Ken "Skip" Hill

Ken “Skip” Hill has been involved in the sport of bodybuilding for almost forty years and competing for over twenty years. Born and raised in Michigan, he spent 21 years calling Colorado home with his wife and their four children. 4 years ago, he and his wife traded the mountains for the beach, relocating to South Florida. His primary focus is nutrition and supplementation, but he is called upon for his years of training experience, as well. He started doing online contest prep in 2001 and is considered one of the original contest prep guys when the bodybuilding message boards were still in their infancy. Skip’s track record with competitive bodybuilders is well-respected, and he also does sport-specific conditioning, including working with professional athletes.

My Metabolism is Just Getting Crazier
My Metabolism is Just Getting Crazier
It's Getting REAL
It's Getting REAL
My feet feel like cinder blocks
I Didn’t Learn a Thing From My Father
I Didn’t Learn a Thing From My Father
As I got into my 20s, I was dead set on making a living as a bouncer. I mean, if John Dalton could make a living bouncing at the Double Deuce kicking everyone's ass while driving a Mercedes, I could do it.
Quiet Riot
Quiet Riot
Talk, but more importantly, LISTEN to your kids.
I Think I'm On To Something
I Think I'm On To Something
This is EXACTLY why I want to continue to learn more and experiment
What a Difference a Week Makes
What a Difference a Week Makes
And thank God
BOOM! Out of Nowhere, an Obstacle
BOOM! Out of Nowhere, an Obstacle
This is where you gotta dig in.
You'll Hate Me Even More This Week
You'll Hate Me Even More This Week
I hate Skiploading
A Social Experiment Gone Wrong
A Social Experiment Gone Wrong
Why can’t you speak to people face-to-face like you can on social media?
Trolls: Welcome to my Coach Log!
Trolls: Welcome to my Coach Log!
When bored in quarantine, the trolls come out at night
Having Brain Issues
Having Brain Issues
Otherwise, everything is going very smoothly.
Skipload Manifesto
Skipload Manifesto
I am providing this information in detail in one location, not so much for people to use the information themselves (though this will obviously happen), but to explain the methodology to those who still don't understand it or feel that it isn't an effective way to get lean.
Getting Ripped During Quarantine
Getting Ripped During Quarantine
Chipping away week by week
Resting Heart Rate Patterns
Resting Heart Rate Patterns
My RHR over the last 12 weeks during this cutting phase
My High-Carb Day Meal Recipes
My High-Carb Day Meal Recipes
Including my Philly Roll Sushi Bowl
The Stress of It All
The Stress of It All
You do you and let me do me.
Operation: Flies On My Eyes
Operation: Flies On My Eyes
I will quit when I have no skin.
Online Trainers Going Broke: Don't Blame COVID-19 or the Government
Online Trainers Going Broke: Don't Blame COVID-19 or the Government
The next few months are going to be incredibly difficult for the vast majority of online trainers. Consider me Dr. Phil for a minute as I provide four things that you can do to not find your dumbass in an anxiety-riddled situation when or if something like this happens in the future.
It's Almost Going TOO Good
It's Almost Going TOO Good
With the exception, of course, of the anxiety around this virus.
This Was The Week I Have Been Waiting For
This Was The Week I Have Been Waiting For
I'm finally lean.
Supersets for Hypertrophy Training
Supersets for Hypertrophy Training
The trick is to get the right combination for the muscle or the area of the muscle you are working. Inside I have the best supersets for each muscle group and some crazy options — just in case you want to go psycho and do something that everyone else doesn't have the balls to do.
What a Crazy Week
What a Crazy Week
Cat Strollers, COVID-19 and continued progress
This Is What Progress Really Looks Like
This Is What Progress Really Looks Like
It's never linear.
Small Guys and Their Thought Bubbles
Small Guys and Their Thought Bubbles
I want to get huge by summer, old bro. How do I get big like you?
Sneaking Up On 220
Sneaking Up On 220
But a different look than I had at 220 6 months ago.
A Change is Needed
A Change is Needed
But not a big one.
Always Adapting
Always Adapting
I HAVE to see if this will work.
How to Become a Successful Columnist for elitefts
How to Become a Successful Columnist for elitefts
Or in other are five things I feel are important if you're going to be a successful writer. If I can do it, you can too.
Operation Eyelid Skin
Operation Eyelid Skin
2 weeks into this new phase.
One Week Into Cutting Phase
One Week Into Cutting Phase
So happy not to have to push the food as hard.
5 Things Online Trainers Should Do To Be Successful
5 Things Online Trainers Should Do To Be Successful
Though the method of promotion or exposure has changed dramatically, there are still things that have remained constant to be successful as an online trainer.
Back Injury??
Back Injury??
Instead, I have a trigger-point issue.
Starting Cutting Phase (Finally)
Starting Cutting Phase (Finally)
And dealing with a minor pull of my EO and QL
7 Exercises That Have Become Extinct
7 Exercises That Have Become Extinct
Trends come and go and with them, certain exercises. With that in mind, which exercises does a seasoned bodybuilder say are outdated?
How To Make Liquid Chalk
How To Make Liquid Chalk
Don't create a mess with regular chalk
Back In The Gym
Back In The Gym
But wearing sweats and sweatshirts
I’m a Prep Coach, Not a Salesman
I’m a Prep Coach, Not a Salesman
I was invited to a bodybuilding group on Facebook the other day and though I get a lot of these types of invitations and usually dismiss them, I decided to click on this particular one because the discussion being showcased was asking who in the group was a nutrition or prep coach.
It's 2020 and I've Decided Not To Train
It's 2020 and I've Decided Not To Train
It's just not in the cards
The Holidays and Structure
The Holidays and Structure
Or lack thereof
I Made a HUGE Mistake This Year
I Made a HUGE Mistake This Year
Some things I have learned in 2019
The Price We Pay For Emotional Stress
The Price We Pay For Emotional Stress
Get your shit straight or your progress will stall.
Is Overtraining a Myth?
Is Overtraining a Myth?
Be careful from whom you take advice...
Back Fatigue and Cramping
Back Fatigue and Cramping
A change has to be made.
Thank You, Innovation!
Thank You, Innovation!
Leg equipment has come a long way...
How To Deal With The Holidays
How To Deal With The Holidays
Family time or bodybuilding time?
I Was Wrong About My Knee Pain
I Was Wrong About My Knee Pain
Still, the diagnosis says that it's minor.
11 Things You Shouldn’t Do On Stage (Unless You’re Huge)
11 Things You Shouldn’t Do On Stage (Unless You’re Huge)
Don't do any of these things... unless you can pull them off.
Recovery is Slipping
Recovery is Slipping
But just enough to make a small adjustment
I Have 2 Months Left
I Have 2 Months Left
An Overview of the good, the bad and the ugly.
5 Reasons Why Your Chest Sucks
5 Reasons Why Your Chest Sucks
I have compiled a list of what I have noticed in the 35 years I have spent in gyms that I feel are the five biggest obstacles to growing a great set of titties. Also, ease up on the bench press.
Increasing My Back Width With The Graston Technique
Increasing My Back Width With The Graston Technique
It's early but it appears to be showing signs that it is working quite well
Skip's 2019 Off-Season Manifesto
Skip's 2019 Off-Season Manifesto
A detailed breakdown of my training and nutrition changes to break the 230-pound mark.
Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes After a Bodybuilding Contest
Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes After a Bodybuilding Contest
I have always felt that a big part of my writing should be to save as many people as I can from making the mistakes I have made or witnessed others make in my 3.5 decades of bodybuilding. I've narrowed that list down to 10, and hopefully this saves you from yourself.
There Is ALWAYS Something To Learn
There Is ALWAYS Something To Learn
Adversity and obstacles usually provide an atmosphere for learning
I Am Miserable
I Am Miserable
But happy at the same time??
How to Get Huge in Less Than 1,000 Words
How to Get Huge in Less Than 1,000 Words
Train hard and train to failure. That's it. That's really all it takes to get huge.
Just How Hardcore are You?
Just How Hardcore are You?
Apparently, I am not
THIS is what it feels like to break 230 Pounds!
THIS is what it feels like to break 230 Pounds!
Distention, gas, choking down food and being miserable
Back At It Bitches!!
Back At It Bitches!!
Let the crippling soreness ensue.

Items 119 to 177 of 563 total