I'll See Your SS Yoke Bar Front Squats and Raise You Log Front Squats
Fun fact: Your erector spinae are not just in your low back and getting the whole muscle to fatigue at once is awesome
OH Creeping Back Up Slowly
My mind is constantly having to override my desire to go full potato rather than be patient with my rehab
When Several Inches of Rain Are Forecast For the AM on Strongman Saturda...
...start training while it's still night out
Progress Disguised As Plain Vanilla
Now it just needs some peanut butter and chocolate sauce and Reese's cups mixed in
White Men CAN Jump, But Maybe They Shouldn't
My assistance day is gradually turning into a weightlifting day
Slow and Steady Progress on Split Jerks
Andy Deck has been involved in strongman since 2005 and is a veteran of 38 competitions including 9 national competitions, 3 international competitions, and 8 pro competitions with thirteen 1st place finishes, ten 2nd place finishes, and seven 3rd place finishes. He has an MS in Applied Physiology with a focus on strength and conditioning and will be starting physical
Just Because You Like It Doesn't Mean You Should Do It
There is no one perfect exercise, so use your brain when you train
The Amount of Focus Needed to Re-Learn at High Speed...
...is far more than that needed to learn it originally
Stone-Hoisting Strongman Saturday @ Colosseum Gym
Interesting training day where I learned a lot and made good progress on my knee rehab
Breaking News: New Pullup Variation Wrecked My Lats (w/ video)
Today was a lat-frying and low back blasting good time
Labor Day Was a Good Day to Labor
Holiday training and rectifying a dirty situation in the garage gym
Block 6, Wave 3 - Stormin' Strongman Saturday
Hopefully my weather-induced break from event training will result in a more noticeable increase in knee function for next week
Block 6, Wave 3 - Assistance I
Nothing like training to help even out the scales on a craptastic day
Block 6, Wave 3 - SQ & Rehab
Mixing rehab with regular training is like mixing business with pleasure
Block 6, Wave 3 - OH
More holding myself back to let me knee heal up, but at least I'm making progress on that front
Block 6, Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
Going light be choice when I feel good to go is extremely hard for me
Vacation Training in My Own Personal Hell - Block 6, Wave 2 - DL
Just let me pick things up and put them down
Block 6, Wave 2 - Assistance I
As long as I only do upper body, it doesn't bother my knee at all - problem solved
Pooping the Bed 101: The Anti Writeup
Whoever said discretion is the better part of valor forgot to mention the shame and anger that accompany it
Block 6, Deload - DL/BP
Today I needed to move so I did, and that's about all I have to say about today's training
Block 6, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
All things considered, I feel surprisingly ready to compete in a week - I just hope it lasts through finals
Block 6, Wave 1 - Assistance II
It always amazes me how exhausting using your noodle instead of your muscles can be
Block 6, Wave 1 - BP
Progress toward getting strong(er) in the face of increasing school demands heading into finals week(s)
Block 6, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday (T-Minus 2 Weeks to Brute Comp)
Two weeks out from competition and the plan is finally coming together
Block 6, Wave 1 - SQ
Not even the start of a fortnight of final exams and already I'm the rear float in the stupid parade
Block 5, Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday with a Highland Games Flavor
I might have to kilt up and try throwing things in competition sometime soon
Block 5, Wave 3 - DL
Finishing up my current training block on a positive note equals no need for a deload
Block 5, Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Throwing things is fun, even if I did do it in the manner of a demented troll
Making Hard Decisions OR How to Eat a Poop Sammich
Working hard to be strong(er) both mentally and physically
Block 5, Wave 2 - BP
At this point, any training is better than no training and just hitting minimums is a win