Scott Yard is a 2004 graduate of Western Maryland College. He is a twelve-year veteran to the sport of powerlifting. As an equipped lifter in 2006, Yard broke the all-time world record total for the 275-pound class at the age of 23. His 2605 total consists of a 1050 squat, 840 bench, and a 715 deadlift. Yard's 840 bench was the heaviest recorded bench to date in a full meet across all weight classes. He currently competes raw in the USAPL. In November of 2010 he fulfilled a long term goal of totaling 2000 lbs raw in the 275 weight class. His best competition raw lifts include 765 in the squat, 505 in the bench, and 755 in the deadlift. Scott trains out of Club Natural Gym in Hanover, Pennsylvania, and is the Community Living Manager for a non-profit agency that supports adults with developmental disabilities.

Squat /pull day. 12 days out
Squat /pull day. 12 days out
Need to find my good luck underwear!
Assistance day
Assistance day
In and out in 25 minutes.
squat / pull day
squat / pull day
How do you pull it???
Bench day with video
Bench day with video
405 for 11 bench pr
Deadlifting heavy on a deload day?
Deadlifting heavy on a deload day?
705 is the new 755 any way....
Assistance work
Assistance work
Spice it up.
Bench day with video
Bench day with video
515 for a single. 15 lbs to go.
Squat Day With Video
Squat Day With Video
670 raw squat 4 weeks out and 40lbs to go.
Bench Day With Video
Bench Day With Video
495 for 3 singles
Squat / Pull Day With Videos
Squat / Pull Day With Videos
650 for 3 singles.
Recovery work before the heavy work starts
Recovery work before the heavy work starts
What do you do in your chair???
Assistance work and adventures in anti snore mouth guards
Assistance work and adventures in anti snore mouth guards
Snoring is not cool......unfortunately
Deload week
Deload week
Can I still call it a deload if I don't go in the gym?
Assistance work.
Assistance work.
56 to 31!!!!
Bench day with video
Bench day with video
480x3 raw is a good set me.
Squat / pull day with video
Squat / pull day with video
Squat PRs in high town
Assistance work
Assistance work
Upper back work can save lives.
Bench with video
Bench with video
Baby it's cold outside
Ab work
Ab work
Cramps equal PRs.
Squat / pull day withs lots of videos.
Squat / pull day withs lots of videos.
Loving and hating every minute of it.
Assistance day
Assistance day
I don't want to live in a shrug less world
Bench day with video
Bench day with video
Rest pause work is not restful.....
Core work
Core work
A quickie!!
Squat / pull day
Squat / pull day
My back is rude!
Assistance work
Assistance work
I almost fell asleep on the incline.....
Bench day with videos
Bench day with videos
520 raw bench on a deload day. Deload fail!!
Squat / Pull day with videos
Squat / Pull day with videos
7 plates? Alright.....
Video of Last weeks Squat / Deadlift work
Video of Last weeks Squat / Deadlift work
Are you mad because its high?
Bench day
Bench day
Benching alone is a bad idea.
Squat / pull day with video
Squat / pull day with video
High squatting like a champ
10 Steps to Set Up for a Bigger Bench
10 Steps to Set Up for a Bigger Bench
These technique tips built Yard a 525-pound RAW bench.
Long-term Goal Achieved at 13th Annual USAPL American Open
Long-term Goal Achieved at 13th Annual USAPL American Open
A record setting bench launched Yard to the third highest total in the USAPL.
8 weeks out from USAPL American Open
8 weeks out from USAPL American Open
Quality workout. I’m going to the YMCA tomorrow to hit some abs and recovery stuff. I'm gonna need it!
USAPL American Open Results
USAPL American Open Results
I had some good PRs, some serious let downs, and a great battle with IPF world deadlift champ Mike Hedlesky.
Scott Yard: USAPL Raw Nationals
Scott Yard: USAPL Raw Nationals
Squatting 750s, benching high 400s and pulling over 800 every meet as a drug-free 264.6-pound man is unbeatable on American soil.
 Scott Yard: Going for Personal and American Records
Scott Yard: Going for Personal and American Records
His main goal at the USAPL North East Regional Championships was to total at least 1,800 pounds, but that doesn't mean Scott didn't try to shatter a current American record as well.
NAPF Arnold Raw Challenge
NAPF Arnold Raw Challenge
I wanted to get on the biggest stage a raw lifter could find...and then win.
Scott Yard: Leading up to the Arnold
Scott Yard: Leading up to the Arnold
Will you be at the Arnold, or are you coming to the meet?
The Road To Winning USAPL Raw Nationals
The Road To Winning USAPL Raw Nationals
I started my raw journey back in December of 2008. After an equipped meet in April 2008, I left the meet feeling empty.
Scott Yard: 2011 USAPL PA State Results
Scott Yard: 2011 USAPL PA State Results
My meet was Sunday and I had a blast.
Five Weeks Out - RAW
Five Weeks Out - RAW
Things are in the right direction and it's time for more ICE.
Scott Yard: 8 Weeks Out
Scott Yard: 8 Weeks Out
I’m toast and it's football season, so to the man cave I go.
One Week of RAW
One Week of RAW
On the 3rd rep of 660 I dropped the bar and decided to walk away without risking injury.
Deadlift and Learn
Deadlift and Learn
I learned that what I have been doing is working just fine and as long as my lifts keep moving.
How NOT to Make Weight
How NOT to Make Weight
My meet didn’t exactly go as planned.
A Peaking Cycle for a Raw Stalling Deadlift
A Peaking Cycle for a Raw Stalling Deadlift
This is the exact deadlift cycle I've used for the past three meets.
 So You Want to be a Meet Director?
So You Want to be a Meet Director?
I want them to read this and say, “Damn! That’s pretty easy. I can run a meet too!”
 Assistance Exercises for the Raw Squatter
Assistance Exercises for the Raw Squatter
So it’s been three meets now and I’m still doing this raw thing.
Going Raw
Going Raw
I’m a lifter just like you. I’m not a trainer nor do I have any connection to the strength and conditioning field outside of elitefts™.

Items 178 to 229 of 229 total
