Exercise and Depression
Exercise and Depression
It seems to be a generally accepted fact that exercise has a positive impact on depression and anxiety.
Ten Reasons Why Young Athletes Are Easier to Train Than Adults
Ten Reasons Why Young Athletes Are Easier to Train Than Adults
The question has lingered in the fitness industry for years—are young athletes easier to train than the average adults who make up the general population?
Lower Body Plyometric Training for Female Athletes
Lower Body Plyometric Training for Female Athletes
Implementing plyometric exercise into a program continues to stir a great debate among coaches, trainers, and physical therapists.
Why I Started Training
Why I Started Training
The following is a true story that happened to a person I know very well.
Landon's Strength and Conditioning 101
Landon's Strength and Conditioning 101
Make sure there is rationale for its prescription.
Top Testosterone Boosting Tips: Part 2
Top Testosterone Boosting Tips: Part 2
Based on thousands of hormonal blood work tests, Dr. Serrano has determined that 45 minutes of intense weight training, not including the warm up, is the productive training limit for a majority of adult men.
Strongman Training for Wrestlers
Strongman Training for Wrestlers
Strongman is an often used area of training for many sports.
Considerations for Training Females
Considerations for Training Females
Many trainers and strength coaches will often make the mistake of treating everyone the same.
Four Basic Exercises Most People Perform Incorrectly
Four Basic Exercises Most People Perform Incorrectly
Below are four common exercises many people—even knowledgeable lifting enthusiasts—often perform incorrectly.
How to Squat Tip 1: Elbows Down, Chest Up
How to Squat Tip 1: Elbows Down, Chest Up
Follow Smitty's video series for some squat tips to send you on your way to a PR.
One Week of Training with Steve Goggins
One Week of Training with Steve Goggins
The gym was freezing cold, about 30 degrees. Time to go home. Haha.
Trial and Error
Trial and Error
I have to admit I had been skeptical about guys like Boyle and Robertson.
Obedience and Training at the UGSS
Obedience and Training at the UGSS
Things were much less stressful having Frey there to call my next weight and the rep scheme.
Snowy Sprints and Winter Hill Running Tips
Snowy Sprints and Winter Hill Running Tips
This was one of the sessions you know is brutal going into, likely regrettable during, but awesome after (when you've warmed up).
What I Learned from Running a Warehouse Gym
What I Learned from Running a Warehouse Gym
I spent two weeks at Strength & Performance, in which time I think I learned more than in the last 3 years.
Not-So-Powerful Cleans and Deadlifts...
Not-So-Powerful Cleans and Deadlifts...
Slacked. Gotta fight the winter lazies a little harder.
When Body Weight Is Just too Heavy
When Body Weight Is Just too Heavy
Barring the obvious exceptions of sumo wrestlers and single heavyweight lifters, nearly all athletes could benefit from more relative strength.
Deadlift Training Overview
Deadlift Training Overview
After 25 years of competitive lifting, I’ve picked up a few things I’d like to pass on in the hopes that it can help you move this most difficult lift upward.
The Starting Gate
The Starting Gate
The biggest lesson I've learned this year is you have to always keep moving forward no matter how bad things get.
Understanding the Impact of Hormones
Understanding the Impact of Hormones
You can have the best plan in the world, but if your hormones are out of whack, you'll be spinning your wheels forever.
I Want to Get Jacked
I Want to Get Jacked
Am I really THAT skewed?
Power to the Plank
Power to the Plank
After hundreds of hours working toward a better stomach, I’ve either prescribed or witnessed every crunch, leg lift, and torso twist variation known to man.
Get a Stronger Grip
Get a Stronger Grip
If anyone uses this and successfully closes a goal gripper, please take a video of it and send it to me.
How to Increase Your Bench with These Seven Body Weight Movements
How to Increase Your Bench with These Seven Body Weight Movements
Most people I know who lift, especially athletes, want to have a strong bench press.
Strong Grip Strength
Strong Grip Strength
Grip strength seems to be a big part of strongman training, what are some good ways to train one's grip?
Tackling the Weighted Chin-up
Tackling the Weighted Chin-up
This article is for those who have become proficient with chin-ups and pull-ups and want to progress into heavier weighted pulls.
In-Season Football Training: “The Critical Window”
In-Season Football Training: “The Critical Window”
I’ve coached high school football for six years and have seen one critical factor that has caused our football players to lose strength and size.
Weekender’s Small-Time PR with Big-Time Learnings
Weekender’s Small-Time PR with Big-Time Learnings
The week leading up to the meet was great. Lots of rest and ice.
Molly Edwards Training
Molly Edwards Training
Pin one, standing on two mats 225+2 chains, conventional speed pulls.
Second Hand Training - Two KILLER Workouts
Second Hand Training - Two KILLER Workouts
It doesn't take long for this to get around when you post on an online training log.
Postural Analysis and Program Design
Postural Analysis and Program Design
Within the world of performance training and strength and conditioning, there are several evaluation methods used to determine body function and positioning.
What Are You Training to Endure?
What Are You Training to Endure?
Here are some recent thoughts on strength endurance training.
Five Fun Inverted Row Variations
Five Fun Inverted Row Variations
Inverted rows are an exercise that I didn’t give much attention to until recently.
Walk in as King
Walk in as King
The ability to do whatever you want is inside of you. Own it.
The Importance of Barefoot Training
The Importance of Barefoot Training

Think about it – the only part of our anatomy to touch the ground when we run or jump – and most of us spend little to no time developing strength, mobility and proprioception in the feet.

Six Things You Aren’t Doing
Six Things You Aren’t Doing

Let’s take a look at what you aren’t doing that’s holding you back from that 5.2 lbs of muscle your new protein powder said you would add.

Training Alone, Part 3: Benching Alone
Training Alone, Part 3: Benching Alone

Every now and then, we all read a news report about someone who was accidentally killed by bench pressing alone, a terrible tragedy that can be averted by training sensibly and safely.

My 13 Personal Training Rules
My 13 Personal Training Rules

While my programing is a bit of a mess right now, I do still follow most of the same rules I’ve used for the past few years.

Training for the Older Population, Part 2
Training for the Older Population, Part 2

I’m going to start off with a rant—don’t be a “usta!”

CK FMS - The Spud's Take
CK FMS - The Spud's Take

The kettlebell side is mostly skill and re-certification on all the basic moves plus that damn snatch test.

Juliet's Gym Etiquette
Juliet's Gym Etiquette

So if I was to do them in this session, my situation the way it is, I would be taking a perfectly good exercise and making it potentially bad or ugly.

S4: Week 1-4 of 12 Training Plan
S4: Week 1-4 of 12 Training Plan

This is week 2 of a 12 week plan I’ve been creating for a group of lifters in the gym.

Sure Thing Investments
Sure Thing Investments

There are many ways that we can show our athletes that we care and are willing to invest in their lives.

Training for the Fat Guy
Training for the Fat Guy

Because I have written a few articles on gaining mass and getting big, it’s only fair that I send some love to the fat guys who want to get in shape and feel better about all that mass they (hopefully) gained from all the time spent eating big and training as heavy as they could.

Innovative Sled Dragging Technique
Innovative Sled Dragging Technique

In the video I show another variation of holding lacrosse balls.

The Ten Percent Rule
The Ten Percent Rule

If you’ve read speed training articles, watched most presenters and DVDs, and gone through coaching education, you’ve heard it—the rule.

Train Technique to Unleash Hell in the Gym
Train Technique to Unleash Hell in the Gym

I can’t figure it out, but it seems to me the word “technique” is a bad word in powerlifting.

Hold on to the Damn Ball!
Hold on to the Damn Ball!

Recently, I received a call from the head basketball coach of a team I’m strength training.

Defranco's Gym Gets a Boost of Power
Defranco's Gym Gets a Boost of Power

As many of you probably already know, two months ago I moved my gym into a bigger, more badass facility!

Coordination Training: A Continuum of Development for Young Athletes
Coordination Training: A Continuum of Development for Young Athletes

The myths and falsehoods associated with coordination training are plenty.

Water Consumption
Water Consumption

Here’s an excerpt from Jamie Hale’s book, Knowledge and Nonsense, regarding water consumption.

What You Don’t Know about the Push-up
What You Don’t Know about the Push-up

The push-up is quite possibly one of the best exercises athletes can do.

Q&A with Bob Youngs
Q&A with Bob Youngs

You can have the best program in the world, but if you don’t work hard you’ll make no progress. Your Facebook questions answered!

Two Reasons for Throwing Out Crunches and Sit-Ups
Two Reasons for Throwing Out Crunches and Sit-Ups

The torso musculature was meant to transmit force, not produce it.

Beast Reality, Volume 1
Beast Reality, Volume 1

Before you read this, if you’re impatient, don’t go any further.

One Week of RAW
One Week of RAW

On the 3rd rep of 660 I dropped the bar and decided to walk away without risking injury.

Training Young Athletes and M.O.L.D
Training Young Athletes and M.O.L.D

The long-term approach to youth fitness and sport training is an essential ingredient and critical component of understanding how to work with clients in this very sensitive demographic

Items 827 to 885 of 1526 total