WATCH: Farmer's Walk Tutorial with Brian Alsruhe
WATCH: Farmer's Walk Tutorial with Brian Alsruhe
Fun fact: the farmer’s walk is one of Brian Alsruhe’s favorite exercises of all time. It works your grip, back, traps, biceps, core, and calves… what’s not to love?
The Most Underutilized Kettlebell Exercise You Should Be Doing
The Most Underutilized Kettlebell Exercise You Should Be Doing
We think of the Kettlebell Windmill as a largely upper body exercise, but I’d like to make a case that it’s one of the most underutilized exercises to promote hip loading and control bilaterally.
6 Exercises to Strengthen the Spinal Erectors
6 Exercises to Strengthen the Spinal Erectors
This article will focus on the spinal erectors, when one needs to place a focus on them, the exercises/equipment used to strengthen them, and how the variations should be used, progressed, and changed throughout the training process.
Improve Your Hip Clam
Improve Your Hip Clam
The hip clam is a great functional exercise, but it’s incredibly easy to perform it incorrectly. My solution? Bring in the wall.
The Running Shoe Caste System
The Running Shoe Caste System
“Buy nice; don’t buy twice.” That saying might apply to elitefts equipment, but it might also apply to running shoes when it comes to doing cardio… Any suggestions for replacing a 27-year-old pair of sneakers?
WATCH: The Definitive Guide to Hill Sprints
WATCH: The Definitive Guide to Hill Sprints
Before you go find yourself a hill to sprint up via Google maps (steep hills, such as those in landfills, are ideal), don’t forget to warm up and stay hydrated. It’s a sprint, so go all out!
A New Perspective on Proper Plank Execution
A New Perspective on Proper Plank Execution
If you’ve been doing the plank in order to get a 6-pack, you’re probably doing it wrong. Utilize these techniques for a better perspective and understanding of the plank and to optimize your performance.
The Bulgarian Split Squat: Which Side Should You Load?
The Bulgarian Split Squat: Which Side Should You Load?
There are movements that I think all coaches should have a fundamental understanding in, and it’s hard to think of an exercise more worthy of a deep dive than the Bulgarian Split Squat. Go grab your dumbbell so we can figure out which side to load.
Simplify Your Nutrition
Simplify Your Nutrition
There is so much information about nutrition that it can be overwhelming. Rather than getting caught in that swamp, I suggest you stop reading and start dieting with some basic knowledge. I’ll provide the info, but you’ll have to do the rest.
The 6-Pack Mindset
The 6-Pack Mindset
We tend to see outrageous exercises, movements, and even classes that claim they will give you a stronger core or a six-pack in days. I encourage a shift in your mindset to optimize your training to obtain the six-pack look.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #5 with Sheena Leedham
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #5 with Sheena Leedham
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate opens up about being a father to a son with Asperger’s, and elitefts Managing Editor Sheena Leedham talks about training and educating Blaine and other young adults on the spectrum.
The Staggered Leg Deadlift with Dr. Eric Serrano
The Staggered Leg Deadlift with Dr. Eric Serrano
This is a great exercise to use before the leg training session begins to activate the posterior chain and wake up dormant muscles. Feedback from numerous clients, including NFL athletes, tells us that squatting and running feel much better following this specialized movement.
The Obese Body and Exercise — Physical Cross-Talk
The Obese Body and Exercise — Physical Cross-Talk
The main reason I would suggest you engage in exercise is happiness. You might ask, “You mean managing depression?” No. I mean simple and plain happiness, although I’ll discuss depression and mental health, too.
Finding True Happiness
Finding True Happiness
I feel that, along with some financial security and fulfillment, you also need these six variables to achieve true happiness.
Are You Sitting Too Much?
Are You Sitting Too Much?
Even with exercise, sitting too much can cause adverse long-term health effects.
Hypertrophy Is The Holy Grail
Hypertrophy Is The Holy Grail
After so many years and so many clients, I’ve begun to realize that everyone’s training needs are the same.
Increase Your Odds of Surviving a Heart Attack
Increase Your Odds of Surviving a Heart Attack
New research shows a higher level of overall fitness may improve the chances of survival after a heart attack.
Does More Exercise Burn More Calories?
Does More Exercise Burn More Calories?
Does exercising for more time increase energy expenditure? A recent study provides insight.
The Pharmaceutical Buffet
The Pharmaceutical Buffet
Feeling sick? Before pressing the pill cap down and turning to the right, try this swallow-free alternative.
Cut Your Chances of Prostate Cancer
Cut Your Chances of Prostate Cancer
Exercise can play a key role in protecting men from lethal prostate cancer according to the results of a new study.
Improve Your Fitness, Improve Your Brain
Improve Your Fitness, Improve Your Brain
Exercise may be able to reverse mild cognitive impairment in older adults.
Your Doctor, Your Fitness Tracker, and You
Your Doctor, Your Fitness Tracker, and You
Think fitness trackers are just a fad? Think again.
New Study: Sitting on Your Butt Isn't As Bad As We Thought
New Study: Sitting on Your Butt Isn't As Bad As We Thought
Sit on your butt all day at work? New research suggests you may not need to worry as long as you're physically active.
Adjustable Programming: Using Flexible Goals in an Inflexible World
Adjustable Programming: Using Flexible Goals in an Inflexible World
By rewriting negative associations at the track and field, Blaine and I were able to overcome previous limitations and create new opportunities for growth.
Exercise Hormone Irisin Proven To Exist
Exercise Hormone Irisin Proven To Exist
We are one step further along in explaining the effect of exercise on the human body.
The Forgotten Power of Training
The Forgotten Power of Training
There are two types of adversity you will experience as a lifter: the stress you can plan for and the stress you can’t. How will this effect determine your path in life and in the gym?
Pregnant? Exercise!
Pregnant? Exercise!
Is there any problem that exercise can't solve? Studies show that women benefit greatly from exercise during pregnancy.
How To Get a Following in Fitness
How To Get a Following in Fitness
You owe it to yourself to get as many followers as possible.
Logic Does Not Apply IV: Exercise for Weight Loss
Logic Does Not Apply IV: Exercise for Weight Loss
If exercise does affect fat loss, we could create very simple experiments to determine the amount.
Drinking the Weight Loss "Kool-ADE"
Drinking the Weight Loss "Kool-ADE"
Five years ago, I grew tired of being a member of the “bloat crew” and decided to do something about it.
Evolution and Exercise
Evolution and Exercise
Just as we need to eat, drink, and sleep, we need to exercise.
Exercise and Depression
Exercise and Depression
It seems to be a generally accepted fact that exercise has a positive impact on depression and anxiety.
Deadlift Training Overview
Deadlift Training Overview
After 25 years of competitive lifting, I’ve picked up a few things I’d like to pass on in the hopes that it can help you move this most difficult lift upward.
Wicked Halloween Training Exercises
Wicked Halloween Training Exercises
What’s your favorite Halloween exercise?
What You Don’t Know about the Push-up
What You Don’t Know about the Push-up
The push-up is quite possibly one of the best exercises athletes can do.
 Back to Simplicity
Back to Simplicity
Can structure exist without rules? If you have a penchant for a more Apollonian protocol, you would answer with a passionate “no.”
Accessory vs. Supplemental
Accessory vs. Supplemental
We get asked all the time what the difference between an accessory lift and a supplemental lift. After doing some research, I came up with the following ideas. I got these from “A System of Multi-Year Training in Weightlifting” by A.S. Medvedyev. To make things easier here are some basic definitions;

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