Snatch/Upper Assistance
Good snatching and needing a throat punch - in the grundle - with some rebar
Strongman Saturday with Video
If you were to tell me that my work capacity is akin to that of a newborn baby who has yet to become ambulatory, I'd say you were right - but I still had tons of fun pushing myself to get better
Back in the saddle again post-competition with 7 more weeks to go in my current training block
Meet Report: Andy Deck at 2015 April Fools Strongman Challenge
An unorthodox event setup and multitude of medley's made for a challenging day for competition.
Bench & Log Deload
Standard deload fair - moving fast on my presses and feeling good to go for this weekend
Deadlift & Squat Deload
Andy Deck has been involved in strongman for a over a decade, recording many top-three finishes in national, international, and pro-level competition. He has an MS in Applied Physiology with a focus on strength and conditioning. Deck is currently in a 17-week training block for a United States Strongman competition.
Strongman Saturday
Solid training day on my last event day before the April Fool's competition at Brute Strength Gym and strong performances by some training partners and friends
Breakfast Club: An Explanation of Helpful Recovery Means
Monolift setup and how and why I use recovery means
Strongman Saturday
A little work for my comp in 2 weeks and helping out a fellow meathead for his first strongman comp
Snatch and Snatch Alone Day
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes your whole body tells you to go home and try again next time
Strongman Saturday @ Colosseum Gym
Training the events at Colosseum Gym with lots of strong men (and women) for my next comp in 3 weeks
Event Training
Yogging, light event training, and some more insight into how I organize my programming
Event Training @ Brute Strength Gym
At Brute Strength Gym, the strongman party was bumpin with mad beats to rock the streets
Ye Olde Benche Pressingtons
Everything progressing well, but rowing is a poor substitute for the prowler
Deadlifts with a Marinated Meat Flank
Oblique strain is improving, but not back to full strength yet
First full training session of the week thanks to no more migraine and the last gym day of the first wave of my new training block
Trying to train through an ice pick in my brain on the first clean day in my new training block did not end happily
It's a Whole New Ballgame - Snatchy Snatch/Assistance
Rolling into my next block of training with a definite idea of what needs work and how to fix it
Events @ Iron Athletics and a Shameful Conditioning Lesson
Training for The April Fool's Competition at Brute Strength Gym and a valuable and painful training lesson from my original training partners