Flying Solo: When All You Got Is You
Flying Solo: When All You Got Is You
As a lifter, I love training with a crew. Nothing will get you more physically prepared to lift big weights than a group of like-minded individuals.
Practical Training for the Civil Servant
Practical Training for the Civil Servant
Testing your physical wit, pushing yourself to the very limits all to move the biggest numbers—awesome!
Dual Rack Ropes
Dual Rack Ropes
Years ago, when I was regularly conducting seminars, I began to notice a common element in many of the university weight rooms I’d visit. I’d always see towels folded over the tops of power racks and taped at their ends.
 Is Your Warm Up Effective?
Is Your Warm Up Effective?
Your warm-up should prepare your for the workout without hindering your ability to perform optimally.
1100 Pound Abs
1100 Pound Abs
The other day in the gym, the topic of ab training for strength came up. I figured there was nobody better to ask than 1100 pound squatter Matt Wenning.
Problem—Raw Bench Press; Solution—Plyometrics
Problem—Raw Bench Press; Solution—Plyometrics
Speed training in the bench press has become increasingly popular. Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell Club popularized this concept by advocating a speed day in the bench press. Some call it a “dynamic” day, and some call it a “light” day.
 Teach Them to Land First
Teach Them to Land First
Plyometrics have been a part of most athletic development programs for many years.
Recently on the Q&A, someone asked me about my thoughts on tweaking the DC training program. He was having some difficulties getting his numbers up but was worried about not following the program to the letter.
Rethinking Interval Training
Rethinking Interval Training
I love interval training, but one of the problems we commonly run into—particularly if someone isn’t prepared physically to sprint or doesn’t have a place to do it because of weather restrictions—is that repetitive, low amplitude motions are our only options.
 Under The Bar: The S-4 Weekender Program Part 2
Under The Bar: The S-4 Weekender Program Part 2
This article is the continuation of the Weekender Series that has documented the training of a few of our featured training log lifters, as well as the weekend group training in our weight room:
 Army Physical Training and the Powerlifter
Army Physical Training and the Powerlifter
In October 2008, I joined the U.S. Army. I’m going to share my story about seven months of Army physical training compared to my experience as a veteran powerlifter.
 Want to Squat Like a Man? Lift Like a Woman
Want to Squat Like a Man? Lift Like a Woman
Every day you can go into a weight room anywhere in the country and two things will be certain
 Bench Press More Weight Instantly!
Bench Press More Weight Instantly!
How many people do you see in the gym trying to make an exercise more difficult, believing the more difficult it is, the more effective the exercise will be?
Seven Simple Steps to Get Lean and Get Healthy
Seven Simple Steps to Get Lean and Get Healthy
As a trainer and Poliquin certified BioSignature practitioner, I work with all types of clients with a wide array of ailments. People often contact me to rid themselves of the prescription medications to which they have become reliant.
Speed Strength: The Phase before The Phase
Speed Strength: The Phase before The Phase
Use the guidelines to increase your speed strength.
 Training Considerations for the Tactical Athlete
Training Considerations for the Tactical Athlete
Many people consider sports such as golf, tennis, and martial arts to be some of the top sports that are most reluctant to buy into modern strength and conditioning techniques.
 Failure Fixation
Failure Fixation
Did Arthur Jones have it right when he essentially devoted his life to convincing people they needed to train to failure?
 Underground Strength Session 2009 Review
Underground Strength Session 2009 Review
It was Friday night. I set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. This was nothing new, but when I woke up in five hours, I would be starting my trek to one of the strongest gyms in the Midwest—the EliteFTS compound.
37 Tips and Tales from Dave Tate
37 Tips and Tales from Dave Tate
Five minutes before my interview with Dave Tate a new Facebook status update pings onto my screen.
 Problems of Progression
Problems of Progression
During my humble personal training career, I’ve witnessed some interesting training philosophies that personal trainers have in relation to training their clients and themselves.
EliteFTS Spotlight: Juliet Deane
EliteFTS Spotlight: Juliet Deane
I’ve been reading the site for a while, but we have our own training studio business, and in the past couple of years, it’s been about a hundred-twenty-five miles an hour, every single day.
Powerlifting Sport Psychology Training
Powerlifting Sport Psychology Training
Have you ever been to a powerlifting meet and heard someone boast about colossal training lifts?
 Cardio for the Strong
Cardio for the Strong
No matter who or what your goal is, I feel some form of cardio will help you reach that goal faster.
 Under The Bar: The S-4 Weekender Program
Under The Bar: The S-4 Weekender Program
I'm still not quit sure how it happened, but over the course of the past twelve months, we have attracted a group of competitive powerlifters into our gym. It was not that long ago that I retired from the sport and spent my weekends training with one or two other guys, and that was it.
 Performance Training to Look Better
Performance Training to Look Better
Performance training for improved looks is a concept that seems to get lost behind the dozens of magazines that promote your favorite bodybuilder and the supplements they’re trying to sell us.
 Training Individuality
Training Individuality
In powerlifting, there are many different paths to achieve our lifting goals.
Block Periodization in the Sport of Powerlifting
Block Periodization in the Sport of Powerlifting
This program is based on the concepts outlined in Dr. Vladimir Issurin’s, Block Periodization: A Breakthrough in Sports Training.
 Memoirs of a Strong(er) Beta Tester: Part 2
Memoirs of a Strong(er) Beta Tester: Part 2
As with my last article, my goal is to give you a glimpse into what I did and how I felt while beta testing Dave Tate’s Strong(er) Program.
Separate from the Pack
Separate from the Pack
After serving four years in the Marine Corps and one tour in Iraq, I was finally done. I had served my country valiantly and fought for my freedom. I said to myself, “It’s time to let loose.” So I did exactly that. Five months and thirty pounds of fat later, I was a mess.
 Hip Strength for Speed Development: Part II
Hip Strength for Speed Development: Part II
In my last article, I outlined the four qualities that must be trained to improve speed—relative body strength, hip stability, elasticity/reactivity, and rate of force development. I quickly touched on the subject of developing strength in a hip hyperextended position. In my opinion, this can unlock the speed potential of any athlete.
Spotlight on Nutritionist Dr. Chris Fox
Spotlight on Nutritionist Dr. Chris Fox
My name is Dr. Chris Fox. I'm a chiropractor who specializes in spinal rehabilitation. I'm 35 years old, I've been lifting since I was 13, and I've been seriously bodybuilding since I was 20.
The Perfect Program: For Lifters and Coaches Alike
The Perfect Program: For Lifters and Coaches Alike
Here’s the deal. All sound programs work and they work well. The best one is your preference. However, there’s a catch to everything and this has more than one.
 Tighten That Belt
Tighten That Belt
How strong is your core really? Do you give it as much attention as you do your other muscles when you squat or deadlift or even when you’re doing bicep curls in the squat rack (just kidding about that last point)?
 A Better Way to Achieve Fat Loss
A Better Way to Achieve Fat Loss
Forget what you think you know about losing fat and pay attention. The best way to lose fat is to train for performance.
Monitoring Training Status: The Finger Tap Test
Monitoring Training Status: The Finger Tap Test
Monitoring training status is something very vital when training athletes.
 How Strict Should Your Exercise Form Be?
How Strict Should Your Exercise Form Be?
When it comes to weight training, there are generally two schools of thought when it comes to exercise form. First, you have the typical personal trainer “fitness experts” who say that you should perform all lifts with light to moderate weight and use very slow and controlled movements.
The Origin of 5/3/1
The Origin of 5/3/1
In the summer of 2005, I was burned out from competitive powerlifting. I was tired of bench shirts, box squats, bands and being fat.
Sometimes More Is Better
Sometimes More Is Better
One of the first things we learn in the fitness industry—whether you’re a trainer, a gym rat, or that “newbie” who is still wet behind the ears—is that more isn’t always better.
 What I Wish I Knew as a Female Athlete
What I Wish I Knew as a Female Athlete
As an athlete, you’re taught many things—work hard, compete until the end, work together with your teammates, push yourself to the limit, and have fun.
 An Introduction to the Sport of Kettlebell Lifting
An Introduction to the Sport of Kettlebell Lifting
By now, you should know what a kettlebell is, or at the very least, you should have heard of kettlebells. They are popping up everywhere, and you can even purchase them from your local sporting goods retailer. There are kettlebell fitness trainers, kettlebell boot camps, kettlebell gyms, and even kettlebell infomercials. Kettlebells certainly have broken into the mainstream. Some might
 Gain One Inch on Your Arms in Thirty Days
Gain One Inch on Your Arms in Thirty Days
Just recently, a man who was very well acquainted with Vince Gironda contacted me. He told me some stories about the old “Iron Guru” that I hadn’t heard before. It got me thinking about Vince.
 The Biggest Gimmick in Strength and Conditioning
The Biggest Gimmick in Strength and Conditioning
I’ve been to a ton of seminars in the past year, and every single time I came away confused on the most effective way to design a strength and conditioning program for high school athletes. One of the most conflicting methods used when talking about speed training is overspeed.
 Thirty Days Without Weights: Part III
Thirty Days Without Weights: Part III
Many bodybuilders and physique specialists have wanted to know more about how to gain muscle mass using basic, body weight exercises.
 Westside for Fat Bastards!
Westside for Fat Bastards!
I’m sure you’ve all heard of the monsters at the Westside Barbell Club in Ohio.
5/3/1 In A Commercial Gym: Observations
5/3/1 In A Commercial Gym: Observations
Because of a major career change, I've recently relocated to a new city. With this move, and all the bullshit that goes along with moving, I've been forced to endure the misfortune of trying to find a new gym
 Echocardiography Evidence of Cardiac Output Training
Echocardiography Evidence of Cardiac Output Training
About 7 years ago, I managed to free myself from the commercial gym mess and train at home, but I used this as an excuse to neglect my cardio training since I didn’t have any pieces of cardio equipment. Working in the medical field, you would think I’d know better.
 Pull-up Progression (Part 2: SHWt Edition)
Pull-up Progression (Part 2: SHWt Edition)
You’ve probably read the first part of “Pull-ups” according to “H” and say to yourself, “Sure, that’s fine, but I can’t even do a single rep.” That’s ok. In this part, we’ll address your need(s) in being able to perform that repetition.
 Release Your Inner Masochist
Release Your Inner Masochist
It was not until the early to mid-1900’s that we even NEEDED a “gym” to exercise in. Before then, people were active enough just working in a factory in New York or a corn field in Nebraska.
 Warm Up Essentials
Warm Up Essentials
The cookie cutter approach to exercise doesn’t make sense to me, especially when people are stuck behind desks (sustained lumbar flexion, shortened hip flexors) all day or opt to train with movement impairments. Corrective strategies are necessary, and everyone needs to have a static and dynamic evaluation. It’s common to confuse being strong with being healthy.
 Under The Bar: The 2009 Underground Strength Session
Under The Bar: The 2009 Underground Strength Session
Before I get to the Underground Strength Session (UGSS) I need to take care of a little business first and bring everyone up to speed with what’s been going on around here. Don’t worry – I’ll be quick and even use bullet points.
 Seven Secrets to Better Workouts
Seven Secrets to Better Workouts
As your old high school gym teacher might have led you to believe, stretching before weight training isn’t the best way to warm up. Recent reports show that static stretching before exercise can reduce muscle strength. Stretching relaxes your muscles, so why would you want to relax your muscles when you need to lift explosively during weight training?
Basic Tips to Lose Weight
Basic Tips to Lose Weight
Everyone at one point or another wants to lose weight or get “ripped.” Some of these people succeed in their goals and strive to keep improving. However, many fail miserably and make excuses as to why they didn’t succeed.
 Developing an Effective Strength Training Program
Developing an Effective Strength Training Program
The key for athletic success begins in the weight room. Studies have shown that athletes who participate in a strength training program are faster, quicker, and more explosive, and they have fewer injuries.
 Pull-up 101, Part I
Pull-up 101, Part I
When Elite asked me to write an article about pull-ups, I thought, no problem. This will take about one line—grab a bar and give it a tug. That’s it. Finished. Done! Then I thought, well, no…

Items 1889 to 1947 of 2116 total