Grip Program to Never Drop a Deadlift
Grip Program to Never Drop a Deadlift
Think of grip strength like any other type of strength. To make it stronger, you have to train it heavier.
Making the Max Effort Easy
Making the Max Effort Easy
There are a ton of questions on how to work up to a 1RM on max effort day. While many lifters don’t use percentages, it certainly makes it easier on coaches and novices on how to pick attempts. Since many people who are new to doing these movements are not familiar with their maxes, use the following to help guide
WATCH: Doctor Deadlift Teaches The Hook Grip
WATCH: Doctor Deadlift Teaches The Hook Grip
The doctor is in! Specifically, Doctor Deadlift (whose real name is Cailer Woolam) is here to teach you why you should switch over from your alternating grip to a hook grip and show you how it’s done.
Skip the Arch in Your Bench Press to Build More Absolute Strength
Skip the Arch in Your Bench Press to Build More Absolute Strength
In order to show real strength, arching isn’t the way to go. In order to build more strength for different sports, arching is pretty much a waste of time. But I’m not criticize arching. On the contrary, there are advantages to it if you are a competitive powerlifter.
3 Don'ts for the Early Deadlifter
3 Don'ts for the Early Deadlifter
My son sent a text last week — just a video of him deadlifting in our garage gyms. We discussed one of the mistakes we discovered he was making at the start of the pull. It was our discussion that influenced this article.
WATCH: Table Talk — Bicep Tendonitis with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
WATCH: Table Talk — Bicep Tendonitis with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
Disclaimer: Not all of us here at elitefts are doctors or physical therapists. Case in point: Joe Sullivan thinks the best way to deal with bicep tendonitis is to watch Dave Tate’s Q&A because someone asks this question at least once a week.
Powerlifting and Wrist Straps 101
Powerlifting and Wrist Straps 101
There is a tool for every job, and as there are many jobs for the powerlifter, there are many tools at their disposal. The key is to apply the proper tool to the proper job at the proper time. Let’s focus on the tool known as the wrist strap.
The Strength Coach’s Guide to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
The Strength Coach’s Guide to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
As Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu grows more popular, so does misinformation about training for the martial art. This article will provide both empirical and anecdotal information about strength and conditioning for this particular combat sport.
A Basic Lifting Skill Review: Grip Strength
A Basic Lifting Skill Review: Grip Strength
Every seasoned lifter appreciates how easy it is to lose simple habits in pursuit of getting stronger. One such habit: Getting a good grip.
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk — Military Press for Powerlifters, Grip, and Home Gyms
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk — Military Press for Powerlifters, Grip, an...
Have you ever eaten an entire box of Pop-Tarts in one sitting?
How to Fix Your Bench Press: The Setup
How to Fix Your Bench Press: The Setup
The first installment of a three-part series, this article discusses the first step of mastering the bench press: learning optimal setup.
elitefts Classic: RIP Dynamic Effort Bench?
elitefts Classic: RIP Dynamic Effort Bench?
The role and reputation of the DE bench press has received nothing but a bad rap. I have to admit that I am partly to blame.
The Hook Grip & Straps by the Legend Steve Goggins. Plus a 900lb pull!
The Hook Grip & Straps by the Legend Steve Goggins. Plus a 900lb pull!
The Hook Grip & Straps by the Legend Steve Goggins. Plus a 900lb pull!
Incline Fat Bar Speed Bench Against Micro Resistance Bands
Incline Fat Bar Speed Bench Against Micro Resistance Bands
Looking for some inspiration to train for your next strongman event?
WATCH: The elitefts Guide to Wrist Straps
WATCH: The elitefts Guide to Wrist Straps
No matter your purposes or training style, Mark Watts will show you which wrist straps to buy and how to use them.
Big Bench Basics
Big Bench Basics
Patterson gives you everything you need to know to find YOUR best bench ever. From grabbing the bar to re-racking the weight, he covers everything in between.
How to Find Your Perfect Bench Press Grip
How to Find Your Perfect Bench Press Grip
Your ideal width will be determined by several key anatomical measurements.
Grip Program to Never Drop a Deadlift
Grip Program to Never Drop a Deadlift
Rip apart your next PR with this steel-crushing strategy.
WATCH: Exercises to Build a Impact Crater-Making Deadlift
WATCH: Exercises to Build a Impact Crater-Making Deadlift
Unconventional movements to boost pulling power.
Does Your Forearm and Grip Strength Suck?
Does Your Forearm and Grip Strength Suck?
Here are a few suggestions to help you get started.
So You Think You Can Front Squat? (Part 1)
So You Think You Can Front Squat? (Part 1)
As an athlete or Olympic lifter, the most popular squat variant would be the front squat. Learn the proper execution here.
Elitefts coach JL Holdsworth hosts the very first ThanksGripping contest at the Spot Athletics.
Grip Training: More Than an Afterthought
Grip Training: More Than an Afterthought
Grip strength has always been an important aspect of training for athletes and strength sport competitors alike.
North American Grip Sport Championships 2013
North American Grip Sport Championships 2013
All lifting starts with the grip, but some take it to the extreme!
One Arm Deadlift
One Arm Deadlift Inc Advisor and The Spot Athletics owner JL Holdsworth One Arm Deadlift with 315lbs
Josh Bryant: Video Inquisition, Part 5
Josh Bryant: Video Inquisition, Part 5
Josh Bryant answers questions about GPP and restoration methods in powerlifting training.
Training the Farmers Walk
Training the Farmers Walk
The farmers walk—Not just for strongman competitors.
Deadlift Training
Deadlift Training
Clint shares his 10-week deadlift program.
Get Your Grip Back
Get Your Grip Back
My first thought is if you aren’t already using it, start hook gripping. Painful, yes. Essential in this situation, perhaps.
You Think You Have Balls of Steel?
You Think You Have Balls of Steel?
Looking for Balls of Steel?
How to Do More Pull-Ups
How to Do More Pull-Ups
In my eyes, the pull-up is best described as “the upper body squat” and for good reason.
Incorporation of Strongman Training in Athlete Lifting Cycles
Incorporation of Strongman Training in Athlete Lifting Cycles
There exists a multitude of components to consider when incorporating Strongman training into a standard lifting cycle.
Get a Stronger Grip
Get a Stronger Grip
If anyone uses this and successfully closes a goal gripper, please take a video of it and send it to me.
Hold on to the Damn Ball!
Hold on to the Damn Ball!
Recently, I received a call from the head basketball coach of a team I’m strength training.
Fat Gripz Strip Set - Rows
Video demonstration on how to strip you grip.
Leverage Rows
Leverage Rows
You’ll need to add smaller plates here so the weights don’t hit your legs
Leverage One-Arm Pulls
Leverage One-Arm Pulls
Grab the sleeve for thick handle – grip work
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Moving along now…..
Rope Pull Ups
Rope Pull Ups
These will test your grip big time.
Side Swing with Sledge Hammer
Side Swing with Sledge Hammer
This is great for developing rotational power.
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Thick Rope Pull Ups
This is an awesome movement for developing pulling and grip strength.
Front Raise With Sandbag
Front Raise With Sandbag
This is certainly not a standby in my workouts, but my one buddy always finds a way to turn an odd object tool into a bodybuilding tool.
Curls - Sandbag and Thick Rope
Curls - Sandbag and Thick Rope
This movement is not just for biceps.
Wrist Roller
Wrist Roller
The wrist roller – stationary is a great way to train your forearms.
Thick-Handled Sledge Levering
Thick-Handled Sledge Levering
Wrist and hand extensors/ flexors
Team Training Grip Exercise - The Support Game
Team Training Grip Exercise - The Support Game
Two athletes/teammates stand facing each other on one side of the collar of an olympic bar loaded with an appropriate weight
Dynamic Support Grip Strength
Thunder - Support
Thunder - Support
Thunder Deadlift:
Plate Wrist Curls
Plate Wrist Curls
Grip Strength – Levering
Plate Shrugs
Plate Shrugs
Yoke development, pinch and support grip strength.
Plate Pinch with Curl
Plate Pinch with Curl
Building Grip strength in open hand position while creating stabilization in the wrist
Plate Deviations - Radial
Plate Deviations - Radial
Grip Training – Wrist Postures
Pinch Grip Tool
Pinch Grip Tool
WOW – some days I just love my job!
Hub Lifting
Hub Lifting
Tear flesh from bone with this exercise.
Hex Head Dumbbell Holds
Hex Head Dumbbell Holds
This exercise is great if you’re having grip problems.
Gripper - With Set
Gripper - With Set
Hand Flexion, Finger Strength
Blockweight vs. BLOB
Blockweight vs. BLOB
Building Grip strength in open hand position while creating stabilization in the wrist
Blockweight Training 101
Blockweight Training 101
Building Grip strength in open hand position while creating stabilization in the wrist

Items 1 to 59 of 68 total
