramiding up in weight.
Foam Squats
This is a great devise to help those who have a hard time keeping their back arch when coming off the box while box squatting.
Cambered Bar Box Squats
The cambered squat bar is an excellent variation to a straight bar for several reasons.
Some Days I Hate Squats
Those were the exact words used by one of my clients after finishing her last set of goblet squats.
Training with the Log
We will look at three different exercises that you can do with the log: floor presses, training complexes, and font squats.