How to Avoid Pitfalls with Exercise Selection and Progression
How to Avoid Pitfalls with Exercise Selection and Progression
You found a new fancy-looking exercise on the ‘gram, so you do it. Then, you have your athletes do it. But you don’t know the exercise’s common technique flaws or how to fix them — all you know is how the person looked and how you felt doing it.
What If No One Was Watching?
What If No One Was Watching?
One might act a certain way at a concert Saturday night but act entirely different at church Sunday morning… and of course, one might lift a certain way for the sake of Instafamousness and socialookatmedia versus how they should lift and train for the pending meet or competition.
20-Year-Olds, You’re Off The Hook — I've Got Smaller Fish to Fry
20-Year-Olds, You’re Off The Hook — I've Got Smaller Fish to Fry
Here’s a riddle for you. What’s worse than 20-something-year-olds? Teenagers. Teenagers are the worst. Worse than that, even? Teenagers on Instagram. Where on Earth are they learning all of this annoying stuff? Jeez…
9 Things I Learned From a Social Media Detox
9 Things I Learned From a Social Media Detox
Quitting social media will help you realize how you’re spending your time and where you’re spending your time. Most of us, myself included, are wasting entirely too much time on stupid stuff. Stop wasting your time there and start putting it where it’s most important.
4 IG Exercises That Don't Suck
4 IG Exercises That Don't Suck
Out of all of the crap floating around on the Internet, I’ve only found 4 exercises to be worthy of mentioning. By the way, that says a lot because 2 of ’em use bands, and I am not a band guy.
Introducing New elitefts IG Athlete Andrew Herbert
Introducing New elitefts IG Athlete Andrew Herbert
You might recognize Andrew Herbert from the first episode of Table Talk Podcast. But now, as a new elitefts IG Athlete, you'll recognize him as you follow his training on Instagram @herbietheluvbug.
2 FREE Ways to Increase Your Total
2 FREE Ways to Increase Your Total
Hard work pays off — not snake oil sales and get-rich-quick schemes. That doesn’t mean you can’t get stronger quickly. It just means you’ll have to put in a little extra work, like bumping up a weight class.
Keyboard Warriors Need to Stop!
Keyboard Warriors Need to Stop!
People with similar issues can respond differently to the same treatments, so having multiple solutions is a great way to increase the likelihood of success. As for arguing about different solutions with experts on the internet? Not so great.
Training and Competition
Training and Competition
It is crucial to delineate these training and competition as separate but mutually impactful things. I’d wager that the majority of lifters who had a bad meet were doing a whole bunch of competition in training, leading up to the actual competition.
Use Heavy Prowler Pushes for a Massive Leg Pump Finisher
Use Heavy Prowler Pushes for a Massive Leg Pump Finisher
2019 elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit presenter Joe Bennett describes the Prowler as “one of the most intelligent, brutal, effective, and underutilized tools in bodybuilding.” See for yourself what else the Hypertrophy Coach has to say about the elitefts Prowler.
XPC 2019: JP Carroll vs. Ryan Belcher
XPC 2019: JP Carroll vs. Ryan Belcher
JP Carroll has won the XPC Worlds SHW raw event twice, back-to-back. 2019 could be the year where he wins three years in a row. That is the only thing weighing on his mind: winning. As for the competition? JP thinks little of his competitors, though his "Insta-rival" Ryan Belcher says otherwise...
What Makes a Good Coach?
What Makes a Good Coach?
One of Dave Tate’s answers to an Instagram Q&A prompted me to think about what makes a good coach in more detail… and yeah, this kind of turned into a verbal Jerk-off of Dave. But I believe what he does for lifters is the pinnacle of coaching.
WATCH: Table Talk — Deloading with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
WATCH: Table Talk — Deloading with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
Even though you don’t want to do it, you have to do it. And by “it,” we mean “deload.”
How Irradiation Can Be Detrimental
How Irradiation Can Be Detrimental
Even though Instagram makes neural irradiation look cool, please take a moment to stop and ask yourself: What is it, and why are you doing it?
Rogue Tries to Trademark "Strongman"
Rogue Tries to Trademark "Strongman"
Many members of the strongman community are NOT happy with Rogue Fitness right now.
The Danger of Disposability
The Danger of Disposability
I’ve recently noticed culture embracing the idea of disposability at an ever-increasing measure. Quick, convenient, and disposable may lead to instant gratification, but I fear there are long-lasting consequences.
The Off-Season: Instastrong, Not Instafamous
The Off-Season: Instastrong, Not Instafamous
There is a difference between what I want now and what I want most.
WATCH: True Age vs Training Age
WATCH: True Age vs Training Age
There are rules about training age that apply whether you’re 15 or 50.
WATCH: What Are Your Halloween Questions for Dave?
WATCH: What Are Your Halloween Questions for Dave?
Dave covers training and weight gain principles through Freddy Krueger, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Hershey’s Bars.
WATCH: Dave and Jim Are Back
WATCH: Dave and Jim Are Back
There’s a lot of history shared between these two men. Now they’re adding to it.
WATCH: Table Talk — What If Other Competitors Lie About Drug Use?
WATCH: Table Talk — What If Other Competitors Lie About Drug Use?
Mentally preparing for a meet isn’t easy but what if you also have to worry that the other lifters are lying about steroids?
WATCH: Table Talk — The Early Days
WATCH: Table Talk — The Early Days
What did a typical day in college look like for Dave back in his 20s?
Three Powerlifting Fads That Are Hurting Your Total
Three Powerlifting Fads That Are Hurting Your Total
Training isn’t meant to be flashy — it’s meant to be effective. Resist the temptation of these “hip” techniques and stay on track to bigger PRs on meet day.
The Boards vs. Social Media — Can We Have Both?
The Boards vs. Social Media — Can We Have Both?
There was a time not that long ago that you knew where to go for positive discussion about a shared interest. What happened? Can we get it back?
Virtual Existence: Are You Clark Kent, Pretending to be Superman?
Virtual Existence: Are You Clark Kent, Pretending to be Superman?
It’s pretty damn easy to disguise yourself behind the anonymity of a keyboard, but the character you create online isn’t the person you get to be in the real world.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Much Is elitefts Worth?
WATCH: Table Talk — How Much Is elitefts Worth?
This company has never existed to compete with Company A, B, or C. If you own your own business, you need to understand your culture and evaluate how that translates to a dollar value.
Two Worlds Collide on Social Media
Two Worlds Collide on Social Media
It's all so familiar to us. But what if you don't lift or compete in strength sports?
WATCH: Table Talk — What Are the Best Core Exercises?
WATCH: Table Talk — What Are the Best Core Exercises?
You should be doing core exercises as part of your warm-up and as part of your accessory work on certain training days. Are you doing the right ones?
WATCH: Table Talk — Bodily Stress and Increasing Range of Motion After An Injury
WATCH: Table Talk — Bodily Stress and Increasing Range of Motion After A...
Coming off a debilitating injury, respect your body’s range of motion and only push the limits when the time is right. You’re on your way back, don’t blow it now.
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk— MRV, Staying Competitive, and Coffin Dragger
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk— MRV, Staying Competitive, and Coffin Dragger
Dave answers your questions from Instagram in 15 seconds or less.
WATCH: Goggins Replays Training Footage
WATCH: Goggins Replays Training Footage
Watching heavy rack pulls from the past, Goggins shares what he took for granted. Are you guilty of this too?
How to Get a Supplement Company Sponsorship
How to Get a Supplement Company Sponsorship
Companies are looking for more than 6-pack abs and a big bench. Ask yourself this question: what do I have to offer?
You Ain't Shit But Neither Am I
You Ain't Shit But Neither Am I
In a world in which society is more connected than ever before, where has individual connectivity gone?

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