Why Kai Didn't Win (and Why It Doesn't Matter)
Why Kai Didn't Win (and Why It Doesn't Matter)
In a sport that has gone from high school stages to large Vegas venues, winning the Mr. Olympia has become much more than just having the biggest and best conditioned physique on stage.
Don't Let Your Mentorship Sink
Don't Let Your Mentorship Sink
If you don't accept average, neither will your students or athletes.
The Repercussions of Psychological Abuse in Sports
The Repercussions of Psychological Abuse in Sports
Helping boys become young men does not require verbal brutality.
Power Training for Team Sports
Power Training for Team Sports
Effective training programs to use on your team during the competitive season.
Misconceptions About Lactic Acid
Misconceptions About Lactic Acid
Three more reps…yeah, three more. That’s it! Feel the burn. FEEL THAT BURN!
Setting Up Westside for the Raw Lifter
Setting Up Westside for the Raw Lifter
With a program based on adapting to your weaknesses and strengths, this article explains how to customize your training for raw lifters.
How I Train for a Meet, Month One
How I Train for a Meet, Month One
The Freakshow lays down his game plan for powerlifting. Can you handle it?
The Importance of a Proper Warm-Up
The Importance of a Proper Warm-Up
With a program known for strength increases, with a minimal injury rate, this guy knows a thing or two about a proper warm up.
Personal Training: Myth Versus Reality
Personal Training: Myth Versus Reality
A real view of the industry from someone inside it.
Resisting the Decline
Resisting the Decline
For those middle aged, andropause diminishes both sexual Tyrannosaurus status and quality of life.
Five Bodybuilding Illusions Amateurs Need to Ditch
Five Bodybuilding Illusions Amateurs Need to Ditch
You can't Criss Angel your way to an IFBB pro card.
Cortisol: A Good Guy with a Bad Rap
Cortisol: A Good Guy with a Bad Rap
Don't let Cousin Eddie run amuck in your body.
Training to Peak for a Meet
Training to Peak for a Meet
After two decades of competing, The M2 Method author has fine-tuned meet prep.
Recruiting From Within the Weightroom
Recruiting From Within the Weightroom
Your first impression defines the coach-athlete relationship that determines your program's success.
Why Your Diet Sucks
Why Your Diet Sucks
Are you guilty of one of these five nutrition screw-ups?
WATCH: Hypertrophy-Based Back Training
WATCH: Hypertrophy-Based Back Training
Dave and the BIG DOG bring on scapular Armageddon by inflicting trapezoid tyranny and latissimus dorsi demolitiion with just a touch of rhomboidal wreckage.
Wake Up to the Benefits of Melatonin
Wake Up to the Benefits of Melatonin
Besides improved sleep, there is a variety of positive strength and muscle-enhancing effects.
WATCH: Pulcinella's Advice for Teen Lifters
WATCH: Pulcinella's Advice for Teen Lifters
You're still growing hair in funny places, so you don'' know any better. Listen up.
Five Ways to Build Mental Toughness
Five Ways to Build Mental Toughness
Bulletproof your mind. Bulletproof your back. Hell, bulletproof everything.
Basic Principles of In-season Training
Basic Principles of In-season Training
You have two options during the competitive months: progress or regress...I digress.
A Year of Eating for Strength
A Year of Eating for Strength
Fill your calendar and your stomach with this annual guide for progress-driven nutrition.
How to Improve Strength Training at the High School Level
How to Improve Strength Training at the High School Level
We're no longer in the age of whistles and clipboards, random calisthenics, and hydration negligence.
The Problem of Oversimplification
The Problem of Oversimplification
With a complex organism such as the human body, answers to questions must contain a broad analysis covering various components.
WATCH: SS Yoke Bar Throwdown
WATCH: SS Yoke Bar Throwdown
Dave "MF'n" Tate tries to take Derek "Mountain Puppy" Dolgner to obedience school...but the puppy breaks his leash.
Meet New Team Member Meana Franco
Meet New Team Member Meana Franco
With guidance from hall-of-famer Steve Goggins, Franco is poised to make her mark in the sport.
I'm Not Sad for Mike Matarazzo
I'm Not Sad for Mike Matarazzo
I'm sad that not enough people live the way they want to—happy and on their own terms.
The Philosophy of Muscle: Examinations of the Big Questions
The Philosophy of Muscle: Examinations of the Big Questions
Expert in ethics, philosophy, law, and social policy (as well as WNBF bodybuilding pro), Dr. Melina Bell examines bodybuilding through a philosophical lens.
Nutrition Advice from Generation X (to Y and Z)
Nutrition Advice from Generation X (to Y and Z)
When your elders say "eat your veggies," you young'uns better listen.
Constructing Your Program
Constructing Your Program
The second segment of my guide to off-season programming. It's what you choose to do between competitions that matters.
Steve's Strength Tips: Fix Your Kicks
Steve's Strength Tips: Fix Your Kicks
The opinions shared by the author are not necessarily those of elitefts, it's owners or staff.
The Joe Kenn Experience
The Joe Kenn Experience
I had an epiphany at the NSCA National Conference.
Veteran's Perspective of the Platform
Veteran's Perspective of the Platform
Are you obsessing over the minutiae and overlooking the big picture?
The Hidden Value of the Unpaid Internship
The Hidden Value of the Unpaid Internship
In the strength and conditioning industry, the unpaid internship is a necessary evil.
3 Common Deadlift Mistakes
3 Common Deadlift Mistakes
We give you three easy fixes and a program to put your stubborn deadlift back on track to PRs.
Breath Control for Optimal Performance
Breath Control for Optimal Performance
Appease your moral conscious by taking the prophalctic approach to birth control. Oh sorry...you said breath control.
The Courage of the Female Football Player
The Courage of the Female Football Player
It takes a special kind of person to strive for their goals while ignoring traditional limitations.
In-Season Training Discussion with Todd Hamer
In-Season Training Discussion with Todd Hamer
We invade Robert Morris University during football two-a-days to grill a prominent strength coach.
Preventing Adaptation to Exercise
Preventing Adaptation to Exercise
Bodybuilding magazines have promulgated the myth of muscle confusion. While it sounds ridiculous, a slight tweaking in your exercises will grease the path of continued progress.
A Better Joy Than Envy
A Better Joy Than Envy
Do you want to be the guy with bigger biceps, the guy who sleeps with more girls, the guy who pounds more beer and drives the faster car?
Al Caslow: Take it to the Meet Repost
Al Caslow: Take it to the Meet Repost
Looking at Al Caslow's numbers on the platform.
How to Start a Collegiate Powerlifting Team
How to Start a Collegiate Powerlifting Team
Your college experience doesn't have to be only cheap beer, Taco Bell at 2 AM, and 6 hangovers a week.
Why "Chest Up" in the Squat is Wrong
Why "Chest Up" in the Squat is Wrong
Fixing your thoracic spine position, can immediately add 10-15 percent to your squat.
The Powerlifter's Guide to Off-Season Programming
The Powerlifter's Guide to Off-Season Programming
SWOT analysis is crucial in developing a business plan, but can it also be applied to your powerlifting?
Avoid Newbie Pitfalls
Avoid Newbie Pitfalls
You may be a beginner, but you don't have to make the mistakes of one.
Top 10 Meet Day Tips for the Competitive Lifter
Top 10 Meet Day Tips for the Competitive Lifter
No matter how long you've been around, there's sure to be one or two on this list you've never heard.
Strongman Conditioning: How to Finish at the Top
Strongman Conditioning: How to Finish at the Top
Remember the five Ds: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge.
Having the Courage to Put Your Program Under the Microscope
Having the Courage to Put Your Program Under the Microscope
Being open to criticism from an experienced coach may be what you need to build a better program.
Use Your EliteFTS Bands Better
Use Your EliteFTS Bands Better
Think you're getting the most out of your bands?
The Importance of Tracking Volume
The Importance of Tracking Volume
One can not ignore the necessity of regulating training volume. Rest in peace, Mike Mentzer.
A Modern Approach to Contest-Day Eating for Strongman
A Modern Approach to Contest-Day Eating for Strongman
That stack of bottomless pancakes you had for breakfast won't taste so good coming up after the medley.
Building Size with Crossfit
Building Size with Crossfit
If you joined Crossfit to look like Rich Froning, you may need to broaden your approach. This is how I transitioned to powerlifting.
When There is Money to Be Made
When There is Money to Be Made
If there is more money to be made from telling a lie, will the truth ever come out?
Guidance from Veterans: Advice from the Best Female Coaches
Guidance from Veterans: Advice from the Best Female Coaches
Fourteen strength coaches with DI experience provide insight on what it takes to succeed.
Darden's Guide to the Super Yoke
Darden's Guide to the Super Yoke
Darden rolls like a tank through the streets of Cyprus leading the bicep nation.
You've Got the Map, Follow the Damn Directions
You've Got the Map, Follow the Damn Directions
Don't get caught in the speed trap on your way to Gainesville.
Lessons for Parents, Coaches, and Players
Lessons for Parents, Coaches, and Players
Are players expected to display self control on the field if parents don't demonstrate it from the bleachers?
The Long Road to a 900-Pound Bench
The Long Road to a 900-Pound Bench
At the RPS Battle of Champions: Connecticut State Championships I accomplished a life-long goal.

Items 119 to 177 of 2116 total