Casey Williams

Casey Williams after finishing his college football career at Bucknell University, he dove into powerlifting in 2010. He won the 242 class at RUM 7 and 8 in 2014/2015.His best lifts to date are an 810 squat, 540 bench, and 738 deadlift with a 2088 total at 242 raw with wraps. He also hit a 2300lb total in his only single ply meet going 850-650-800. In 2020, he opened Victory Float Lounge in Pittsburgh, PA and continues to Live, Learn, Pass On through coaching strength athletes online.

Squat rehab day
Squat rehab day
Squat rehab- went to two plates today, up from 1 plate on Monday. Moving in the right direction.
Monday bench deload and hamstring rehab
Monday bench deload and hamstring rehab
Typical bench deload, 10x10 DB bench. And hamstring rehab moving in the right direction.
Sunday rehab
Sunday rehab
Friday/Saturday/Sunday hamstring rehab
Frustrating squat day
Frustrating squat day
Planned 710 for a triple, tweaked my hamstring on the second rep. Talked with Dave Tate and came up with a rehab plan.
Reverse Band bench
Reverse Band bench
Worked up to 535x3 with reverse average bands for a 10# PR at 3 reps
Sunday Deadlifts
Sunday Deadlifts
Goggins DL program-7 weeks out from RPS Boardwalk Brawl- worked up to 705x3
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Pushing the intensity on speed days. Hit 6 triples in total, last two sets at 315x3 against double red minis.
Wednesday squats
Wednesday squats
Pause doubles up to 605 trying to get back to basics with squat technique
Monday bench
Monday bench
455x1 against double red minis for 535# at the top
Sunday speed deadlifts
Sunday speed deadlifts
Light deadlifts after celebrating America's freedom... and a wedding.
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Starting to up the intensity on my speed bench days after a talk with Vince Dizenzo.
Wednesday squats
Wednesday squats
625x5 no wraps, 645x4 in wraps
Sunday UGSS- bench
Sunday UGSS- bench
Worked up to 520x3 in the slingshot
Saturday- PLexp2
Saturday- PLexp2
A quick recap from Saturday's group session.
Friday UGSS deadlift
Friday UGSS deadlift
Worked up to 675x5 on the deadlift
Speed bench
Speed bench
Typical speed bench day- 275x5x5 against double red minis
Monday bench
Monday bench
Floor press 445x2 (missed 3) with 3 chains per side (60#)
Sunday speed squats/light deads
Sunday speed squats/light deads
In preparation for next week's PLexp2 and the UGSS to go with it, I'll speed squat/pull on Sunday, floor press monday, speed bench thursday, and then at the UGSS I'll have my heavy pull on Friday with the team and under the eye of Steve. Cambered bar squats Red minis forward Onyx average bands down […]
Wednesday squats
Wednesday squats
Cambered bar squats up to 605x4
Monday bench deload
Monday bench deload
Easy day intensity wise. Kept some volume- 10x10 DB bench
Sunday Deadlifts
Sunday Deadlifts
Week 10 of Goggins' DL program- 655x5
Monday bench
Monday bench
Fat bar 445x1 against double red minis (80# of band tension)
Sunday deadlifts
Sunday deadlifts
12 weeks out from the RPS Boardwalk Brawl. Week 9 of Goggins deadlift program. Easy doubles today, sumo.
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Standard Friday training session. Quick and dirty.
Wednesday squats
Wednesday squats
Worked up to 5 plates for a set of 5 against Onyx Avg Bands and some geared crossfit at the behest of my training partners
Monday Bench
Monday Bench
Fat Bar bench against Onyx Average bands up to 395x1 for 515# at the top
Sunday Deads
Sunday Deads
Week 8 of Goggins' Deadlift program as planned
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench day with a small change by taking away the bands and upping the percentage. Oh, and I got a new puppy. Meet Odi the English Mastiff. That makes two mastiffs and when it's all said and done my dogs will outweigh me, even if I hit the 308's.
Squat test week
Squat test week
Worked up to 92% (745) for a single to set my training up for the RPS Boardwalk Brawl in late August.
Monday Bench test
Monday Bench test
Great bench day! Tested my 3RM and hit a 10# PR for a fourth rep. I'm still using most of Matt Wenning's training style for my bench and it's paying off.
Sunday Deadlift deload
Sunday Deadlift deload
Reverse Hypers and GHR's
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench day- went with 5x5 instead of 8x3l
Wednesday Squats
Wednesday Squats
Worked up to 555x3 with 190# resistance (745# at the top)
Monday Bench
Monday Bench
Fat bar floor press against chains up to 435x3
Sunday Deads
Sunday Deads
Week 6 of Goggins' deadlift program
Feel good Friday- speed bench
Feel good Friday- speed bench
I used the shoulder saver for 50 reps of mixed grip tricep work
Wednesday squats
Wednesday squats
Bow bar squats up to 555 with 100# of band tension
Monday Rev Band Bench
Monday Rev Band Bench
Worked up to 525x3 with rev avg bands for a 10# 'PR'
Sunday Deads
Sunday Deads
Week 6 of Goggins' DL program- worked up to 625x3 from a 3-4" deficit
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Normal speed work- I swapped the swiss press bar for a normal bench bar and didn't have any pec/bicep tendon issues.
Monday Bench- Deload
Monday Bench- Deload
Keeping the pec and bicep tendon healthy this week.
Sunday Deadlifts- Deload
Sunday Deadlifts- Deload
Week 5 of Goggins' DL program- Deload
Wednesday squats
Wednesday squats
Cambered squats against chains up to 555+120# in chains.
Monday bench
Monday bench
Fat bar two sets of five at 315+120 band tension (420-440 at the top, not sure exactly) with pec/bicep tendon pain
Sunday Deadlifts
Sunday Deadlifts
Week 4 of Goggins' DL program - Deficit pulls ups to 575x5 for two sets.
Speed bench Friday
Speed bench Friday
Speed bench Ex wife pec/bicep tendon DB bench 55# 4x25 Lat pull down 10sec holds Swiss press bar against double red minis Barx3 135x3 185-205-225 x3x3 each (9x3 total) 30 sec rest Straight bar JM press 235-185-225-185-135x20 each (100 reps total) 15-20 sec rest Grenade tricep push downs 3x20 Banded rear delts 3x20 A bit […]
Wednesday squats
Wednesday squats
Cambered bar squats against chains felt great tonight. Worked up to 3 sets of 5 against chains.
Monday bench
Monday bench
Bicep tendon/Pec feeling much better after a week of tempering. Video and post bench shenanigans included.
Sunday Deadlifts
Sunday Deadlifts
Week 3 of Goggins' DL program
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Shouldering tempering and finally a solid speed day.
Wednesday Squats
Wednesday Squats
Week 2 of SSB, but I went to a box with briefs this time.
Monday bench- floor press
Monday bench- floor press
Body tempering, floor press, and man crush monday
Saturday Deadlifts
Saturday Deadlifts
Week 2 of Steve Goggins' deadlift program- had to train a day early.
Wednesday SSB
Wednesday SSB
Worked up to 2 sets of 5 on the safety squat bar, and realized I hate them. (No I'm not Clint Darden but that's a sweet picture.)
Monday benching and frustration
Monday benching and frustration
Still having issues with my bicep tendon/pec area.
Sunday deads
Sunday deads
Week 1 of Goggin's deadlift program
Wednesday squat deload
Wednesday squat deload
You know how I know it was time for a deload?...135 on the SSB hurt.
Monday volume bench
Monday volume bench
Close grip 2 board press 6x3 with chains, bicep tendon held up pretty well.
Sunday volume deadlifts
Sunday volume deadlifts
25 total reps over 500, working on positioning, hook grip, staying tight, etc.

Items 650 to 708 of 740 total