The Best Lower Body Warm-up Ever!
The Best Lower Body Warm-up Ever!
Don’t skimp out on a warm-up to only tweak your back squatting 135. I know from experience.
Aging and Keeping Pace
Aging and Keeping Pace
Why is another article in the realm of injury prevention and performance improvement while aging relevant? For two reasons: the audience is growing, and every author has a different writing style. If you remember at least one of my points, remember, “Get the drugs!”
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's Garage Gym Warm-up
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's Garage Gym Warm-up
Nearly a decade of training combined, and what have Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, and Vincent Dizenzo learned about the perfect warm-up?
Creating the Perfect Warm-Up
Creating the Perfect Warm-Up
We value warming up before lifting or any exercise, but we don’t really think much about how to structure a warm-up. This article will help solve just that with a comprehensive review of the literature on approaches to warming up.
WATCH: Joe Sullivan Demonstrates Crocodile Breathing
WATCH: Joe Sullivan Demonstrates Crocodile Breathing
The cue “push into your belt” has lifters focusing on the front of their bodies. But this operates under the assumption that the torso will expand in 360 degrees, not just out toward the front. In order to have the best brace, we need to rework our understanding of doing so in the first place.
Minimizing Pain for the Active Meathead
Minimizing Pain for the Active Meathead
Still want to play softball, play basketball, practice martial arts, hike, bike, and swim? Although these things are extremely fun and I highly recommend them for mostly everyone, they can certainly take their toll on your body, especially when combined with hard training.
The Power of Bodyweight Training
The Power of Bodyweight Training
Resistance is resistance, no matter from which source it comes. When you do a push-up, your body doesn’t just go, “What, he’s doing a push-up? Nah, I ain’t growing.”
How To Approach Warm-Up Weights
How To Approach Warm-Up Weights
From the bar to 95 pounds, 135, and so on, you should get under the bar and treat it like it’s 400 pounds. How will you unrack that weight? How will you set it up? How will you pull air? How will you sit down?
Check Your Ego at the Door and Maximize Your Gains
Check Your Ego at the Door and Maximize Your Gains
I’m going to share four key components to packing on more muscle and getting stronger by actually backing off the weight.
The Agility Ladder — Useful Tool or Waste of Time?
The Agility Ladder — Useful Tool or Waste of Time?
I’ve heard more times than I can count that agility ladders are not all they are cracked up to be, that they don’t fit into an elite athlete’s program, that they don’t develop speed, and that they don’t develop change of direction skills.
5 Coaching Rants to Reframe and Apply
5 Coaching Rants to Reframe and Apply
Layering thousands of coaching hours on the floor with successes and failures, I think I know what works and what doesn’t work.
What's the Purpose of Your Training?
What's the Purpose of Your Training?
It is almost as if lifters don’t think training starts until the weight gets heavy. I’ve got news for these kinds of lifters: a training session starts right after the last one is finished.
Seven Tips to Get Your Ass Back in the Gym
Seven Tips to Get Your Ass Back in the Gym
This article is for the grizzled veterans who are now getting up in years. If you’ve fallen off the exercise wagon here are seven easy tips to get your training back on course.
Competing Requires Management Skills
Competing Requires Management Skills
Having a good meet means accounting for every aspect of your performance. Mismanage one aspect and you’re not going to have a great day.
Evolution of a Collegiate Warm-Up
Evolution of a Collegiate Warm-Up
Over the last five semesters, we’ve made a lot of adjustments to how we warm-up our athletes. Here are the most important changes.
Top 10 Mistakes Men Make in the Gym
Top 10 Mistakes Men Make in the Gym
If you have the slightest inkling that this article may offend you, proceed to mistake number 5. You’re probably that guy.
4 Big Errors of Beginner Strength Programs
4 Big Errors of Beginner Strength Programs
These four things can make or break your program. Do you know of them?
WATCH: Table Talk — Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation Techniques
WATCH: Table Talk — Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation Techniques
How you choose to prime your body for a training session is up to you, but not all warm up and recovery methods are equal.
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
What is the best way to prepare for your training session? Do you need a foam roller? Muscle activation techniques? A reverse hyper?
Training Around an Injury: Warm-Ups, Effective Dose, and Balance
Training Around an Injury: Warm-Ups, Effective Dose, and Balance
At times, training around an injury may be your only option in this sport. There is no easy fix, but these small adjustments can combine to keep you moving forward.
The Full Body, 10-Minute Bodybuilding Warm-Up
The Full Body, 10-Minute Bodybuilding Warm-Up
This efficient and all-inclusive pre-training routine will physically and mentally prepare you for the rigors of a serious session in the gym.
Using Your Body's Mobility and Stability Mechanisms to Drive Performance
Using Your Body's Mobility and Stability Mechanisms to Drive Perfor...
Let’s climb in the driver seat of that car with a performance-tuned suspension and a set of tires that will connect that power to the ground and put the pedal to the floor!
Using the Warm-up to Assess Weakness
Using the Warm-up to Assess Weakness
Two views on the warm-up from Dan John and Chris Duffin.
SPTS Weekend: Robertson's Short Guide for the First 'R' Training Rule
SPTS Weekend: Robertson's Short Guide for the First 'R' T...
In his R7 training approach, every session starts with soft tissue work.
The Importance of a Proper Warm-Up
The Importance of a Proper Warm-Up
With a program known for strength increases, with a minimal injury rate, this guy knows a thing or two about a proper warm up.
Reengineering the Training Session
Reengineering the Training Session
Enter the gym with a firm methodology.
Fix Your Boring Warm-up
Fix Your Boring Warm-up
Borrowing ideas from Olympic lifting to make pre-workout interesting and effective.
Elitefts™ Banded Squat Warm-Up Drills
Elitefts™ Banded Squat Warm-Up Drills
Seven alternative Squat warm-up drills using a min-band
My Unique Methods for a World Record Squat
My Unique Methods for a World Record Squat
Not any old training system will give you an 860 raw squat at 220.
You Can’t Get Jacked if You’re All Jacked Up: How to Warm Up Your Clients (or Yourself) in 15 Minutes or Less
You Can’t Get Jacked if You’re All Jacked Up: How to Warm Up Your Client...
All you need is five minutes to foam roll, five minutes to do the breathing and bracing, and five minutes to do the dynamic warm up and you’re all set!
Lift It. Hold It. Lower It.
Lift It. Hold It. Lower It.
Strength training is a simple process that has become an over complicated “wishing well” for athletic success.
The 10 Commandments of Conditioning
The 10 Commandments of Conditioning
No matter what sport you compete in, you’ll probably agree that conditioning plays a huge factor in how an athlete performs. If athletes aren’t conditioned properly, they’ll never achieve peak performance in their sport.
Quick and Easy Client Assessment/Warm Up
Quick and Easy Client Assessment/Warm Up
I’ve read mixed reviews from many different coaches and trainers on how to assess your clients.
Mistakes by a First Time Lifter
Mistakes by a First Time Lifter
This article is about a lifter who I have talked with over the internet a few times. I won’t mention any names or places, but he knows who I’m talking about. I watched a disaster happen at his first meet. There are a number of things that he and his group could have done differently to help him through his
Vincent Dizenzo's Rant on Warming Up
Vincent Dizenzo's Rant on Warming Up
We would like to know your thoughts on warming-up and recovery.
Handling Multiple Skill Levels?
Handling Multiple Skill Levels?
You have to figure out a way to manage all of them in a way so that they will get the most out of the training session.
Simple Off Ice Warm Up for In-Season Ice Hockey
Simple Off Ice Warm Up for In-Season Ice Hockey
Injuries such as groin strains and athletic pubalgia (sports hernia) are just two of the common causes of lost time due to injury in ice hockey.
Add Some Spice to Your Warm Up
Add Some Spice to Your Warm Up
The most important and overlooked part of your training session is the first 5–15 minutes, also known as the warm up.
Build It Before You Need It
Build It Before You Need It
Whether you’re pressed for time or want to get straight to the weight, the thought of skipping over those warm-up exercises and routines seems to always cross our mind.
A Six-Week Example for Alactic Power and Aerobic Power Running Warm Ups
A Six-Week Example for Alactic Power and Aerobic Power Running Warm Ups
I’m not writing this article to stir up the dynamic versus static warm-up debate but to suggest different variations and progressions for a dynamic warm up.
DB Hip Flexor Warmup
DB Hip Flexor Warmup
Exercise should be done by grabbing a db and resting it on the quad as far away from the hip joint as possible.
Damn, My “Insert Anything Here” Hurts
Damn, My “Insert Anything Here” Hurts
You didn’t get injured today, but you exponentially increased your potential for injury because your next workout and warm up will be pretty much the same.
 Is Your Warm Up Effective?
Is Your Warm Up Effective?
Your warm-up should prepare your for the workout without hindering your ability to perform optimally.
 Warm Up Essentials
Warm Up Essentials
The cookie cutter approach to exercise doesn’t make sense to me, especially when people are stuck behind desks (sustained lumbar flexion, shortened hip flexors) all day or opt to train with movement impairments. Corrective strategies are necessary, and everyone needs to have a static and dynamic evaluation. It’s common to confuse being strong with being healthy.
 Seven Secrets to Better Workouts
Seven Secrets to Better Workouts
As your old high school gym teacher might have led you to believe, stretching before weight training isn’t the best way to warm up. Recent reports show that static stretching before exercise can reduce muscle strength. Stretching relaxes your muscles, so why would you want to relax your muscles when you need to lift explosively during weight training?
 Off-Ice Conditioning for Hockey Players
Off-Ice Conditioning for Hockey Players
For years, coaches have been failing to attain maximum results when putting their hockey players on an off-ice conditioning program. Much of this comes from misunderstandings. Typically, an unknowing coach will put far too much emphasis on aerobic training despite its near uselessness in hockey specific conditioning. For example, timed miles, which I have performed as a player and have
 Warming Up to PRs
Warming Up to PRs
What’s keeping you from setting a personal record (PR) in your lifts? Why isn’t your “top end” going up?
The UNO Warm Up
The UNO Warm Up
I’ve been working with athletes for quite some time. Even though I haven’t overhauled the way I do things, I definitely make changes on a continual basis. One thing that has seen many changes is the way I warm up athletes. I’ve always used some type of movement-based stretching, and I’ve tried to stay away from any pre-workout static stretching.
Inside the Ring: Inside the Mind of a Fighter
Inside the Ring: Inside the Mind of a Fighter
I guess I can begin by saying how wrong I was and how I took our Q&A staff for granted. I know EliteFTS has the best training team on the planet. Yes, this is a very cocky statement, but do me one favor here.
Teaching the Squat
Teaching the Squat
I have been going to Force Training Seminars, either to help Dave or to do them on my own, for almost 3 years and one of the hardest things to do is get someone to squat correctly.
The Magic of the Pin Pull
The Magic of the Pin Pull
Recently I have been flooded with e-mails and questions on the EFS Q/A, and rather than answering them one by one, I decided to put them into an article form so that everyone has access to them. There is a lot of great information in these answers.
Bringing the Pendulum Back to Center (Part 2)
Bringing the Pendulum Back to Center (Part 2)
It is often said by futurists that there is an over-reaction to most new concepts in the short term, yet an under-reaction in the long term. We can all come up with countless examples of it – the high carb trend of a few years ago – which has become the zero carb trend recently.
Fun with Your (Med) Balls
Fun with Your (Med) Balls
If you’ve been training long enough, chances are that just about everything you do is routine. Possibly the worst part of having a routine is monotony and boredom, especially when it comes to warming-up; you know it’s important, but damn if it isn’t downright boring!
Just Do It
Just Do It
The time has finally arrived for me to summarize how I train high school athletes in my quaint, but aesthetically unappealing subterranean gym.

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