The Ladder and The Pendulum
The Ladder and The Pendulum
Are you climbing the ladder or riding the pendulum?
An Updated Deadlift Cycle for Average Joes
An Updated Deadlift Cycle for Average Joes
This 16-week cycle is for gym rats who have been lifting long enough to have good technique but aren't interested in peaking for a meet.
Dynamic Effort Day for Athletes
Dynamic Effort Day for Athletes
Your athletes are not powerlifters. Programming them as if they are will not lead to stronger, faster competitive performance.
WATCH: Table Talk — Can You Build the Deadlift Without Deadlifting?
WATCH: Table Talk — Can You Build the Deadlift Without Deadlifting?
A lot of people disagree about how often you should deadlift in the gym, if at all. For 13 years of competing, this is how I trained my deadlift.
Training at Westside: Priorities and Lifestyle
Training at Westside: Priorities and Lifestyle
For us, lifting was a priority. Louie and Westside gave us the edge to move our lifters on up in the competitive world. More than a place to train, lifting was our lifestyle.
WATCH: Expert Bench Press Troubleshooting with Casey Williams, Dave Tate, Matt Smith
WATCH: Expert Bench Press Troubleshooting with Casey Williams, Dave Tate...
As he aims to take his 540-pound bench up to 600, Casey is employing the help of these veteran coaches. Watch as he learns the adjustments needed to keep pushing forward.
Matt Smith’s PR Westside Program
Matt Smith’s PR Westside Program
Out of 16 years at Westside, this is the program I used for my PR 1160 squat and 2673 total.
Chad Aichs's Guaranteed-to-Work Miracle Program
Chad Aichs's Guaranteed-to-Work Miracle Program
Are you still searching for the holy grail of programs? Here it is, in all its perfection.
WATCH: My Worst Injury in Powerlifting
WATCH: My Worst Injury in Powerlifting
Injuries suck, but we all get them. It’s part of the game. But there’s one injury that kept me out of the gym for months at a time. The doctor told me I’d never bench over 400 pounds again. He was wrong.
Louie on Barbell Shrugged
Louie on Barbell Shrugged
In this episode Louie shares how CrossFit can minimize injury and increase competitiveness through smarter programming.
WATCH: The Reason Behind Dynamic Effort Rep Ranges
WATCH: The Reason Behind Dynamic Effort Rep Ranges
You’ve followed the 9-12×3, but is it making you better? Do you know why?
Finding the Training Program that Works for You
Finding the Training Program that Works for You
Be open to different fitness methods, learn what is useful, discard what is not.
Dave Tate Shapes Future of SPTS Presenter
Dave Tate Shapes Future of SPTS Presenter
He attended a seminar of Dave’s 15 years ago as a nobody. Today he’s presenting for elitefts.
WATCH: "Westside Louie is a Flip Floppin' Know-It-All SOB!"
WATCH: "Westside Louie is a Flip Floppin' Know-It-All SOB!"
Darden replies to a reader's commentary.
Old School Seated Overhead Presses
Old School Seated Overhead Presses
How we used to overhead press at Westside back in the 90’s.
Old School Seated Overhead Presses
Old School Seated Overhead Presses
How we used to overhead press at Westside back in the 90's.
The Problem of Oversimplification
The Problem of Oversimplification
With a complex organism such as the human body, answers to questions must contain a broad analysis covering various components.
Use Your EliteFTS Bands Better
Use Your EliteFTS Bands Better
Think you’re getting the most out of your bands?
Building Size with Crossfit
Building Size with Crossfit
If you joined Crossfit to look like Rich Froning, you may need to broaden your approach. This is how I transitioned to powerlifting.
Memories of Westside
Memories of Westside
You all have heard a lot of stories, now let me cut through Dave's Westside bullshit.
The Essential Expansion of STA Sports Performance
The Essential Expansion of STA Sports Performance
Athletic guidance from the man who has been there.
What's Your Atmosphere?
What's Your Atmosphere?
To achieve success, you must first place yourself among success.
Programming Predicaments
Programming Predicaments
When designing programs, don’t follow any blind allegiance to a certain template.
5/3/1 for Supplemental Work
5/3/1 for Supplemental Work
Matt explains how he controls volume and builds lifts while also keeping himself in check for workouts ahead.
Understanding the Principles Behind Programming
Understanding the Principles Behind Programming
It is not the percentages in 5/3/1, or the use of bands in Westside training that make these programs special.
Back to Training
Back to Training
Bob Youngs is back.
You Mother F**kers Have It Easy
You Mother F**kers Have It Easy
Back when I started my journey into the iron game, even before I started coaching, there was not much to choose from.
By the Coach for the Coach: Perceptions
By the Coach for the Coach: Perceptions
How do you let people know that you are good at what you do and get them to believe in you?
In Defense of Westside for Raw Lifters
In Defense of Westside for Raw Lifters
It’s not about whether it’s right or wrong…it’s about if you’re doing it right!
Baby Power (Part 1)
Baby Power (Part 1)
This cycle is the most important training I have ever written for someone.
Buckle Up to Bench?
Buckle Up to Bench?
Jennifer Petrosino weighs in on strapping on a belt to press.
elitefts™ Classic: In the Beginning
elitefts™ Classic: In the Beginning
Bob Youngs describes his first training program while at Westside.
Breaking Down Your Training Program
Breaking Down Your Training Program
Having a problem with your programming? Jennifer Petrosino can break it down for you.
Deadlifts, Chains, and Good Mornings
Deadlifts, Chains, and Good Mornings
Once again, Jennifer Petrosino is ready and willing to help answer your questions.
Sheiko or Westside? How to make it work.
Like a Fox
Like a Fox
Clint, when is it time to leave one girl for another?
44 and Broken, Part 6
44 and Broken, Part 6
I am now 3 weeks out from the meet… Mentally, I have been better.
Fighting 1000 lbs. in Kandahar
Fighting 1000 lbs. in Kandahar
Most people aren’t willing to risk life or limb in a backyard meet. Yet, that’s what happened as Kandahar Airfield hosted its second annual “1000 lbs. Club” powerlifting challenge in Afghanistan.
44 and Broken, Part 5
44 and Broken, Part 5
I’ll need to learn how to either let go of the past (misses) or to re channel the energy into something positive and EAT.
44 and Broken, Part 4
44 and Broken, Part 4
I’m half way through the training cycle for my meet. I almost forgot how hard training for a meet is on your body.
How to Use Chains And Bands
How to Use Chains And Bands
Is the use of bands and chains some magical tool that will create supermen?
The Company You Keep
The Company You Keep
They say you can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps. If you associate with positive, motivated, driven people it can only rub off on you and make you more successful in anything you do.
1100 Pound Abs
1100 Pound Abs
The other day in the gym, the topic of ab training for strength came up. I figured there was nobody better to ask than 1100 pound squatter Matt Wenning.
Speed Strength: The Phase before The Phase
Speed Strength: The Phase before The Phase
Use the guidelines to increase your speed strength.
Shot Put “Westside” Style
Shot Put “Westside” Style
I have employed the conjugate system of training with my throwers’ lifting program for four years with tremendous success. One highlight in the weight room was taking a male thrower with a 385-lb squat freshman year to a 615-lb squat/500-lb front squat as a junior. We also had a thrower make a 60-lb PR in the hang clean after not
Westside for Baseball?
Westside for Baseball?
I had finally done it! After countless hours of talking about it and planning just how I was going to do it, I opened my own performance enhancement training business. Well sort of…
Insight into Baseball Training
Insight into Baseball Training
I get bombarded with emails on a daily bases ranging from business issues, training questions, product opportunities, spam and a number of other issues. While I personally answer most of my emails there are times when I forward them onto people I feel can do a better job answering the questions than I could.
Somewhere Between Moscow and Columbus
Somewhere Between Moscow and Columbus
“People need to understand how to train themselves. When that happens and they finally figure it out, they no longer need to use someone else’s program. That’s the breakthrough factor.” –Dave Tate
What Happens When Westside Doesn't Work
What Happens When Westside Doesn't Work
I received this article and immediately realized that Alan’s plight mirrors many other lifters.
Bench Training with Ed Rectenwald
Bench Training with Ed Rectenwald
Coming up with new articles each month can be a challenging task and coming up with quality information can be even harder. After a couple hundred articles I find myself repeating myself time and time again.
Strongman and Westside Training
Strongman and Westside Training
I get calls just about every day asking for help integrating strongman training and Westside style training and I see a lot of confusion with this.
In the Beginning
In the Beginning
Jim Wendler has written a great series on tips for beginners. I was talking to Dave Tate about it and he gave me the idea for this article. I want to share what my workouts looked like when I first got to Westside Barbell.
Beginner Mistakes - Part I: Max Effort Progression
Beginner Mistakes - Part I: Max Effort Progression
When I first started training using the Westside methods, I would often end my max effort exercise and feel like I didn’t do anything.

Items 60 to 116 of 116 total
