Save a Newbie
Remember all those things you wish you would have known when you started? Maybe we should do more than laugh at the guy across the gym doing machine decline iso-lateral presses.
What Type of Deload Will Help You Recover Best?
Deloads are extremely useful for making continual progress from harsh training. When the time comes for you to back off the weights, make sure you do it the right way.
Fourteen and Broken: The Female Athlete
Discourage injuries through coaching basics that will appropriately prep your athletes for the field and weight room.
101 Ways to Use the OBB Power Handles
Get more out of your standard barbell and dumbbell set by the swivel of a bolt and the tightening of a wing nut. It's that easy.
Training the Inner Drive
Your career in this world of strength will only go as far as your desire to win. Lose that, and you lose any chance you ever had to succeed.
Expanding My Circle of Training Knowledge
There is a well-known saying in our industry: information in strength and conditioning doubles every eighteen months. How will you keep up?
Do Your Records Mean Anything?
There's a lot of hatred thrown around when a lifter hits a federation record. Should we be celebrating the PR with them?
Integrity (Or a Lack Thereof)
Why is our industry full of morally corrupt lifters and unoriginal thieves? Isn't there something we can do?
Did You Win or Lose the Day?
Build your winning culture the same way you build in the weight room: every session, every set, and every rep leading to game day.
Solving the Summer Challenges of Coaching Collegiate Athletes
With summer programming for athletes, control what you can control and don't sweat the rest.
Single-Legged and Semi-Functional?
Can proper implementation of unilateral exercise produce healthier, higher-performing athletes?
The Quick Fix: Simple Ways to Conquer Common Powerlifting Mistakes
You might need a long-term progression to overcome nagging pains and to increase your lifts. Or maybe you just need these simple tips.
Identity Crisis: Who Are You in the Fitness Industry?
The expense of climbing the wrong mountain is falling back down before finding the right one. Choose wisely.
Could You Be Getting More Out of Your Knee Wraps?
In an exchange with Marilla Coutinho, Swede determines the primary flaw that reduces knee-wrap carryover.
Under Pressure: Are Life Factors Influencing Your Training?
From your job, from your marriage, or from a loaded barbell, your body is going to revolt against stress. How will you adjust?
Have We Lost Trust in Our Foundation?
In your search of what is new and exciting, do not forget the principles that are proven to produce success.
How I Use CTP Training to Force Frequency and Intensity
When I tore my rotator cuff, I transitioned to more concentrated stimuli and a higher frequency per muscle group to avoid being forced to reduce my training intensity.
WATCH: Team Elitefts Training and Coaching at The Powerlifting Experience
When weekend seminars at the S4 Compound come to a close, everyone in attendance leaves with a renewed determination for self-improvement. We have harnessed this motivation for you.
The Responsibilities of a Strength Coach: How Much is Too Much?
With all the new technology for improving athletic performance, strength coaches should remember why they are there in the first place.
The Hypocrisy of Intent Without Action
Are you using your busy schedule as an excuse for your wasted potential?
The Hardcore Underground: Lifting in the Shadiest Gym of the Industriali...
We gave up the glamour and comfort of a commercial gym. Here in our dungeon, 15-feet underground, we've found the secret to building strength.
It's Not Just Five Pounds: Understanding Personal Records
When you're chipping away at that all-time PR, every pound matters.
Powerlifting is a Science. Be the Scientist.
Approach your training and your progress with the mindset of a problem-solver. Sometimes this means asking others for help and sometimes this means figuring shit out for yourself.
When Is The Right Time To Switch Up Your Workout?
When is it time to switch up your workout? How do I switch up my workout? The answer may be easier than you think.
Promoting Powerlifting to Young Lifters
Having the opportunity to bring up the next generation of strength athletes is a task as much as a privilege. Use your influence wisely.
Bodybuilders Dying Young: Are Steroids to Blame?
Doctors and strength athletes frequently argue over the effects (good and bad) of performance-enhancing drugs, but some facts aren’t debatable.
Lessons from the 2015 CSCCa Conference
In constant strive to get better as a coach and staff, these six things will prove useful.
Mythbusters 101: Don't Fall for These Fallacies
Bad information is passed from lifter to lifter, website to website. Let’s end the charade.
Should Athletes Powerlift in the Off-Season?
Whether you’re an off-season athlete or an athlete who isn’t getting everything you want out of your school’s team sports, powerlifting can be a viable option in your yearly process.
4 Ways to Test Your Grit in the Weightroom
If you can survive these challenges it will be good for…but it won’t feel that way.
3 Commercial Gym Conditioning Workouts You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less
No time but need to shed some fat? These quick sessions will leave you in a puddle of sweat.
Arrogance vs Relevance: Fix Your Business Practices
If you’re relying on the wave of popularity to bring you clients, what will you do when the dry season comes.
The 3 Qualities of a Great Personal Trainer
Do more than count the reps of your clients. Build these skills and you’ll increase the value of your personal training services.
What to Expect From a Supplement Company Sponsorship
Every aspiring lifter in this industry dreams of being sponsored by their favorite brand. But does the reality stack up to the fantasy.
Harnessing the Placebo Effect: If You Care, You’ll Lie to Me
What if I gave you a singular technique that would improve your athletic performance in any way you wanted?
Building the Yoke: Utilize the Function of the Upper Traps
Stop thinking of your traps and start thinking of your clavicles.
Why Compete?
Experts weigh in on the reasons behind all of training pain and preparation of competing in a strength sport.
The Results from an Off-Season of a Low Dosing Training Protocol
We cut the time in the gym and on the field, hoping to increase efficiency. Now we find out: did it work?
Living and Training as a Bipolar Narcoleptic: Changes and The Future
I have my own demons to keep in line. They’re a product of my disorders and I’ve learned to accept this.
Are You Consuming, Producing or Engaging?
Proper communication and behavior requires a firm understanding of your surroundings and of those with whom you interact.
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Show Day
The time has come to make final preparations and step on stage. Here are thoughts and reflections from this demanding journey.
Why? Because Skip Said So
I run my kitchen and gym the way I want to. Follow the rules and there won’t be any problems.
Using Your Body's Mobility and Stability Mechanisms to Drive Perfor...
Let’s climb in the driver seat of that car with a performance-tuned suspension and a set of tires that will connect that power to the ground and put the pedal to the floor!
Controlling the Non-Training Variables That Impact Performance
You can adjust thousands of variables in your training but until you find which ones truly matter, you’re going nowhere.
WATCH: Goggins Discusses Recovery for Older Lifters
Your body is going to change as you age. Goggins says your training should, too.
Value, Trust, and Gratitude
Your treatment of others is the foundation of every relationship in your life. Are you building yours up or breaking them down?
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Supplements, Training, and P...
Now that you’ve committed to this tiring, sometimes painful process, there are several things to remember to make this experience achievable.
Revisiting 14-Day Microcycles in Powerlifting
These alternate setups for non-traditional microcycles in a powerlifting program have allowed my clients and I to target the specific needs of individual athletes.
LISTEN: 30-Minutes with Dan John
Dan simplifies the complexities of coaching elite and novice lifters.
Living and Training as a Bipolar Narcoleptic: Getting an Accurate Diagno...
Overcoming my life-altering issues started with taking back control by seeking a clinical explanation for what I was experiencing.
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Starting the Journey
Before determining the process I would use during this grueling path to the leanest I’ve ever been, I first had to ask myself, “Is there a good reason why?”
The Contest Prep Survival Guide: Show Day
The day has finally come. All of your hard work comes together for the moment you step on stage. Are you ready?
Programming Progressions for Beginning Personal Training Clients
Whether you’re a beginner to a training program or a personal trainer working with first-time clients, these progressions work as a fool-proof guide to producing results over time.
Red Yeast Rice for Healthy Blood Lipids—Who’s Foolin’ Who?
Is this “natural” supplement used to reduce blood lipids all it’s cracked up to be?