Your First Meet Cycle — How to Lay the Program's Foundation
Don't be the newbie lifter who falls into the tiger pit traps during your training cycle. That'll only hurt you in the long run — or at least in those first competitions. Don't be afraid to start training too light and save your attempts for the platform. Not enough advice? I've got six other tips, so read on...
I'm Sick — Should I Train or Stay Home?
Listen: I'm no doctor or rocket scientist, but even I have enough common sense to know that if you're feeling under the weather, you shouldn't be lifting. You should be resting at home. Yeah, you heard me: Go home and stay home. And stay out of your fancy little garage gym, too!
General Criteria to Consider When Writing a Program
It's important to note that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all training protocol, and these are just some general suggestions based on a few successes and countless failures over my career that I consider when writing a program.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Much of Your Workout Should Be Accessory Work?
There are quite a few things to take into account when it comes to accessory training. If you ask Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan, a few of these things include program design and competition distance (measured in time, not miles or kilometers), and more.
A Thank You to My Valentine
Head's up: If you're looking for reps, sets, or percentages, you might want to look elsewhere on this website. Or take the time to make a sweet gesture for your significant other today, just like I'm about to do for my wonderful wife in this article.
Peaking for Sport
If speed is what we’re going after, then why do the weights on both our heavy and light days continue to climb, and bar speed continues to fall? As we get deeper into the competitive season and continue to put more tonnage on the athletes, we are burning the candle at both ends.
Stay Focused and Watch Your Back
If you think you're getting a solid upper back that'll improve your bench press, deadlifts, and squats by using hard, forceful rowing exercises and lat pulldowns, think again. When you realize that, you've figured out that you need to change the way you train. Not sure what you should do? Let me explain.
Technically, You're Weak
Enough of the excuses. I'm sick of hearing them. You have the energy to roll on the floor for 45 minutes before you train, take 34 selfies, and tag the gang before you leave the gym, but you can’t spend an extra 30 minutes on your back?
5 Tips That Will Increase Any Lift
It's inevitable that a lifter will hit a plateau at some point or another. It's frustrating, I know. Trust me, I've been there. But after 10 years of powerlifting and 14 years of strength training before that, I think I've unlocked some of the secrets to making gains. Here are five things that helped me increase my lifts.
Two Crucial Components Your Training is Missing
Most intermediates that have come to me without ever working with a qualified coach before are lacking a few qualities in their technique, especially on big lifts. Lacking these qualities can potentially lead to injury at one point or another. These two qualities are tension and torque.
Running Cycles at Boxes: Stop Wasting Your Clients' Time
I'm not going to waste your time today, so I'll get right to the point. Here is my list of reasons why you should avoid linear programming for group box classes at your facility like the plague. Your clients will thank you — maybe not directly, but at least by continuing to show up for class.
What Makes a Good Coach?
One of Dave Tate's answers to an Instagram Q&A prompted me to think about what makes a good coach in more detail... and yeah, this kind of turned into a verbal Jerk-off of Dave. But I believe what he does for lifters is the pinnacle of coaching.
The Most Important Principle for Strength
With all of the information we have at our fingertips, it's easy to lose track of some of the basic principles of strength training. One that's easy to forget: Balance training and recovery as evenly as possible.
WATCH: Table Talk — Mental Health with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
"Training is my therapy" should sideline a powerlifter from competitions. If training really is your therapy, you're going to get hurt. If that's the case, you need to see an actual therapist. Seriously.
WATCH: Why Do I Always Wear a Belt?
This question makes me want to bite someone's head off. But then I remember it’s one of those questions that also requires me to take a step back and reflect on how I got to where I am today. That’s an extremely valid question and one I haven’t answered in many years.
Make it More Than Just a Warm-Up
When it came to warm-ups, I didn’t always practice what I preached. As it turned out, warm-ups have done me a solid and increased my strength, endurance, and recovery. Plus, they’re a great way to hone your techniques.
Bench training
*shoulder warm up Bench – bar x 15 x 2 – 145 x 3 – 195 x 2 – 235 x 1 – 285 x 1 – 325 x 1 – 325 x 1 – voodoo flossed – 375 x 0 – catapult Db bench – 60 x 10 – 70 x 5 – 85 […]
WATCH: CBUS Lifting Co. Featured on Good Day Marketplace
"Oh, yeah, look at these guns." -GDM co-host after one session at elitefts VIP gym.
A Question of Strength
Sixteen questions covering the basics (and often neglected) beginning with bench press templates to dimel deadlifts.
The 14-Day Program: An Interview with John Bott
What did your training look like before you began this training? Give us a sample week/template that would be fairly typical of what you did.
Why Powerlifters Shouldn't Train Alone
If you aren’t training with a group of serious lifters, you’re missing a lot of what you need to get stronger.
The B.T.H. Program — Three-Week Jump Start Phase
The other day I was sitting in my office working on the 2006 marketing plan and in busts Jim with a huge grin on his face and a handful of reports.
Top Training Tips For Advanced Lifters — Technique, Injury Scale, and Sh...
There’s no doubt that there are times when you have to push through because you’re just not “into it” but there are other times when you really need to shut it down. The trick is knowing the difference.
Training Is Where Your Life Happens
There’s nothing that will ever replace good old-fashioned hard work and practice. Not only that, this is where your life happens one plateau at a time.
My Indicators
My key indicators (as well as yours) take time to know and develop. They also will change over time, so always be on the lookout and always monitor your training.
The Science of Winning According to Vasili Alexeyev
This is a repost of what Dave feels is one of the most educational articles we have ever posted.
WATCH: Blast from the Past — Dave Tate's Presentation at the 2006 S...
There are four components of a weight room atmosphere: coaching, equipment, training, and athletes.
Four Rules for First-Time Competitors
Many first-time competitors end up as only-time competitors because they neglect to take the right precautions before beginning their prep. Follow these rules to avoid letting your first show be your last.
Building the Yoke
A big yoke equals instant respect. No one wants to screw with a guy that has a big neck and a thick yoke.
Seven Tips to Get Your Ass Back in the Gym
This article is for the grizzled veterans who are now getting up in years. If you’ve fallen off the exercise wagon here are seven easy tips to get your training back on course.
Competing Requires Management Skills
Having a good meet means accounting for every aspect of your performance. Mismanage one aspect and you’re not going to have a great day.
Win Free Elitefts UGSS with Special Guest Mark Dugdale, Jan 14th 2017
Win Free Elitefts UGSS with Special Guest Mark Dugdale
Just an Ordinary Guy. Kind of…
Out came the foil and a “tooter.” That was the first time I smoked Heroin.
Spot Tots & Spot Minis
The Spot Athletics is offering a new program for children 18 months - 7 years old. This program is designed to help build special skills and confidence in your "tots and minis."
Real People, Real Results — 8 Lessons in Training, Nutrition, and Busine...
I’ve spent the better part of these last two years working with hundreds of new clients and continuing to meet and learn from seasoned coaches.
Contest Prep Aftermath: Reverse Diet and Training Gone Wrong
In this second part of the series I am going to discuss the top-three nutrition and training mistakes I see when competitors reverse out of a show, how they may affect long-term progress, and what to do if you make them.
Using Velocity-Based Training Dynamically
With dynamic effort work, we use the guidelines that Bryan Mann has written about extensively. I’ve tweaked his approach to fit our small budget and large team setting.
Build the Back, Spare the Spine
The healthier you can keep your spine, the longer you can train heavy and grow muscle. Here are my top-10, spine-friendly exercises.
elitefts Classic: How to Set Up A Program — A New Look at Weak Points
I don’t know how many questions we’ve gotten about how to train certain weak points. Of course, almost every question is in regard to a weak muscle group or a certain portion of a lift.
Reset Your PR's
In a perfect world, you’re always getting stronger and your PR’s are always moving higher. Well, this world isn’t perfect, and you need to remember that if you want to get stronger.
Relentless Hypertrophy Protocol: How Sequencing and Repetition Stimulate...
The goal was to create a training model that would maximize hypertrophy in minimal time and that would be “low tech, high effect” in its design.
Parallels of Lifting and Life — Confidence, Arrogance, Priorities
Chad shares how difficulties in a personal situation had him look to lifting for answers.
Signs You're Overreaching (And What to Do About It)
But even the strongest of minds cannot pick up the slack when your body inevitably cracks, splinters and breaks.
Are You Just Going Through the Motions?
Life is meant to be lived. Stop sleepwalking through life and waiting for things to happen.
Top Four: What Are Your Priorities?
Dave has always said that elitefts is for those who place training as a top priority in their life. But what does this really mean?
Three Days at Kabuki Strength Systems
Through our many adventures, Chris Duffin and I trained, went four-wheeling, ate A LOT, and talked about many aspects of coaching and programming.
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
If you aren’t getting stronger or making gains, you’re doing something wrong. Your first job is figuring out what that is.
Summer Programming — Eliminate the Two Steps Back
You took a step forward and now it’s summer. This time of year means nine weeks of strength and conditioning bliss and nine weeks of scheduling, programming and executing our own version of “the master plan.”
Why Comfort Can Kill Your Progress
Familiarity and comfort aren’t always bad things — I drive the same route home every day. But in your diet and training? Be ready for change.
Do You Believe?
Was I able to do these things and reach the level that I did simply because I believed?
Don't Romanticize Self-Destruction
What must competitors put themselves through to attain championship notoriety? Being confined to a wheelchair? Torn relationships? Shortened lifespan?
Football Testing Season — Five Weeks to Gain Strength
Entering the time period away from pre-season or in-season training, our head coach made his expectations clear: “I want to see bench presses go up by 20 pounds and squats by 40 pounds in the next five to six weeks.” Easy, right?
Ignorance Can Be Bliss
An overload of information may tempt you to abandon your plan when something new comes along. Pick a program, one program, and stay committed.
Fix These Simple Mistakes to Lift Heavier Weights
These mistakes in the squat, bench, and deadlift seem small on their own. But add them to together? You’re leaving pounds off your total.
Recognize Your Weaknesses and Limitations
This could be the simple rule to great strength — are you following it?
Nontraditional Training Methods of the NFL
There's more to a professional football player's preparation than scrimmages, weight rooms and film sessions. These are some of the more unusual training methods of NFL athletes.
My 30-Year Love Affair with Lifting
If I never did another meet, wrote another article, or coached at another seminar, I would still love lifting.
Here and Now: Mindfulness and Being in the Moment
Your time in the gym is precious. If you don’t summon the iron will to shut off the outside world, get out.
Everything Starts at Zero
For most things in life, you start with nothing. Get comfortable with this.