Successful Box Squat Cycles
Successful Box Squat Cycles
Rather than just writing one cycle, I’ve decided to make an easy to follow quasi-article that contains all the different cycles for the squat that I’ve used with success. YES to chains and bands.
#112 - Westside Barbell Stories (Discipline and Consistency)
#112 - Westside Barbell Stories (Discipline and Consistency)
Jim Wendler and Matt Rhodes to discuss training, coaching, consistency, discipline, and past Westside Barbell stories
In-Season Rugby Programming Utilizing the Westside Conjugate Methods
In-Season Rugby Programming Utilizing the Westside Conjugate Methods
The key to the program is to never accommodate to movements and exercises. Change some aspects of your training every time you train.
#82 - Commercial Gym Conjugate and Training Principles
#82 - Commercial Gym Conjugate and Training Principles
Take a deep dive into how you can work conjugate into your training if you are restricted by what your commercial gym offers.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — This One Time, at Westside Barbell…
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — This One Time, at Westside Barbell…
Great coaching, brawls and talking trash all go hand in hand at elite powerlifting gyms. When Dave Tate has a story to tell about Westside Barbell, it’s a good idea to stop and listen.
WATCH: I am JM Blakley
WATCH: I am JM Blakley
“Our human potential is much higher than we recognize.” elitefts coach and columnist JM Blakley might be the namesake of the JM Press, but he hopes his impact in the strength sports world will go far beyond that and the weights he’s lifted.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #31 with Doug Heath
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #31 with Doug Heath
Ohio is the mecca of powerlifting, and elitefts is just one stop on the journey. Doug Heath, one of the Ohio powerlifters who inspired Louie Simmons to develop the Westside Method, joins Dave Tate on this Table Talk Podcast episode.
Chad vs. The World: Redefining Dedication
Chad vs. The World: Redefining Dedication
Even the smartest, strongest, and best of us can learn and improve on what we do or how we do it. The journey for strength is all about education and learning, and this is how we continue to get stronger. All of this takes dedication.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Chuck Vogelpohl Made Dave Quit After 45 Sets
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Chuck Vogelpohl Made Dave Quit After 4...
There are two kinds of athletes: the ones that love to win and the ones that hate to lose. The athletes who hate losing are the ones you should be afraid of. Dave Tate learned that the hard way when challenging Chuck Vogelpohl at Westside.
Which Max Effort Method is Right For You?
Which Max Effort Method is Right For You?
I’ve seen a lot of articles about the max effort method on here lately, but I haven’t seen many address the fact that there are two types of max effort methods! One method might work better than the other for you, so before you give up on conjugate, give this a read.
Don’t Let The Things You Love Destroy You 
Don’t Let The Things You Love Destroy You 
The things that gym owners and coaches love to do are destroying them. Find what you love to do without it taking too much of a toll on your health, both mental and physical. #BeThe1ToAsk others if they need help.
The Big Picture of Conjugate
The Big Picture of Conjugate
The goal with this series is to get to you to think about how you can manipulate the max effort, dynamic effort, and repeated efforts to fir your needs and to understand that conjugate is a fluid system that requires experimenting.
5 Repeated Effort Method Principles to Master
5 Repeated Effort Method Principles to Master
In conjugate, accessory work plays a huge role, even if it isn’t one that gets the attention. Accessory work is going to help fill your gaps and prevent you from developing new ones.
5 Dynamic Effort Method Principles to Master
5 Dynamic Effort Method Principles to Master
As I said in Part 1, conjugate is one of, if not, the most effective training systems when it is executed properly. Moving a light weight fast isn’t enough to make the dynamic effort method work. Moving a light weight fast with intention is.
4 Max Effort Method Principles to Master
4 Max Effort Method Principles to Master
In my opinion, conjugate is one of, if not, the best training systems — when employed properly. If it isn’t working, don’t disregard the system; instead, check your application.
Westside vs The World Now Available on Vimeo
Westside vs The World Now Available on Vimeo
The documentary Westside vs The World lives up to its name, as the documentary isn't available everywhere — though it's a bit more accessible to watch via Vimeo now.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #11 with Kenny Patterson
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #11 with Kenny Patterson
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate and Kenny Patterson talk about Louie Simmons, their time at Westside Barbell Club, the documentary “Westside vs The World,” and more.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Big Misconception About Chuck Vogelpohl
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Big Misconception About Chuck Voge...
If you’re emulating Chuck Vogelpohl by ramming your head into the bar and yelling like a wild person at meets, you’re doing it wrong.
5 Gifts for a New Westside Conjugate Method Devotee
5 Gifts for a New Westside Conjugate Method Devotee
Whether you’re new to the Westside Conjugate Method or a die-hard supporter, this list has got you covered.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Stefan Waltersson
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Stefan Waltersson
We are pleased to announce our 37th columnist addition to team elitefts, Stefan Waltersson.
WATCH: A Question from Donnie Thompson
WATCH: A Question from Donnie Thompson
Why were you such a dick to me in 1998 when I met you and Lou for breakfast for the first time? You hurt my feelings.
WATCH: Table Talk — What Would You Change?
WATCH: Table Talk — What Would You Change?
His answer — revolving around canvas gear, Westside, and Louie — may surprise you.
Learn to Train X — 20 Years in the Making
Learn to Train X — 20 Years in the Making
With this year marking the 20th anniversary of elitefts, Tate acknowledges the significance of the timing of the LTTX seminar for his team, reflecting back on the success of the company in a market where this is not necessarily the norm.
A Question of Strength
A Question of Strength
Sixteen questions covering the basics (and often neglected) beginning with bench press templates to dimel deadlifts.
Best Caliber Athletes
Best Caliber Athletes
‘’Westside only gets the best caliber athletes to work with,” is something we’ve heard over the years. What does this mean?
WATCH: Table Talk — What Have You Learned Post-Powerlifting?
WATCH: Table Talk — What Have You Learned Post-Powerlifting?
With the muscle-building knowledge he has gained since retiring from the sport of powerlifting, what would Dave change about his years training for the platform? We rewind to Dave’s first Table Talk from 2015.
WATCH: Training After Westside
WATCH: Training After Westside
What type of training comes after years of lifting in the world’s strongest gym, with the sole goal of moving as much weight as possible?
Newcomer Conjugate Method Lessons
Newcomer Conjugate Method Lessons
From the early stages of my time with the conjugate method, here are the biggest benefits I’ve found.
My Simple and Effective Approach to Conjugate Training
My Simple and Effective Approach to Conjugate Training
There are definitely a few programs I have used with success in my lifting career and some that I will still recommend to lifters today, but conjugate is my favorite. It is the one I try to progress all my lifters to.
The 14-Day Program: An Interview with John Bott
The 14-Day Program: An Interview with John Bott
What did your training look like before you began this training? Give us a sample week/template that would be fairly typical of what you did.
Jeremy Frey: A Reintroduction
Jeremy Frey: A Reintroduction
It’s been my privilege to know Dave Tate and be a part of elitefts since 2007. I’ve been away for a few years now, but I’m back.
WATCH: Equipment Feature — Westside Inverse Curl
WATCH: Equipment Feature — Westside Inverse Curl
This machine enables hamstring training in multiple positions, at any intensity level desired, for both strength and sport athletes.
Injury — The Real Measure of What Kind of Lifter You Are
Injury — The Real Measure of What Kind of Lifter You Are
Something doesn’t feel right as the bar descends, like your left pec is cramping or something. You touch, hear “press,” and then POP! It all goes black.
10 Stupid Things Powerlifters Need to Stop Doing
10 Stupid Things Powerlifters Need to Stop Doing
Taking five hours to do a bench workout and trying new stuff on meet day both make the list, but neither of them are number one.
WATCH: The Vision and Growth of Showtime Strength and Performance
WATCH: The Vision and Growth of Showtime Strength and Performance
Nick Showman built his facility with a purpose and, in the process of growing, has found a niche in softball, welcomed serious lifters, and expanded the services he and his coaches provide.
Observations of Beginner Powerlifting Mistakes
Observations of Beginner Powerlifting Mistakes
With five years in the sport of powerlifting, my best total before I came to Westside Barbell was 1685. After training at Westside for a little over three years, my best total is 1950. Here are the big issues to avoid if you want similar progress.
WATCH: Table Talk — Should You Train Assistance Movements to Failure?
WATCH: Table Talk — Should You Train Assistance Movements to Failure?
For a powerlifter on a conjugate or Westside style program, you first need to make sure you know the role of each exercise you’re doing. This will give you direction on how close to failure to train.
What Inspires You?
What Inspires You?
The world records, the surgeries, the comebacks, the nights alone in motels, the tears, the blood, and everything in between needs to have a purpose. This is what I want to leave.
Conjugate Bodybuilding
Conjugate Bodybuilding
How does this system translate to someone that just wants a bigger set of guns? Incredibly well, actually, due to the fact you will spend the bulk of your training sessions performing hypertrophy work to bring up primary movers.
WATCH: Table Talk — When to Rotate Supplemental and Accessory Exercises
WATCH: Table Talk — When to Rotate Supplemental and Accessory Exercises
How much time do you really need to spend with an exercise to know if it’s working or not?
Social Media in Strength and Conditioning
Social Media in Strength and Conditioning
Life was meant to be lived, not read. Cars were meant to be driven, not parked. The harbor is safe, but a ship was meant to sail. Don’t let articles and books convince you that you understand it all.
WATCH: Westside Misconceptions — High Standards
WATCH: Westside Misconceptions — High Standards
To be on the board at Westside, at the time, meant you had to break the all-time world record, because that was pretty much everybody that was on the board.
WATCH: Westside Misconceptions — Program Design with Gear
WATCH: Westside Misconceptions — Program Design with Gear
From 1990 to 2000, there wasn’t a single person who came to Westside and stayed who didn’t get significantly stronger. Everyone got stronger, wearing gear or not.
Upper Back for the Bench
Upper Back for the Bench
So why do you want to build a strong, thick upper back? Isn’t the bench all pecs, shoulders, and triceps?
WATCH: Westside Misconceptions — Max Effort Workouts in Circa Max Phase
WATCH: Westside Misconceptions — Max Effort Workouts in Circa Max Phase
A circa max phase isn’t easy, and recovering from it isn’t either. Should you remove max effort training or keep pushing forward with it?
Dear Powerlifting
Dear Powerlifting
I owe a lot to the sport of powerlifting. Now it’s about giving back in more ways than on the platform.
WATCH: Westside History with Mark Bell and Dave Tate
WATCH: Westside History with Mark Bell and Dave Tate
Training goals after powerlifting, quality time with children, training at Westside, leaving Westside, thoughts on training methods, the purpose of life, the challenges of being a mentor, and more — all in this video.
Daily Undulating Periodization: Conjugate Adapted for Raw Lifters
Daily Undulating Periodization: Conjugate Adapted for Raw Lifters
While raw powerlifting circles have been discrediting the merits of a concurrent approach to training, many have been using a program that is congruent with the very principles that conjugate is based on.
From the Weight Room to the Boardroom
From the Weight Room to the Boardroom
At times, we can be paralyzed by the complexity of our professional lives and it can be very valuable to find simple, yet proven philosophies that help us find our way.
2017 Sports Performance Summit — Dave Tate Speaks
2017 Sports Performance Summit — Dave Tate Speaks
You may have heard or read a few things about Dave’s second hip replacement and the PRs that led to his surgery, but no one has heard the full story. Until now.
The Pros and Cons of a 100-Pound Weight Gain
The Pros and Cons of a 100-Pound Weight Gain
I’ve gained 100 pounds over the last seven years and I’m going to share my journey and my experience, both good and bad, this has had on my general health.
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk — Military Press for Powerlifters, Grip, and Home Gyms
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk — Military Press for Powerlifters, Grip, an...
Have you ever eaten an entire box of Pop-Tarts in one sitting?
WATCH: Table Talk Compilation Series — JL Holdsworth
WATCH: Table Talk Compilation Series — JL Holdsworth
Stories of Westside, vomit, blood, cysts, spine health, circa max training, pizza, and more…
What Is Elite in Powerlifting?
What Is Elite in Powerlifting?
It takes a long time to be elite—truly elite—in this sport. Don’t try to change the standards. Change the way you work.
4 Powerlifting Trump Cards You Should Hold Onto
4 Powerlifting Trump Cards You Should Hold Onto
Just like a game of euchre, there is an optimal time to play these trump cards in powerlifting.
Are You MapQuesting Your Training?
Are You MapQuesting Your Training?
This is the difference between running a system or following a program. It’s the difference between getting lost or arriving at your destination.
Table Talk — What Is the Biggest Lesson You Learned From Westside?
Table Talk — What Is the Biggest Lesson You Learned From Westside?
JL Holdsworth joins Dave for a look back at the years they spent training at Westside and everything they learned there.
WATCH: Table Talk — Do Some Training Programs Only Work If You Take Steroids?
WATCH: Table Talk — Do Some Training Programs Only Work If You Take Ster...
I hear lifters say this shit all the time. It’s ludicrous.
Life and Lifting After Double Hip Replacement Surgery
Life and Lifting After Double Hip Replacement Surgery
With 20 years of lifting behind me, I was scared to death of my double anterior total hip replacement. What would life be like after surgery? Could I ever lift again?

Items 1 to 59 of 116 total
