Try to keep an open mind when trying a new, proactive approach to anything, even if it doesn’t quite feel right at first — whether it be your job, social media, or a new program. Just because it doesn’t feel good right away doesn’t mean it won’t later on.
A Weekend at the Kabuki Strength Seminar
A Weekend at the Kabuki Strength Seminar
It was a 10-hour drive to Portland, but everything that went into the trip was well worth it for the training knowledge I gained and the experience I had with other lifters. Here are my highlights from the weekend.
Powerlifting to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Adapting as an Athlete
Powerlifting to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Adapting as an Athlete
As my competitive field of choice changed, so did the way I required my body and its structures to move across time and through space. This is how my training had to evolve.
To Arch or Not to Arch?
To Arch or Not to Arch?
For all of my powerlifting career and for my best squat and deadlifters numbers ever, I used an arched back. After working with Chris Duffin on neutral back positioning and bracing, I’m starting to think there’s a better way.
The Path to Anti-Fragility
The Path to Anti-Fragility
This must-listen episode features clinician, author, and speaker Dr. Craig Liebenson, who first turned me on to the concept of anti-fragility.
Strength Chat Podcast: Technical Aspects of Training During and After Pregnancy
Strength Chat Podcast: Technical Aspects of Training During and After Pr...
Through their four pillars and a growing nationwide network, BIRTHFIT is helping thousands of expecting moms prepare themselves for childbirth while staying healthy, mobile, and strong.
Secrets of Faster Injury Healing
Secrets of Faster Injury Healing
There are several things to understand when putting together a rehabilitation protocol, but if you create the right plan and stick to it, you’ll be recovered in no time.
WATCH: Sharing Love and Leaving Scars
WATCH: Sharing Love and Leaving Scars
In this piece I reflect on my stepfather and his impact on me, trying to understand how a person who loved his children so much could also inadvertently created a great deal of difficulty and strife in their lives.
Training Advice Worth Repeating
Training Advice Worth Repeating
If I could go back in time to when I first started in this industry, I’d force myself to follow these five rules of training. Those of you starting now should listen.
Strength Chat Podcast: Pulling the Veil Off Blood Flow Restriction with Guest Dr. Mario Novo
Strength Chat Podcast: Pulling the Veil Off Blood Flow Restriction with ...
If you’ve wanted to understand more about this topic or just get a technical yet easy-to-understand introduction to BFR, this is the episode you need to listen to.
WATCH: How the Bite of the Iron Nurtured My Growth
WATCH: How the Bite of the Iron Nurtured My Growth
Sometimes we get so caught up in the physical nature of training we forget about the other impacts it has.
Strength Chat Podcast: Bryan Mann on VBT and Developing Explosive Athletes
Strength Chat Podcast: Bryan Mann on VBT and Developing Explosive Athletes
Dr. Mann joins the crew to talk about the benefits, challenges, implications, and new research in the field of velocity-based training.
Use This ‘One Simple Trick' to Triple Your Recovery
Use This ‘One Simple Trick' to Triple Your Recovery
Two weeks after a tear in my quad, I was squatting 860 pounds again. This is how.
Home and the Home Gym — The Heart Follows the Iron
Home and the Home Gym — The Heart Follows the Iron
In this article, we reach the end of our journey. You will read about how original home gym owners made different choices and changed their lives as they followed the iron.
Why Body Tempering Works
Why Body Tempering Works
With all the buzz going on about body tempering, a lot of questions come up about why it works or what makes it different than other types of treatments. Here’s the answer.
Home and the Home Gym: Making Your Home into a Gym
Home and the Home Gym: Making Your Home into a Gym
Nine athletes and coaches who have owned home gyms were asked to share the purpose and evolution of their early setups.
Strength Chat Podcast: Seattle Seahawks Patrick Ward on Using Data
Strength Chat Podcast: Seattle Seahawks Patrick Ward on Using Data
As strength training and sports are becoming more data-driven, hear from one of the best Sports Science Analysts on the topic.
How SWIS 2016 Blew My Mind
How SWIS 2016 Blew My Mind
People will be talking about the 2016 SWIS for a long time to come as one of the best symposiums ever.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — Bringing It All Together
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — ...
This is my favorite part of the whole series — you get to see how all of this comes together and how it can help YOU as a lifter.
WATCH: How I Made It Easy to Rep A 1000-pound Deadlift
WATCH: How I Made It Easy to Rep A 1000-pound Deadlift
It may surprise you how great I felt, but if you actually take a look at my training leading into the event, you will understand why.
Stop the Madness! #SMEP Single Minute Exercise Prep
Stop the Madness! #SMEP Single Minute Exercise Prep
You don’t need 45 minutes of mobility work for a 30-minute work out. Here are some general guidelines and an approach to effectively employing preventative and corrective work.
WATCH: Improving Overhead Position and Shoulder Mechanics
WATCH: Improving Overhead Position and Shoulder Mechanics
In this video, Brad Cox and Chris Duffin provide corrective strategies to improve range of motion and shoulder stability with a strongman athlete who recently injured his shoulder.
WATCH: Chris Duffin and Raw Bench Phenom Leroy Walker
WATCH: Chris Duffin and Raw Bench Phenom Leroy Walker
In this second interview, Walker and Duffin discuss the life cycle of athletes, adversity, and talent.
WATCH: Interview with Acumobility’s Brad Cox
WATCH: Interview with Acumobility’s Brad Cox
Cox and Duffin discuss hip shift and pelvic tilt in the squat and deadlift, giving quick fixes and demonstrating five assessments to improve your performance.
Three Days at Kabuki Strength Systems
Three Days at Kabuki Strength Systems
Through our many adventures, Chris Duffin and I trained, went four-wheeling, ate A LOT, and talked about many aspects of coaching and programming.
WATCH: Interview with Stan Efferding and Mike Dolce
WATCH: Interview with Stan Efferding and Mike Dolce
Alongside the World’s Strongest Bodybuilder, Mike Dolce and Chris Duffin discuss a plethora of training topics: nutrition, lifestyle, recovery, proper movement principals, and advanced methodology.
WATCH: Reno Hardcore with Guest Chris Duffin
WATCH: Reno Hardcore with Guest Chris Duffin
Kabuki, mental aspects of training, masculinity, geared vs. raw lifting, RPE — it’s all here in this video with two all-time great powerlifters.
WATCH: Chris Duffin Interviews Kettlebell Expert Joe Daniels
WATCH: Chris Duffin Interviews Kettlebell Expert Joe Daniels
In this first interview within a 3-part series, we discuss the commonalities in our training philosophies and address methods for staying in touch with your body.
WATCH: Destroying the Paradigm of a 'Functional Bench Press'
WATCH: Destroying the Paradigm of a 'Functional Bench Press'
This presentation from the University of Western States Chiropractic College breaks down the bench press and examines why there is a benefit to performing the movement outside of a posturally correct position.
Beyond the Barbell
Beyond the Barbell
For most powerlifters, exercise begins and ends with the barbell. What if I told you there were ways to get better without it?
WATCH: Investigating 'The Reset System'
WATCH: Investigating 'The Reset System'
Talking with founders Shawn Sherman and Jonathan Loos, I learned of the benefits and limitations of this restorative system that aims at pinpointing and eliminating joint dysfunctions.
Interview with LeRoy “The Machine” Walker
Interview with LeRoy “The Machine” Walker
Could he be the next man to bench press over 700 pounds raw?
WATCH: Chris Duffin Interviews Ryan 'Bench Monster' Kennelly
WATCH: Chris Duffin Interviews Ryan 'Bench Monster' Kennelly
The record-holder and 1075-pound bench presser openly discusses technique and his comeback from injury in this Kabuki Strength Lab video.
WATCH: Chris Duffin Interviews All-Time Record Holder Sam Byrd
WATCH: Chris Duffin Interviews All-Time Record Holder Sam Byrd
The rivalry between Duffin and Byrd has pushed both lifters to higher numbers and bigger squats. Hear them talk about their training, history, and competing against one another.
Tuning the Human Body for Performance: A Conversation with Dr. Stuart McGill
Tuning the Human Body for Performance: A Conversation with Dr. Stuart Mc...
In these videos, I speak with world-renowned biomechanics expert Stuart McGill about how all athletes can improve warm-up routines, competitive performance, and neural drive — all while decreasing risk of injury.
WATCH: Chris Duffin Interviews New 220 All-Time Record Holder Jeremy Hamilton
WATCH: Chris Duffin Interviews New 220 All-Time Record Holder Jeremy Ham...
The best 220-pound raw lifter in the world opens up about his training and what it takes to capture an all-time record.
WATCH: The Meathead Mobility Series
WATCH: The Meathead Mobility Series
The specific practices demonstrated and discussed in these videos improve power transfer and increase distal mobility through focus on proximal stability.
The Practice of Overcoming Fear
The Practice of Overcoming Fear
Fear is not something to be avoided. Do not run from one of the most powerful human sensations. Embrace it and use it to your advantage.
Mastery of Skill: Humility and Confidence
Mastery of Skill: Humility and Confidence
Confidence certainly fits the generally accepted mold of the alpha male, as it should. What about confidence?
WATCH: World Record-Breaking Knee Wrap Technique with Chris Duffin
WATCH: World Record-Breaking Knee Wrap Technique with Chris Duffin
Unrack that wieght, drop down, inflate, bend the bar over your back, twist the floor apart, and sit back
WATCH: Manufacturing the ShouldeRök
WATCH: Manufacturing the ShouldeRök
Chris Duffin shows the extensive process of creating his most recent piece of weightlifting equipment.
WATCH: Quick Method To Get Your Obliques Firing
WATCH: Quick Method To Get Your Obliques Firing
Try this today before you get under the bar.
Learn How to Coach and Perform Barbell Movements with Chris Duffin
Learn How to Coach and Perform Barbell Movements with Chris Duffin
Live course in North Carolina is less than 2 months away. Click for details.
Wide Stance Groin Health with Chris Duffin
Wide Stance Groin Health with Chris Duffin
Chris Duffin gives you three ways to sustain groin health.
Using the Warm-up to Assess Weakness
Using the Warm-up to Assess Weakness
Two views on the warm-up from Dan John and Chris Duffin.
Sam Byrd Breaks All-Time 220 World Squat Record
Sam Byrd Breaks All-Time 220 World Squat Record
Byrd's 915-pound raw with wraps squat shattered the previous record by an incredible 34 pounds.
Ed Coan & Chris Duffin Talk Strength Shop
Ed Coan & Chris Duffin Talk Strength Shop
This is REALLY good and worth the time to watch. One key take away aside from the content of the video is to understand you have to ALWAYS keep learning! - Dave Tate
Chris Duffin Featured on Super Strength Show Podcast
Chris Duffin Featured on Super Strength Show Podcast
The Mad Scientist of Powerlifting shares an hour-long conversation with The Super Strength Show.
You're Not as Broken as You Think You Are
You're Not as Broken as You Think You Are
How to intelligently address and repair injuries.
Duffin Joins Efferding and Spoto for Las Vegas Training
Duffin Joins Efferding and Spoto for Las Vegas Training
The World's Strongest Bodybuilder makes his statement on Chris Duffin: The Mad Scientist of Powerlifting.
Increase Work Capacity (without Losing Strength)
Increase Work Capacity (without Losing Strength)
Always a deep thinker, Duffin explores another method for improving your lifts.
Chris Duffin Wins GPA Worlds!
Chris Duffin Wins GPA Worlds!
Elitefts team member Chris Duffin won the 100kg class and had the highest total of the day. (100kg and under lifters). Chris's total was 2000@220 going 832/462/705
Duffin's 3-Step Fix for Amit's World Record Squat
Duffin's 3-Step Fix for Amit's World Record Squat
With only three weeks to GPA Worlds, IFBB Pro Amit Sapir seeks out another world record holder to mend a glaring hole in his technique.
Do You Squat High?
Do You Squat High?
People always love trash talking depth of wide stance squatters after seeing pictures or video. Something to think about. You cannot physically see the crease of the hip from the front due to the mass of quads and such in front if it
Do You Squat High?
Do You Squat High?
People always love trash talking depth of wide stance squatters after seeing pictures or video. Something to think about. You cannot physically see the crease of the hip from the front due to the mass of quads and such in front if it,
Weekend of World Records and World Champions
Weekend of World Records and World Champions
Two new team members, on the same weekend, out doing massive things.
The Duffin Training Protocol
The Duffin Training Protocol
Learn the basic elements Duffin used to build his 2039 raw total.
How Chris Duffin Engineered His Life
How Chris Duffin Engineered His Life
Duffin’s response to a difficult childhood was to forge the life he imagined for himself.

Items 1 to 59 of 67 total
