Casey Williams

Casey Williams after finishing his college football career at Bucknell University, he dove into powerlifting in 2010. He won the 242 class at RUM 7 and 8 in 2014/2015.His best lifts to date are an 810 squat, 540 bench, and 738 deadlift with a 2088 total at 242 raw with wraps. He also hit a 2300lb total in his only single ply meet going 850-650-800. In 2020, he opened Victory Float Lounge in Pittsburgh, PA and continues to Live, Learn, Pass On through coaching strength athletes online.

Wednesday cambered bar squats
Wednesday cambered bar squats
I worked up to 5 singles with a minute rest.
Monday heavy bench
Monday heavy bench
My bicep tendons held up until the second set of Spoto presses. I'm making progress, slowly.
Sunday heavy squats and DL accessories
Sunday heavy squats and DL accessories
I forgot how heavy the Onyx Monster bands are...
"speed bench" on Friday
"speed bench" on Friday
I stuck with some exercises that don't stress my shoulders or bicep tendons.
Squats against chains
Squats against chains
I worked up to a top set of 505+60# in chains for two sets of five. And I was back in flat soled shoes and all is right with the world again.
Monday close grip bench volume
Monday close grip bench volume
No pain in my shoulder or bicep tendon today so I got some good work in.
Sunday speed squats and volume deads
Sunday speed squats and volume deads
Brutal SSB squats against monster bands with some good deadlifts to finish it up.
Wednesday high bar squats
Wednesday high bar squats
Bad squat day. It's been a frustrating week after a great Sunday.
Monday volume benching and frustration
Monday volume benching and frustration
I didn't even get through warm ups without some pretty good pain in my bicep tendon, so I shut it down.
Squatting at the compound on Sunday
Squatting at the compound on Sunday
I was at the compound so I had some extra motivation.
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Crushed my triceps I would have a good base going into the Arnold on Saturday for my tight T shirt
Wednesday squats
Wednesday squats
I went back to a straight bar but stuck with the OLY shoes and a close stance.
A quick review of the EliteFTS Sports Performance Training Summit
A quick review of the EliteFTS Sports Performance Training Summit
I was blown away by the lineup of presenters and the number of knowledge bombs dropped.
Monday volume benching
Monday volume benching
I stuck with a close to moderate grip and worked up to 405x5 for 4 sets.
Sunday speed squats and deads
Sunday speed squats and deads
Speedy squats and mediocre deadlifts working on hook grip and what not.
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench day, crazy tricep pump bro.
Wednesday squats
Wednesday squats
Cambered bar, close stance/OLY shoe, high bar squats and now my quads are on fire
Monday raw bench against chains
Monday raw bench against chains
Top sets of 315x5 and 365x5 (with slingshot) against 100# of chains.
Sunday speed squats and deads
Sunday speed squats and deads
Follow Casey's journey of coming back after ulcerative colitis — hitting big raw totals and taking shots at world records in 2018. While you're at it, add a little swole to your love life by checking out Coupled in Strength — a glimpse into life at home with Yessica Martinez.
Friday speed bench as usual
Friday speed bench as usual
Swiss press bar to save my shoulders and trying to be Chris Duffin Jr. with my shirt on.
Weak squat workout
Weak squat workout
Squatting and puking...not from squatting too hard
Monday benching in my new Metal Jack shirt
Monday benching in my new Metal Jack shirt
This was my second time "in" this shirt. The first time I put it on at the compound and couldn't get it over my forearms.
First day back
First day back
After a week off, I got back to my schedule and met up with my training partners on Sunday.
Offseason thoughts and looking for a meet
Offseason thoughts and looking for a meet
Brainstorming my weaknesses and hoping I can find a meet around July/August
RUM8 Write Up with video
RUM8 Write Up with video
I won the 242 class and defended my title from last year.
Saturday bench opener for RUM8
Saturday bench opener for RUM8
Dialing in my bench opener 8 days out from RUM8
Squat opener RUM8 10 days out
Squat opener RUM8 10 days out
Dialing in my squat for RUM8
Monday last heavy bench before RUM8
Monday last heavy bench before RUM8
Dialing in my first and second attempts on the bench for RUM8
Reverse Average Band Bench PR
Reverse Average Band Bench PR
Monday max effort bench, reverse avg bands and a PR
Monday max effort bench- floor press with chains
Monday max effort bench- floor press with chains
After a four-year stint as a Division 1 football player at Bucknell University, Casey Williams entered the sport of powerlifting to immediate success. With only two years of commitment to the sport, he broke the all-time world record drug tested squat and total. He is currently training for Raw Unity Meet in February.
Handling the Missed Lift
Handling the Missed Lift
We all do it. We miss a lift and then look around at our training partners. Sometimes you speak up immediately and sometimes they have first say.

Items 709 to 740 of 740 total