Fear Exposed
Fear Exposed
Aside from the warning signs of a shit coach, there's a moral to this story.
The S Word — When My Perspective Changed
The S Word — When My Perspective Changed
I can now write about this subject and share how things worked out for me. It has been a journey with more than a few twists and turns.
WATCH: 11athletics ⎯ Athletic Performance Facility
WATCH: 11athletics ⎯ Athletic Performance Facility
If you reside in Central Ohio or are just visiting, make 11athletics the place to be for your fitness needs and wants.
WATCH: Motivational Rant at UGSS
WATCH: Motivational Rant at UGSS
You will meet people who change your life forever. I've found most of mine within the four steel walls we call a gym.
Strength Chat Podcast: Seattle Seahawks Patrick Ward on Using Data
Strength Chat Podcast: Seattle Seahawks Patrick Ward on Using Data
As strength training and sports are becoming more data-driven, hear from one of the best Sports Science Analysts on the topic.
WATCH: Mental Preparation Tips for Powerlifting
WATCH: Mental Preparation Tips for Powerlifting
To be your best on the platform, you need your mind to be just as prepared as your body.
5 Ways You’re Screwing Up Speed Work
5 Ways You’re Screwing Up Speed Work
Commit too many of the mistakes I’m about to present to you and your training will result in zero results. You certainly wont be getting the desired effect of optimizing force development.
What Is A Competitive Lifter?
What Is A Competitive Lifter?
There are a lot of things to argue about in powerlifting, but you can't argue about integrity, you can't argue about desire, and you can't argue about dedication. You need these things no matter what.
Home and the Home Gym — The Roots
Home and the Home Gym — The Roots
This is the dimension occupied by nursing babies with their mothers, lovers having intimate sex, and friends and family hugging. The relationship between lifter and bar is that intimate.
My First Visit to elitefts — UGSS with John Meadows
My First Visit to elitefts — UGSS with John Meadows
Some people may have thought my trip from Florida to Ohio for a weekend of lifting was silly, but this is passion. This is what unifies us.
Brandon Smitley's 1377-pound Total at 2016 WPC World Championships
Brandon Smitley's 1377-pound Total at 2016 WPC World Championships
I walked away with a two-pound squat PR and breaking my all-time world record, a fraction of a pound PR on bench, and a 12 pound PR total. Soon enough, 1400 will be mine.
Why My Home Gym Is Better Than the S4 Compound
Why My Home Gym Is Better Than the S4 Compound
My home gym has been one of the best investments I have ever made. Let me explain how I got here.
Three Quarters of a Century and Still Getting Strong(er)
Three Quarters of a Century and Still Getting Strong(er)
How long will getting stronger continue? At what point, or age, or condition does deterioration begin? Am I racing a clock? Is my time on the platform limited?
Athletic Responsibilities in a Competitive Environment
Athletic Responsibilities in a Competitive Environment
It is of great importance for all involved in sport participation, especially athletes, to understand what is exactly being asked of them when they make the choice to compete.
Do Not Limit Yourself With Comparisons
Do Not Limit Yourself With Comparisons
Mental strength is a complex monster. You may think you're motivating yourself by trying to beat other lifters, but you're actually holding yourself back.
What Type of Powerlifter Are You?
What Type of Powerlifter Are You?
I polled our team members to get an idea of why some of the best lifters in the world compete raw or in gear. Here are their answers.
WATCH: Table Talk — Lessons from Training with John Meadows
WATCH: Table Talk — Lessons from Training with John Meadows
What happens when an expert in powerlifting and an expert in bodybuilding train together for five years?
WATCH: Why You Should Use Calibrated Plates
WATCH: Why You Should Use Calibrated Plates
If you're training for a new world or personal record, every pound matters.
How I Trained When I Was at My Best
How I Trained When I Was at My Best
There are two categories for max effort exercises: strength builders and strength testers. Every lifter has their own. Once I found mine, I built an 1160 squat and an 850 deadlift.
WPC World Championships — My 12-Week Meet Prep for a 1000-Pound Squat
WPC World Championships — My 12-Week Meet Prep for a 1000-Pound Squat
I won my division at the 2014 WPC Worlds. I'm hoping to repeat this year, but there's also another goal I'm focused on.
Staying Motivated With No Chance of Winning the 2016 USAPL Raw Nationals Championship
Staying Motivated With No Chance of Winning the 2016 USAPL Raw Nationals...
We often find ourselves swimming in a sea of excellence, chasing the purple dragon of someone else’s achievements. That's not how to become a champion.
Thanksgiving Powerlifting Classic
Thanksgiving Powerlifting Classic
This benefit meet will raise money to help children who have a wounded or fallen parent that served in the military or as a first responder.
The Absurd Effectiveness of Simplicity
The Absurd Effectiveness of Simplicity
Young strength coaches, go back to the basics to improve your athletes' performance.
The Yearly Training Plan of the Strength Athlete — Adapting Evaluations into Training Practice
The Yearly Training Plan of the Strength Athlete — Adapting Evaluations ...
Evaluating your training protocol is only the first step. The real differences are made by enacting them into the practicals of training.
Four Traps to Avoid When Starting Conjugate Training
Four Traps to Avoid When Starting Conjugate Training
Using the Conjugate Method has been one of the most rewarding and fun things I've ever done, but it requires ownership and a tenacity to keep looking for answers. Here are four things to avoid as you begin your quest.
The Short Science Behind Titanium Knick-Knacks
The Short Science Behind Titanium Knick-Knacks
These are everything.
Powerlifting: 25% Training, 75% Pre-Hab, Rehab, and Injury Prevention
Powerlifting: 25% Training, 75% Pre-Hab, Rehab, and Injury Prevention
If you think you'll make it in this sport by pushing through your workouts even when you're injured or suffering, you're wrong.
WATCH: Using the Box Squat to Correct Posterior Chain Weaknesses
WATCH: Using the Box Squat to Correct Posterior Chain Weaknesses
If you or your clients are failing to properly load your glutes and hamstrings during a competition squat, this video will show you how.
WATCH: Mickey Belaineh — Harvard Law Graduate and IPF Junior World Champion
WATCH: Mickey Belaineh — Harvard Law Graduate and IPF Junior World Champion
With bar exams complete and results pending, Mickey's focus on powerlifting continues to evolve.
USA and USPA Powerlifting at the 2016 SkillCon
USA and USPA Powerlifting at the 2016 SkillCon
Coming soon this December. Register today!
WATCH: Table Talk — Can You Use Competition Lifts for Max Effort Work?
WATCH: Table Talk — Can You Use Competition Lifts for Max Effort Work?
If you feel you need more work on the competition movements, can you use them as max effort work instead of doing specialty exercises?
WATCH: The Story Behind the Logo — TRAIN
WATCH: The Story Behind the Logo — TRAIN
The TRAIN logo emphasizes what we stand for. It's what we do.
Guest Judging Boss of Bosses 3
Guest Judging Boss of Bosses 3
Watching a lifter going for a lift he knows he has to make to move into first place... Watching a lifter going for a record that has stood for 15 or 20 years...
WATCH: Jim Wendler Speaks at Open Underground Strength Session
WATCH: Jim Wendler Speaks at Open Underground Strength Session
As elitefts team members, we’ve seen the impact that this community and time training together has had on our lives and lifting careers — we're bringing more people into that fold.
Squat Mechanics: Why Stacking the Knee Overtop of the Ankle Is Important
Squat Mechanics: Why Stacking the Knee Overtop of the Ankle Is Important
There are a lot of things we work on with fixing lifters' squats, let's start here.
WATCH: Dave's Squat Tips for NBS Lifters
WATCH: Dave's Squat Tips for NBS Lifters
What began as a heavy squat session in the S4 Compound became an impromptu coaching session with Dave. Here are the five things he told these lifters to fix.
The American Idol Phenomenon in Powerlifting
The American Idol Phenomenon in Powerlifting
Without that experience in their back pocket, they simply get eaten up and spit out by the industry.
Beginners and the Accountability Weakness
Beginners and the Accountability Weakness
Early in your powerlifting journey, this is the only weak point you need to concern yourself with.
Is There Really A Difference Between Raw and Geared Lifting?
Is There Really A Difference Between Raw and Geared Lifting?
No matter which of the many training programs out there you choose to use, or whether you train raw or equipped, one thing will always remain the same.
WATCH: Table Talk — Flaws of Percentage-Based Programming and Training
WATCH: Table Talk — Flaws of Percentage-Based Programming and Training

In this video, Maliek and Dave discuss the problems with percentage-based training and share alternative methods for strength programming.

Why Do You Lift — The Game
Why Do You Lift — The Game

Is winning all that matters or is participation the purpose of competition? This is the final article in this series.

Access Knowledge to Be Your Own Coach
Access Knowledge to Be Your Own Coach

Always being told what to do is not how one becomes great and it is most definitely not how one becomes a great lifter.

WATCH: How Christian Anto Became a Powerlifter
WATCH: How Christian Anto Became a Powerlifter

From nursing student and collegiate soccer player to one of the 10 best 181-pound powerlifters in the world.

17 Triggers to Induce Flow
17 Triggers to Induce Flow

These 17 triggers may serve as a checklist to ensure optimal flow states and encourage proper performance — ultimately what’s standing between you and your next world record.

Rob Hall Totals 2226 Raw at Boss of Bosses 3
Rob Hall Totals 2226 Raw at Boss of Bosses 3

We made five specific changes to add 200 pounds to Rob’s total in the last six months.

WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Box Squatting
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Box Squatting

Box squats have been around for years but the debate still hasn’t been settled.

5 Keys to Fixing Your Hip
5 Keys to Fixing Your Hip

Three days before my heaviest deadlift of the meet training program and I couldn’t even bend down to grab the bar. Here are the techniques I used to mitigate my issues and make it to Boss of Bosses 3.

Hello, My Name is: Gym Visitor
Hello, My Name is: Gym Visitor

During my first visit to the elitefts S4 Compound I was anxious, excited, and—yes—intimidated. These five things helped make my workout a great experience.

WATCH: Table Talk — Sticking Points and Longevity for Raw vs Gear
WATCH: Table Talk — Sticking Points and Longevity for Raw vs Gear

In this video, Dave and special guest Maliek Derstine discuss the topics of sticking points and longevity for raw lifters vs geared lifters.

Chalk Dust and Trail Runs: Cardio for Powerlifters
Chalk Dust and Trail Runs: Cardio for Powerlifters

How do we glean all the benefits of cardio without compromising our strength and size? It really comes down to two things.

Why I Love Powerlifting: 2016 RPS Lexen Dog Days
Why I Love Powerlifting: 2016 RPS Lexen Dog Days

This was my first push/pull meet and I kept repeating to myself, “It’s time. Work is done. Make it happen.”

WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Travel Stories [Extended Version]
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Travel Stories [Extended Version]

It seems like Dave and Jim are never going to run out of stories from their days of travel seminars. In this video we have strip clubs, Benny Podda, alcoholism, and porn.

How Do You Pick Your Opener?
How Do You Pick Your Opener?

There are many ways lifters go about picking their openers. I admit, my way might not be for you. But if it isn’t, you can still learn something from it.

The Week Before the Meet — Unstructured or Accounted For?
The Week Before the Meet — Unstructured or Accounted For?

This is a time when your mind will start to play tricks on you. Are you mentally committing to the time off?

WATCH: Maliek Derstine Visits elitefts
WATCH: Maliek Derstine Visits elitefts

He holds the all-time world record for powerlifting total in the 181-pound weight class. He is better in that class than anyone else has ever been. When he talks about training, it’s probably best for you to listen.

Cus D’Amato — Past, Present and Future Thoughts
Cus D’Amato — Past, Present and Future Thoughts

Evaluating the past is important for fixing things that you did wrong. Looking forward to the future is important for setting goals. But if you do these things at the wrong time, you’ll run into trouble.

To Redemption: UPA Old School Iron Gym Summer Showdown
To Redemption: UPA Old School Iron Gym Summer Showdown

I hated that I fell short of my goal at the XPCs…90 pounds short to be exact. Each and every pound I left on the platform back in March is what fueled my training for my off-season and meet preparation.

Putting Pen to Paper — When Old School Is Better Than New Technology
Putting Pen to Paper — When Old School Is Better Than New Technology

Now is the time to assess the technology that’s at our fingertips. It’s also the time to become picky with what type of and when to use technology with regard to our powerlifting success.

Items 591 to 649 of 1691 total