Snatch Grip Deadlift from Mats
Snatch Grip Deadlift from Mats
Snatch Grip Deadlifts from Mats to increase ROM for starting strength and upper back activation
Cambered Bar Bent-Over Box Squats with Chains
Cambered Bar Bent-Over Box Squats with Chains
Elitefts™ Advisor Matt Wenning performs cambered bar bent over box squats with chains
Incline Press with Shoulder Saver Bar & Chains - Contrast Set
Incline Press with Shoulder Saver Bar & Chains - Contrast Set
Contrast Set using the Elitefts™Shoulder Saver Bar Incline Press with Chains
Deficit Deadlift off a 3" Block
Deficit Deadlift off a 3" Block
Elitefts™Lifter Steve Goggins performing Deficit Deadlifts off a 3″ block
Seated Hammer Curl with Chains
Seated Hammer Curl with Chains
EliteFTS Columnist Sheena Leedham performing seated hammer curls with chains
Log Clean with Press Variations
Log Clean with Press Variations
Log Clean with Viper press, strict press, and push press
Upright Row with Rope & Kettlebell Grip Variations
Upright Row with Rope & Kettlebell Grip Variations
Set of upright rows with rope handle attached to a kettlebell. First half of the set with overhand grip and second with underhand grip
Log Clean & Press Variation (re-lap)
Log Clean & Press Variation (re-lap)
EliteFTS Log Clean & Press Combination: 1st Rep from floor, 2nd rep re-lapped
Incline Press with Shoulder Saver Bar
Incline Press with Shoulder Saver Bar
Mountain Dog Diet and Training Founder John Meadows performing a set of Incline presses using the Elitefts™ Shoulder Saver Bar
Dumbbell Bench Press - 2 half reps + a full rep w/ rotation
Dumbbell Bench Press - 2 half reps + a full rep w/ rotation
Mountain Dog Style Dumbbell Bench Press with 2 half reps followed by a full rep with rotaion
Lying Leg Curls - Strip Set with Partials
Lying Leg Curls - Strip Set with Partials Advisor & Mountain Dog Diet & Training founder John Meadows performs an extended set of lying leg curls
Triceps Extensions with Chains
Triceps Extensions with Chains
Elitefts™ chains being used by Mountain Dog Diet and Training Founder John Meadows
Seated Lateral Raise With Chains
Seated Lateral Raise With Chains
Mountain Dog Diet and Training Founder John Meadows preforming side raises with Elitefts™ chains.
Barbell Chain Push-Ups (Strip Set + "Up the Rack Sets)
Barbell Chain Push-Ups (Strip Set + "Up the Rack Sets)
Barbell Chain Push-Ups with Chains performed on a Cambered Bar in the Rack
Lying Leg Curl Strip Set with Partials
Lying Leg Curl Strip Set with Partials
Jennica Kidd performs a strip set of leg curls with partials at the end
Backward Prowler Push
Backward Prowler Push
John Meadows performing backward prowler pushes for his quad development.
Yoke Bar Box Squat with Chains (Strip Set)
Yoke Bar Box Squat with Chains (Strip Set)
Dave Tate performs a strip set of Yoke Bar Box Squats with Chains
Mountain Dog Training Lower Body Tri-Set
Mountain Dog Training Lower Body Tri-Set
John Meadows performs a Tri-Set for Legs with extensions, hack squats, and presses
Dumbbell Scott Curls
Dumbbell Scott Curls
Matt Kroc training arms 2 weeks out from NPC Mich State Championships
Muscle Mace Push Downs
Muscle Mace Push Downs Founder Dave Tate demonstrates how to us the Elitefts muscle mace for triceps pushdowns.
One Arm Lying Tricep Extension with Muscle Mace & Chains
One Arm Lying Tricep Extension with Muscle Mace & Chains Founder Dave Tate demonstrates how to us the Elitefts muscle mace with chain extensions
Standing Abs with Straps
Standing Abs with Straps
EliteFTS Team Member and Iron Sport Gym Owner, Steve Pulcinella demonstrates the Standing Ab Exercises
One Arm Deadlift
One Arm Deadlift Inc Advisor and The Spot Athletics owner JL Holdsworth One Arm Deadlift with 315lbs
Dynamic Bench Press with Bands & Chains (Set-Up)
Dynamic Bench Press with Bands & Chains (Set-Up)
Elitefts Team Member Clint Darden demonstrates the EZ Squat & Bench Strap Loader set-up
Close Grip Bench Press with Shoulder Saver Bar
Close Grip Bench Press with Shoulder Saver Bar
Dave Tate performs Close Grip Bench Press cluster set with the EliteFTS Shoulder Saver Bar
Slayer Bar JM Press with Chains
Slayer Bar JM Press with Chains
Dave Tate performs a modified JM press using a Slayer Bar
Front Squat Extended Set
Front Squat Extended Set
John Meadows performs an extended set on the Front Squat
Pin Pulls (Above Knee)
Pin Pulls (Above Knee)
Rack Pulls from High Pins (above Knee)
Leg Press Up-Down Set
Leg Press Up-Down Set
Matt Kroc performing Up & Down sets on the Leg Press
Julia Ladewski Mountain Dog Rows
Julia Ladewski prepping for her first show
Dynamic Bench Press Against Bands
Dynamic work is an essential part in the Conjugate Method
Dimel Deadlifts
Dimel Deadlifts
This exercise helped Matt Dimel increase his squat from the mid-800’s to over 1000 pounds in a two-year period.
Pull Through
Begin by facing away from a low pulley cable with a single “D” handle or triceps rope.
21's for Guns
21's for Guns
Not every expert will agree on what to do in the weight room.
Band Leg Curl
Band Leg Curl
This movement is performed the same way you’d do a regular leg curl.
SS Yoke Bar Deadlift
SS Yoke Bar Deadlift
Deadlift, SS Yoke bar, what else do you need?
Fat Bar DD Handle Pull Ups
Once again, utilizing grip work during the workout, not only at the end, allows athletes to develop grip strength endurance while also performing pulling movements.
Pin Pull with Chains
Pin Pull with Chains
Pin pulls are used to build the top end of the deadlift…
7 Minutes of Leg Hell
7 Minutes of Leg Hell
7 minutes of pure hell I will never do again
Tsunami Bar Rows
Whip it! Whip it Good!
Twist Press
Press, Twist, Repeat
Long Spud Strap Ab Pulldown
This exercise, like most sporting activities, is done standing which all of the “sport specific” guys will love.
Abdominal Fall Out with Blast Straps
Abdominal Fall Out with Blast Straps
Begin this exercise in the same position as the suspended push-up.
LTT TV - Squat Foot Position
LTT TV - Squat Foot Position
Dave Tate takes us back to school
LTT TV: 5 Miles to Go an Inch
LTT TV: 5 Miles to Go an Inch
Joey Smith gives some insight into his benching techniques.
Reverse Power Squat
Reverse Power Squat
I am posting this more for the picture than anything else.
Lateral Resistance Band Walks w/ Agility Ladder
Lateral Resistance Band Walks w/ Agility Ladder
Elitefts coach Julia Ladewski performs lateral resistance band hand walks through an agility ladder. Make sure you go both directions.
Bent Over DB Row
Using a bench to stabilize yourself, grasp the dumbbell and pull it towards your lower pec.
Reverse Band Bench Toss
I’ve seen bench press throws prescribed by several coaches over the years, but personally I never liked the idea of tossing a barbell up in the air and catching it.
Box Squat With Bands
Box Squat With Bands: The benefits of this exercise are numerous.

Items 532 to 590 of 1278 total