The Fat Loss Blueprint
The Fat Loss Blueprint
This is your six-step blueprint for creating the lean, strong, powerful, and healthy physique within you.
The One Armed Guillotine Training Split
The One Armed Guillotine Training Split
Training through injury, the following splits pushed me through elbow surgery and a lat tear.
Auto-Regulation for Dummies
Auto-Regulation for Dummies
Here’s a concise guide on how to understand and implement auto-regulation into your training to maximise results.
High-Performance Solutions to Common Injuries
High-Performance Solutions to Common Injuries
Overuse injuries build up over time due to incomplete rest. Take a look at the cycle to prevent your next injury.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: Extra Workouts
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: Extra Workouts
Extra workouts, if programmed right, can kick your training and results up a notch.
Are You Overtrained? Should You Deload?
Are You Overtrained? Should You Deload?
Two catchwords that continue to make me shake my head are overtraining and deload. The end goal is a balance between training and recovery.
A Guide to Twice-Daily Training
A Guide to Twice-Daily Training
Do you hit a wall by the time you get to accessories? What if you split your sessions in two and hit accessories after rest and more food?
4 (Big) Training Mistakes You're Making
4 (Big) Training Mistakes You're Making
When I decided to be on the platform competing with the best of the best, I had to fix these mistakes. You should too.
Program Variation Based on Recovery Status
Program Variation Based on Recovery Status
I like using the bell-shaped curve when considering where a player fits into a type of training session: reviving, surviving, or thriving.
The Busy Man's Guide to Strength
The Busy Man's Guide to Strength
As a new father or busy professional in your 30s+, training takes on a whole new look and meaning to meet your demanding lifestyle.
6 Exercises to Improve Posture (and Recovery)
6 Exercises to Improve Posture (and Recovery)
Do you sit a lot? How about those shoulders? Are they rounded forward? Even if you don’t sit all day, many of the exercises you’re doing in the gym place you in extension.
#91 - All Things Nutrition and Training with Justin Harris and Dani LaMartina
#91 - All Things Nutrition and Training with Justin Harris and Dani LaMa...
Justin Harris and Dani LaMartina are guests on this episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk to discuss training, recovery, and diet in lifting.
How to Plan Your Training After 60
How to Plan Your Training After 60
Getting older doesn’t give you an excuse to take it easy and watch your body turn into the shape of a bottle.
What is GPP and Who's It For?
What is GPP and Who's It For?
Incorporate General Physical Preparedness into your regimen and watch as you meet or exceed your overall training goals.
Poor Recovery is Holding You Back!
Poor Recovery is Holding You Back!
Training hard but still not seeing gains in strength and size? Try taking a harder look at your recovery. It’s science.
It Wasn't What I Thought It Would Be
It Wasn't What I Thought It Would Be
Sums up 2020…but rewinding the clock, I thought the top guys trained hard every day when I started powerlifting. I thought it was just a matter of getting strong enough and in good enough shape to go hard and heavy 24/7, 12 months a year.
Aging and Keeping Pace
Aging and Keeping Pace
Why is another article in the realm of injury prevention and performance improvement while aging relevant? For two reasons: the audience is growing, and every author has a different writing style. If you remember at least one of my points, remember, “Get the drugs!”
Hand Position During Rest: On Head or Knees?
Hand Position During Rest: On Head or Knees?
When an athlete bends over, it shows who is weak. We didn’t want to have our athletes appearing weak, so we made them stand up. Maybe we’re wrong about that.
The Gym is Open!
The Gym is Open!
I pissed away a great opportunity to start fresh with a healed and rested body by jumping right back in and emptying both barrels. You can do better.
From the Floor
From the Floor
No matter how strong you think you are, don’t let it go to your head. There’s always room for improvement and progress in the sport of powerlifting.
I Thought He Was Dead or Living in a Cave in the Desert!
I Thought He Was Dead or Living in a Cave in the Desert!
Just because you’re getting older, doesn’t mean that you can’t reach your fitness goals. It simply means your goals need to shift to suit your current state.
Do You Want to Increase Your Overhead Strength?
Do You Want to Increase Your Overhead Strength?
Are you not performing optimally because of a tight scapula? Limited scapulae mobility can prevent you from increasing your overhead strength the way you want to.
Structuring a Rehabilitation Plan
Structuring a Rehabilitation Plan
Physical rehabilitation is as much about the mind as it is the body. The right attitude is the first step to putting a stable, consistent rehabilitation plan in motion.
The Post-Surgical Knee: The Stability and Proprioception Rebuild
The Post-Surgical Knee: The Stability and Proprioception Rebuild
The initial stages of the balance, stability, and proprioception phase will be performed through the slow rebuilding of ROM through single-leg movements and will eventually use more advanced dynamic movements, such as jumping and landing mechanics drills.
The Post-Surgical Knee: The Range of Motion Rebuild
The Post-Surgical Knee: The Range of Motion Rebuild
The focus of this article will put on the importance of the phase following the rehab phase in terms of the rebuilding of stability, strength, and proprioception in knee injuries, such as patellar fractures and ACL tears.
WATCH: Jordan Shallow Explains How Bicep Curls Can Help with Your Shoulder and Elbow Pain
WATCH: Jordan Shallow Explains How Bicep Curls Can Help with Your Should...
Another way to combat the shoulder and elbow pain present in many powerlifters is by doing bicep curls, and doing them properly. It will help prevent injury when doing your bench press.
Stress Management for Growth and Recovery
Stress Management for Growth and Recovery
Whether it’s good or bad stress, how can we deal with stress so it does not outstrip our ability to recover? There are plenty of techniques to explore, so turn off the TV and grab your cat (or dog) so we can start trying some out.
WATCH: I am Jordan Shallow
WATCH: I am Jordan Shallow
“I’m not the strongest guy in the world, but I might have a run as one of the stronger chiropractors.” elitefts coach and columnist Dr. Jordan Shallow wants to make his mark in chiropractic, education, training, and fitness — and he might be doing just that through his travels and writings.
Project Return to Press: The Road Back
Project Return to Press: The Road Back
You really don’t appreciate something until it’s gone. But man, when you’re able to bench again… there’s nothing like it.
Project Return to Press: No Barbell, No Problem
Project Return to Press: No Barbell, No Problem
OK, maybe I shouldn’t have gone so hardcore with jiu-jitsu, but you know what? I made the best of my injury and learned from it.
Programming Through Injury: Good, Better, and Best Options
Programming Through Injury: Good, Better, and Best Options
Programming through injury doesn’t need to be nearly as complicated as we make it. It’s not really all that different than programming a regular training block for a movement with a few differences.
Even More Conjugate For A Little Old Man
Even More Conjugate For A Little Old Man
This little old man’s secret to recovery lies in one word: bands.
Paying the Price of the Platform
Paying the Price of the Platform
The wear and tear of the sport doesn’t end when the lifter stops competing. The price of the platform may be one that they will pay for throughout the rest of their lives.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #36 with Jordan Shallow
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #36 with Jordan Shallow
The Muscle Doc is in the house! Dr. Jordan Shallow is here to answer your (bench) pressing questions, so hop on the livestream and ask away!
Don't Ignore Systemic Interplay
Don't Ignore Systemic Interplay
If we want to help people, we have got to stop picking camps and start putting the client first. Here’s a prime example of how to do that with a focus on the respiratory system.
Alternate Your Heavy Squats with Belt Squats
Alternate Your Heavy Squats with Belt Squats
Save your back from disc compressions by shifting from heavy squats to belt squats. It’ll help you recover faster, which will give you results faster and with fewer injuries.
3 Ways I Stopped Straining My Adductors
3 Ways I Stopped Straining My Adductors
I tried a few different things to combat the soreness and tightness I had in my adductors. Foam rolling them before and after training, stretches, adductor machine… the list went on. No matter what I did, the pain was still there. So I did more recovery, compression, and Copenhagen warm-ups.
Neck Training Guidelines to Reduce Incidences and Severity of Concussions
Neck Training Guidelines to Reduce Incidences and Severity of Concussions
A strong neck is critical to preventing concussions in athletes participating in contact sports — but what are the best ways to strengthen necks?
WATCH: I am Clint Darden
WATCH: I am Clint Darden
“I don’t need a psychiatrist. Give me a squat rack and a deadlift platform and a bench and a couple of Atlas stones, and that’s my psychiatric chair right there.” Everyone needs a safe haven, and elitefts coach Clint Darden has found his at the House of Biceps in Cyprus.
9 Ways to Upgrade Your Sleep Hygiene Tonight
9 Ways to Upgrade Your Sleep Hygiene Tonight
People tend to agree that it’s important to get a good night’s sleep, but most probably don’t actually get that sleep. Using what I’ve learned from something called sleep hygiene, you can finally get those 8 hours of shut-eye you’ve been whining about not getting.
The Injury Equation
The Injury Equation
Whether they know it or not, most therapists and trainers who are following the current injury paradigm are focusing solely on one part of the equation; they are exclusively focused on tissue tolerance, which is essentially a one-dimensional view.
Chad vs. The World: Redefining Dedication
Chad vs. The World: Redefining Dedication
Even the smartest, strongest, and best of us can learn and improve on what we do or how we do it. The journey for strength is all about education and learning, and this is how we continue to get stronger. All of this takes dedication.
The Training Effects of Intramuscular Pressure
The Training Effects of Intramuscular Pressure
Why is it that you feel weak after returning to the gym after a little bit more than a week? It really comes down to intramuscular pressure. Use it to your advantage to maximize performance.
Chad vs. The World: Widening My Tunnel Vision
Chad vs. The World: Widening My Tunnel Vision
It is tough to look back with a clear open mind to see from a different perspective. It is with a clear open mind that I was able to see I did it wrong — and it’s not just in terms of my powerlifting career, but my life as whole.
Hard Lessons Learned From Half a Lifetime of Lifting
Hard Lessons Learned From Half a Lifetime of Lifting
With a bachelor’s degree in exercise science, a master’s degree, and a doctorate in the works, you think I’d be smart about how I trained. Well, think again! I’ve spent most of my life training like an idiot. Don’t make the mistakes I did. Learn from them.
How to Get Through a Near Career-Ending Injury
How to Get Through a Near Career-Ending Injury
It’s said a person is only one injury away from ending your sports career. When dealing with that kind of injury, we often neglect how it affects our minds, which are almost just as easy to break as our bodies.
Can I Continue to Build Muscle in My 40s Without Getting Injured?
Can I Continue to Build Muscle in My 40s Without Getting Injured?
Oh, lordy, are you over 40? Sure, you might not feel like 40 most of the time (or all of the time), but you need to remember you’re not a 20-something anymore, so you can’t be training like one, either. Back to the question in the title… Yes.
Improve Your Recovery with These 5 Things
Improve Your Recovery with These 5 Things
If it is not important to incorporate recovery modalities, why on earth am I doing an article on my top five ways to improve recovery? Because they don’t work, but these 5 simple things you can dial in and focus on will work.
4 Habits of an Intermediate Lifter
4 Habits of an Intermediate Lifter
How many of these things do you think about when you’re training? What could you be doing to make yourself and your training partners better?
5 Repeated Effort Method Principles to Master
5 Repeated Effort Method Principles to Master
In conjugate, accessory work plays a huge role, even if it isn’t one that gets the attention. Accessory work is going to help fill your gaps and prevent you from developing new ones.
Understanding Groin Injuries: Complex Groin Injuries
Understanding Groin Injuries: Complex Groin Injuries
When a doctor who knows how I train gave me his diagnosis, I had no idea what to do because I hadn’t met anyone that had this constellation of stuff. Neither had he. The best foundation we came up with was based on the same principles in the previous articles.
How Many Times A Day Do You Train?
How Many Times A Day Do You Train?
One of the hardest things I’ve ever done was train less. But thanks to a little advice from Dave Tate, I started looking at training in a whole new light. Strength comes from so much more than lifting heavy weights in the gym.
3 Things Physical Therapy School Taught Me About Being A Strength Coach
3 Things Physical Therapy School Taught Me About Being A Strength Coach
I could write a big article covering every detail about physical therapy and strength coaching, but I’ve chosen to spare your computer screen space and discuss the most important topics about what physical therapy school taught me about being a strength coach.
Vincent Dizenzo's BAMF Program
Vincent Dizenzo's BAMF Program
A few weeks ago I blogged about how I was mistakenly looking for a one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with my injuries, and my circumstances are different. But with the help of four friends (and my wife), we came up with a BAMF program. Here it is.
Can A Hickey Help Your Recovery?
Can A Hickey Help Your Recovery?
This isn’t a hickey from your teenage years; the kind of hickey I’m talking about is created from a recovery modality known as “cupping.” Does cupping work, or is it just a fad that could leave you bruised and broken? OK, it DOES leave bruises, but broken? Not so much.
The Myths of Iron
The Myths of Iron
My niece and nephew recently took weightlifting classes, and I am baffled by what they are being taught. This information is not only wrong, but it puts them at greater risk of injury. Quality knowledge is easily accessible, so why are we stuck in this loop of bad information?
Powerlifting Takes More Than Just Brute Strength
Powerlifting Takes More Than Just Brute Strength
Powerlifting is so much more than physical strength. Yeah, that’s part of it, but only a fraction of the big picture. Are you strong mentally? Are you strong intellectually? Are you strong emotionally? Let’s find out.
Understanding Groin Injuries: Tendon Injuries
Understanding Groin Injuries: Tendon Injuries
Tendon injuries suck. The healing process for tendon injuries is slower than it is for muscle tears. If you ended up rupturing your tendon, you may require surgery. But there are still some things you can do in terms of rehabbing certain tendon injuries…
The Best Conjugate Training Plan
The Best Conjugate Training Plan
If you understand the conjugate method, can devote 4 to 5 hours of training per week, not competing in sports but is trying to look and feel better, boy, have I got the perfect program for you!

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