Hard to Train…but Training Hard: Part II
Hard to Train…but Training Hard: Part II
Here’s how we move past other exercise complications to ensure that my bench will continue to increase.
Peaking for a Meet
Peaking for a Meet
I designed this program to have in front of me week in and week out until judgment day arrived.
Simple Technique to Overload Lat Pull Downs
Simple Technique to Overload Lat Pull Downs
In this short article, I'll show you a technique for overloading lat pull downs on the cable machine.
A Debate Between Powerlifting and Olympic Lifting as the Main Athletic Training Method
A Debate Between Powerlifting and Olympic Lifting as the Main Athletic T...
In the world of strength training, there are numerous methodologies that are used to increase the performance of athletes.
A Visit to the Compound
A Visit to the Compound
So who thinks their squat sucks?
5 Ways to Increase Your Press
5 Ways to Increase Your Press
Just like any lift, if you want it to increase you have to make it a priority in your training.
Just Meatheads?
Just Meatheads?
The strong men of EliteFTS bring strength training knowledge to Iron Sport Gym located in Glenolden, PA owned by Steve Pulcinella.
Genetics Versus Hard Work, Round 3
Genetics Versus Hard Work, Round 3
When people make excuses about exercise, we should try to see just what it is they’re complaining about.
Top Nine 'Get Faster for Football' Exercises
Top Nine 'Get Faster for Football' Exercises
Steve discusses nine movements to make you faster for football.
Nutrition Message for Athletes
Nutrition Message for Athletes
These are just a few thoughts on training, nutrition, and supplements.
The One American Universal Tie to the Soviets
The One American Universal Tie to the Soviets
He began publishing the Soviet Sports Review during this time and subsequently made numerous visits to the USSR.
Methods of Muscle
Methods of Muscle
If you had the ability to grab the largest pair of binoculars in the world and try to see the scope of all the different implementations in the field of strength and conditioning, you would only see a fraction of what really goes on day to day in a field made up of a wide range of people from geniuses
Ramblings on Maximal Effort Training
Ramblings on Maximal Effort Training
The maximal effort method is very important in your training if you're an athlete.
Training Methodology
Training Methodology
It would benefit every one of us to follow a specific training methodology.
How to Get Along With People in the Gym
How to Get Along With People in the Gym
If there are ten different spots to do a particular exercise, and only one guy using one area, don't use the area right next to him.
Secrets of Training During the Basketball Season
Secrets of Training During the Basketball Season
This article will hopefully serve as a guide to you whether you’re a player, coach or strength coach.
Five Awesome Inverted Row Variations: Part 2
Five Awesome Inverted Row Variations: Part 2
I thought I would up the ante and provide you with five more challenging and fun variations to add to your arsenal.
What Is Your Training Philosophy?
What Is Your Training Philosophy?
We all have different training philosophies; here’s mine…
Dud to Stud "First Impressions"
Dud to Stud "First Impressions"
Training has been awesome. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if I got stronger and/or gained muscle in the first 3 training sessions.
Genetics Versus Hard Work, Round 2: Hard Work
Genetics Versus Hard Work, Round 2: Hard Work
When it comes to building muscle and strength, there aren’t any shortcuts and there certainly aren’t any miracle drugs that will do this.
Three Explosive Football Exercises to Hit Harder
Three Explosive Football Exercises to Hit Harder
Now, without further fanfare, here are the top three explosive football exercises for hitting harder.
“Fab Five Finishers” for MMA Conditioning
“Fab Five Finishers” for MMA Conditioning
If you’ve ever witnessed or participated in a metabolic circuit designed for combat athletes, you’ve seen hard core.
This is for the Ladies
This is for the Ladies
Every time I hear women talk about resistance training, they talk about using light weights with a lot of repetitions.
Hard to Train…but Training Hard
Hard to Train…but Training Hard
I hear quite often from people, “Wow, you must be difficult to train.”
The Riddle of Iron
The Riddle of Iron
As Conan slashes his way to revenge, we learn two universal truths via his character arc/journey—a man is in complete control of the weapons he commands and a man's spirit is far more powerful than any weapons he stands against.
Genetics Versus Hard Work
Genetics Versus Hard Work
This six-round series will detail the differences in which genetics and hard work team up to build a machine out of man or woman.
Lift like You’re on Ludes
Lift like You’re on Ludes
A year has come and gone since I last penned an article; coincidentally, it has also been approximately the same amount of time since my last major weightlifting injury.
What Works
What Works
In this article, I’ll go over muscle gains, weight gains, and strength gains.
Creating an Optimal Peak for Championship Season
Creating an Optimal Peak for Championship Season
The backbone to any successful throwing program is emphasizing technical development and training the body to perform the movements necessary to generate the farthest possible throw.
Pull, Press, Squat
Pull, Press, Squat
There is only one recipe for strength.
Some Simple Solutions to a ‘Complex’ Problem
Some Simple Solutions to a ‘Complex’ Problem
It seems the majority of strength and power programs incorporate the use of complex/contrast training at some stage.
Box Squatting for Bodybuilding
Box Squatting for Bodybuilding
When I was competing in natural bodybuilding shows, one of the biggest weaknesses for competitors was a lack of glute and ham development.
Creating a Plan
Creating a Plan
In order to succeed, you need a simple and concrete plan, something exempt from all the glitter and hype and specifically tailored for you.
Simple Off Ice Warm Up for In-Season Ice Hockey
Simple Off Ice Warm Up for In-Season Ice Hockey
Injuries such as groin strains and athletic pubalgia (sports hernia) are just two of the common causes of lost time due to injury in ice hockey.
The Red Drop Theory and Talking to Nine Year Olds
The Red Drop Theory and Talking to Nine Year Olds
You may be wondering what the heck the two things above have to do with one another.
Afraid of Pull-Ups?
Afraid of Pull-Ups?
Do you get scared when you walk into your gym and see the strangely contorted metal bars that people like to torture themselves with?
Ten Fatal Flaws of Fitness Professionals
Ten Fatal Flaws of Fitness Professionals
Ah, the holidays! The most joyous time of the year, in which time is spent with your family and friends nestled by the fire.
How to Squat Tip 2 and 3: Set your lats and low back
How to Squat Tip 2 and 3: Set your lats and low back
Follow Smitty’s video series for some squat tips to send you on your way to a PR.
Exercise and Depression
Exercise and Depression
It seems to be a generally accepted fact that exercise has a positive impact on depression and anxiety.
Ten Reasons Why Young Athletes Are Easier to Train Than Adults
Ten Reasons Why Young Athletes Are Easier to Train Than Adults
The question has lingered in the fitness industry for years—are young athletes easier to train than the average adults who make up the general population?
Five Football Conditioning Workouts for Offensive and Defensive Linemen
Five Football Conditioning Workouts for Offensive and Defensive Linemen
There are still way too many football teams that base their entire conditioning program around jogging or jogging-related running.
Lower Body Plyometric Training for Female Athletes
Lower Body Plyometric Training for Female Athletes
Implementing plyometric exercise into a program continues to stir a great debate among coaches, trainers, and physical therapists.
S4 Training - Five Week Peak Phase
S4 Training - Five Week Peak Phase
They are all now in a transition phase until after the first of the year.
How Often Should You Deload?
How Often Should You Deload?
This process will change based upon what sport you are involved in because of different types of skill based training.
Strongman Training for Wrestlers
Strongman Training for Wrestlers
Strongman is an often used area of training for many sports.
Considerations for Training Females
Considerations for Training Females
Many trainers and strength coaches will often make the mistake of treating everyone the same.
Four Basic Exercises Most People Perform Incorrectly
Four Basic Exercises Most People Perform Incorrectly
Below are four common exercises many people—even knowledgeable lifting enthusiasts—often perform incorrectly.
How to Squat Tip 1: Elbows Down, Chest Up
How to Squat Tip 1: Elbows Down, Chest Up
Follow Smitty's video series for some squat tips to send you on your way to a PR.
One Week of Training with Steve Goggins
One Week of Training with Steve Goggins
The gym was freezing cold, about 30 degrees. Time to go home. Haha.
Trial and Error
Trial and Error
I have to admit I had been skeptical about guys like Boyle and Robertson.
Trying to BLOAT
Trying to BLOAT
You know, in the name of love, beards, deadlifts, and all those bloating today.
Snowy Sprints and Winter Hill Running Tips
Snowy Sprints and Winter Hill Running Tips
This was one of the sessions you know is brutal going into, likely regrettable during, but awesome after (when you've warmed up).
What I Learned from Running a Warehouse Gym
What I Learned from Running a Warehouse Gym
I spent two weeks at Strength & Performance, in which time I think I learned more than in the last 3 years.
Dynamic Pull-ups for Grappling
Dynamic Pull-ups for Grappling
With this in mind, turn your attention to pull-ups!
Not-So-Powerful Cleans and Deadlifts...
Not-So-Powerful Cleans and Deadlifts...
Slacked. Gotta fight the winter lazies a little harder.
High School Happenings
High School Happenings
It has come to my attention that many high schools are underserved in the strength and conditioning department.
When Body Weight Is Just too Heavy
When Body Weight Is Just too Heavy
Barring the obvious exceptions of sumo wrestlers and single heavyweight lifters, nearly all athletes could benefit from more relative strength.
Deadlift Training Overview
Deadlift Training Overview
After 25 years of competitive lifting, I’ve picked up a few things I’d like to pass on in the hopes that it can help you move this most difficult lift upward.

Items 1535 to 1593 of 2116 total